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Lavender, 02:24 P.M 』


"So, see you next time then?"

The costumer nodded, waving the book she carried. "Yes, next time! Thanks again for the recommendations."

Naturally, I smiled and bowed to the shy teenager. He exited the bookshop with a bag full of mangas and comic books, thanks to my advices. Once he was out of sight, I quickly made my way to the staff room and grabbed my things. I was supposed to leave work earlier because of an appointment with a my mom's lawyer.

After my father's death, two years ago, she had been acting like anything but herself. Alcohol became her best friend as my siblings and I slowly grieved. She would stay home, starve herself and even stop taking showers. Depression got the best of her when she tried to commit suicide last summer. My siblings and I were busy with our own lives yet we'd never let our mother down. There was a time when I always had to check on her during my rest days, two hours from Seoul.

Three months ago, she was spotted stealing bottles of whisky in a 24/7 store near her house. Caught on camera, she had no choice but to admit and plead guilty. Because (or thanks) to her alcoholism, she was sent to a rehab center instead of prison.

~ ♡ ~

"How is she?" Mr.Kim asked as he picked the paycheck I had just gave him.

Kim Seokjin was a young yet smart lawyer. Due to his age, his services' fees were quite affordable.

"Doing better." I said "I haven't seen her lately. I remind her of my father, so she wants us to wait till she gets out."

"At least, she doesn't resent you anymore." I pursed my lips, silently agreeing. "How are you anyway?"

"Perfect! Lavender's doing great, especially with upcoming exams and all." The lawyer nodded, gesturing me to keep talking. "You said you were going to stop by, I never saw you there."

A light chuckle escaped his mouth, causing me to feel proud. Mr.Kim was the goofy type, always joking and laughing as if he wasn't a lawyer with serious matters to take care of. However, he was really good at his job and I couldn't thank him enough for the help he gave my mother.

"You know I'm busy with work miss (l/n), but I promise I'll try!"

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