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1 year ago

Yn pov

"Happy Birthday , Yn". Sia and Stella together. Yes, today is my birthday. I held a party and invited my close friends. I invited Jimin also , but he was nowhere to be seen.
"Stella, did you see Jimin ?"
"I don't think he'll come , Yn. Only you are I love with him. He doesn't care about you". Sia said.
"Sia , why are you saying that".
"I just feel like that. I mean if he loved her he would have proposed to her right? Always Yn will only take initiative to talk to him , he never talked first or gave a bouquet to her. It's always Yn who always tries her level best. Even now he hasn't said birthday wishes to her".
"But Jackson said that Jimin loves Yn". Stella said.
"Jackson said , not Jimin right?. Sia asked.
Before they continued the conversation my dad called me to cut the cake. I went and stood on stage . My eyes went from right to left searching for one particular person. He was not there. Before I could think of anything I got a message from Jimin.
" Happy Birthday!! From Yesterday till today's evening I was on a mission , so I couldn't wish you happy birthday…I mean you only know right? We should not use phones on missions. I just came home now .I think the party has already come to an end , so I think it's a waste to come now. Enjoy the party , Shona ❤️".

I smiled in relief. I mean thank god he didn't forget me. I looked at the cake. It was so delicious and I was hungry. So I took the knife and was ready to cut.
"Wait a minute, Yn. I want to introduce someone to the guests. Then you can cut the cake". My dad said.
Who he wants to introduce? He got down from the stage and headed near the door. Who is he bringing? It was dark there as all the spotlights were focused on the stage.I looked in confusion. He held someone's hand and started to bring them near the stage. Soon, my dad signalled someone which automatically made a spotlight fall on them.
Now I can clearly see who my dad is . What the fuck !! What is he doing here? That's Wooyoung. My dad's friend's soon.He was my classmate. He was hella interested in me but I never turned my head towards his direction because I was already into Jimin. My dad brought him on stage and made him stand next to me.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here to announce that My only daughter Yn and My only friend's son Wooyoung will be engaged today". My dad said.
"DAD!! WHAT THE HELL?". I asked him.
My dad came near my ears.
"Sweetie, listen to me,  he's a perfect match for you.You just believe he'll take care of you like a Princess ". My dad shook my head as no. I turned towards Sia and Stella, who were also standing in shock.
"Bring the rings please". My dad said to someone. What? Is he making me exchange our rings now? On my fucking birthday party? No no no!!!
Someone brought the ring.
My dad handed me and Wooyoung the rings.
"Wooyoung , can you please stop this nonsense? You know I can't marry you right? You know I'm in love with Jimin". I said slowly to Wooyoung.
"What can I do? It's the elder's choice. And moreover I love you ,Yn . I kept on telling in college right? At the end you will be mine? Look now you are mine , Shona".
"Stop calling me Shona in your fitty mouth".

"Why? When Jimin calls you it turns you on , but when I call it's irritating?".
"Yes, because he's the one who started to call me that, not you". I was trying much not to be loud as my dad was next to us.
"Yeah he was calling the wrong girl. Actually I should call you that .So yeah , from today onwards I'll be the one who calls you Shona got it ? Now put the damn ring ".
"In your dream". I said and got down on stage.
"Yn!! Where are you going?". My Dad shouted.
"I would rather die than marry that psychopath".I said loudly and started to run out of the house. People came chasing me but I didn't care about them . I soon got into my car and headed to Jimin's house.

Jimin pov

I signed and fell on bed. I texted Yn that I can't attend the party because I was on a mission. I thought she would understand but she left me on seen ?  Maybe she's busy at the party or did she wantedly not reply? Is she angry with me? No, right ? I mean she knows how the mission works right? We switched off our phone and  kept it at home so that the enemy couldn't find out our location. Tomorrow I should call and talk to her. I was about to close my eyes but soon my telephone started to ring . I sat on the bed and picked it.
"Boss , it's me".
"I got to know , tell me".
" We got same situation that we got that day".
"Yn is here".
"What!! Today is her birthday right. What the hell is she doing here?".
"I don't sir , but she said she wants to talk to you*.
"Send her".
"Ok sir".
What kind of prank is she playing now? Don't tell me she's playing that damn truth and dare!!.
Soon , she entered my room.
"What now? You want me to open the balcony again-"
Before I could complete she came and hugged me tightly which made me shocked.
"Do-don't tell me your new dare is to hug me".
"Let's get married, Jimin". She said,
I stood for some time in silence then burst into laughter.
"What kind of dare did your friends give today..hahaha".
"I'M NOT JOKING, JIMIN!!!!!" she shouted, breaking the hug.

"What happened , at this time you should be at the party right?".
"Fuck that party!!! It's not my birthday party , it's an engagement party".
"What? I'm not able to understand".
"Dad fixed my marriage with Wooyoung. He brought Wooyoung when I was about to cut the cake and told me to exchange the rings. I-I didn't know what to do so I just ran from there. J-jimin please let's get married otherwise my dad will marry me with that p-psychopath". She said crying, she's losing her breath.
"Yn relax first, Mrs Lee bring water!!!". I told her to sit on the bed.
"No please, marry me first".
"Yn look at me. You are safe here okay? Relax". Mrs Lee brought water , I took and made Yn drink.
I signalled Mrs Lee to go. I got on my knees and held her hand.
"Now Yn, nobody can control your life, understand? Even your dad , he has no right to fix your marriage without asking you. I know he's your father but still in this kind of situation he should ask you before making anything and your dad failed to do it. So fight for your right. Go and oppose the marriage. Tell him that you won't get married to him ,try to make him understand. You can't just leave your dad who took care of you these many days and come to me to get married. See now don't you want your dad to be present in our marriage?".
She slowly nodded.
"Look !! same way , even I want my dad to be there. So let's wait for still more time and not make decisions which we regret understanding?".
"No , the only place which I will go if I leave this house is the grave".
"I'm serious Jimin!!" She got up.
"I'm damn serious. Okay , think practically Jimin. Your dad and my dad hate each other a lot. If they are in one room they'll fight to kill each other, so you think they'll stand and make our marriage? They'll kill us Jimin. They'll kill their own childrens I'm damn sure about that. So , let's not risk anything, let's marry each other on our own? Your friends and my friends enough. Are you getting what I'm saying? Try to understand Jimin. This is my life question".
"So do you want to marry without our parents?"
She just nodded.
"Okay then, tomorrow is our marriage. Fine?"
She looked at me. I'm shocked , maybe she didn't think I would keep the marriage tomorrow.
"Okay? Or not okay?". She slowly nodded.
"Now tell me, did you cut the birthday cake?". She made her head low and slowly turned her head as no. I signed and called Jackson. I told him to bring a cake . I even said to bring Yn's friend.
I took her to the terrace, and after a few minutes jacksom came with cake and her friends. Her friends hugged her tightly and said her move was correct and proud of her. She cutted the cake. I told them we'll get married tomorrow. They were shocked but they understood the situation.
"No, I'm not marrying you . I changed my decision".
"WHAT!!!!" Everybody said at the same time in shock.
"W-why Yn , what happened?". Stella asked.
"He never said I love you to me. So I think I'm marrying him to marry me.i decided not to marry him forcefully". She said, making me sign.
"You sure you don't want to marry me?" I asked her, turning her towards me.
"Yes, I don't want to marry".
"You don't want to be called Park Yn?".
"No". She said and was about to turn but I held her hand . I brought her near me.
"Okay then, I'll be Lim Jimin". I think it took a moment to understand my words. Soon she burst into laughter.
I slowly got on my knees and held her hand.
"Lim Yn, will you marry me tomorrow?"
"Yes!!!" She said and hugged me.
After that they had dinner at our house only . I got to know Sia and Stella. Stella is very mature whereas Sia is a little childish. And I got to know she was the one who was giving risky dares for Yn. After one hour they went home. Even Jackson said he wants to go home to cry because I'm finally getting married. Yn went and slept in the guest room.

Time skip

" I park jimin take thee Lim Yn to be my wedded Wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I plight thee my troth".

"I Lim Yn take you Park Jimin to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law, and this is my solemn vow".


"Yn? Yn ? Wake up !! It's already 9 am!! Wake up Yn".
I heard someone calling me waking me from my dream. I soon came to reality and opened my eyes. I saw Yoongi's face.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY YN!!!!!!". He hugged me. But I didn't hug him back because I was still lost In my dream. I was doing a marriage vow with Jimin. So it's true that I married him.
"Yn?". Yoongi asked.
"Happy Birthday, love".
"Th-thank you".
"Here is sweet".
"Did you make it?" He nodded.
"Why did you take the risk? You are get late to work I guess"
"Yes , but it's fine".
"Today I will come home late. So only I thought to spend the morning with you". I just nodded.
"Okay time to go. Bye". He said and went.
I sighed and was about to get down from bed but my phone rang. I took my phone and saw it was Jimin's message.
"Happy Birthday, Shona".

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