Chapter Five

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(F/C) = Favorite candy.

Readers P.O.V

i ran down the steps as quick as i could and was face to face with my mother. Her expression was really unreadable but worry was written all over her face. My thoughts have been stirring over the few minutes after he had come. I still felt his soft lips. NO i can't he is a fucking clown. My mother had bags in her hands and i immediately took them into mine. Putting whatever she had in them would distract me i hoped.

"Darling? What is bothering you?" My mother asked as i put a carton of eggs in the fridge. I couldn't tell her could I? She would have me placed in a mental institute.

"Its nothing mother. Just watched a scary movie and was frightened by it for a moment. That's all." I lied. I hated to lie to my parents. It hurts my heart to do so. Thankfully mother agreed and let me finish. While busy i saw a small bag of colorful candies in another bag. They were my favorite. (F/C). I opened the small bag and popped one in my mouth tasting the sweet flavor spread across my tongue. I started to relax and when i finished putting the boxes of cereal away i walked up stairs holding the bag. The sound of them hitting each other made me smile. I walked into my bed room and there at the foot of my bed sat Laughing Jack's box. I shuddered at seeing it. Then the handle began to move and "Pop Goes the Weasel" began to play but this time i heard a voice singing along.

"All around the mulberry bush, The monkey chase the weasel.
Monkey thought it was all in good fun
POP goes the weasel."

The voice sang and i expected Laughing jack to pop out but he did not and the music kept playing. Continuing with more verses i never heard of.

"All around the carnival, the sweets are so inviting.
won't you come and play some games
its so delighting.

When the lights have gone low and no one is around you
you hear the music that i sing
i give my word is true

Chasing you all over and back, thinking you will out run me
Sorry my little playmate
You will stay with me.

There on the ground blood has spilled, making you lose your snack
You ask who's it could be
but here is Laughing Jack"

The tune had stopped and the handle stopped turning. I stood in horror as the music played over and over in my head. My body went cold and goosebumps ran up my arms.

"Is my little gumdrop scared?" I heard Laughing Jack say, placing one of his hands on my shoulder. I jumped and was about to scream when the other hand had covered my mouth. "You should not be screaming, not now at least. Hahahaha." He ended with a laugh. Releasing me i ran and tripped onto my bed. I looked terrified. He moved closer and as he did i heard my phone go off. Laughing Jack stopped dead staring at the phone. He picked it up and looked at the contact name. It was Ethan, and the look on Laughing Jack's face dropped into a hateful stare. He left the phone go until the messages would be received.

"Hey (Y/N). So you haven't called us after you went home from the fair. Where have you been? I hope you haven't been taken by any strange people." I dreaded his words for Ethan was one of the only people who had found out my secret from a strange source. "Hey maybe you got taken by that clown at the fair. What was his name...Giggling Gary? Who cares. i know you will answer me so imma call again." then came the dreadful sound of dial tone. Once again my phone rang and this time Laughing jack picked it up.

"Hehe Hello?" He said half giggling half singing. I could hear Ethan on the other side.

"Who the fucking hell are you? Where is (Y/N)?" His tone was joking like.

"Why my little gumdrop is right beside me. Isn't that right?" Laughing Jack said looking at me. I nodded, scared. Laughing Jacks look was not pleased.

"He can't hear me unless speaker is on." I said quietly. Laughing Jack smiled and then placed the phone on speaker.

"Say hello to your friend gumdrop." Laughing Jack said.

"(Y/N)?" Ethan asked.

"Hi." I said trying to act normally.

"(Y/N) who the hell has your phone?"

I opened my mouth but quickly shut it trying to think of what to tell him. I couldn't say that Laughing Jack was here in my house. He would get so weird and probably call the cops. And it would be a hard thing to explain. The clown comes out of a music box that just randomly found its way to my room? I was cut from my thoughts when Laughing Jack answered.

"Why i am her boyfriend! Hahaha!" He chirped way to happily. I froze and Ethan went silent. "Isn't that right gumdrop?" He kissed my cheek loudly so that Ethan could hear it on the phone. Out of everything surprising me at this moment i think i actually blushed.

"I am coming over right now." He said hanging up after that. Laughing Jack giggled and placed my phone on the bedside table.

"Well looks like we have company coming, but we have a little time before he comes so..." Laughing jack said before moving next to me on the bed. I never thought a person could move that fast but again this is not a normal person. He placed an arm around my waist and pulled me close to him. I felt my fear coming back and tears pricked at my eyes. He did not even care. "Lets continue what went on earlier." I barely had time to react before his lips crashed against mine.

(A/N: Hey thank you for not yelling at me for being unable to upload anything new. Hear me out. The past month has been a disaster, i had finals, a school retreat, field trips and i just got back from camping. I am leaving to go to a summer camp tomorrow and i will try to make the next chapter come out next week. I am sorry this one is so short it ended up being only 1010 words. I will make the next one much longer and tell me if you think what you and LJ should do next, i would love to hear from you guys. thx so much with my love my children.


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