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  Anger that had bubbled inside me moments before, dissolved as soon as I was racing down the streets in my car. I didn't care where I was heading, all I care about was getting away from Kyle. I hoped Emma would get the picture and kick him out. Hopefully physically.

  I stopped my car at the side of an old street that nobody really used. Older people lived on this side of town, and they really couldn't drive cars anymore, so they either depended on their two feet, or other people to drive them places. As I stared straight ahead, sitting alone in the darkening street, a taxi cab came rolling down the street.

  I watched as an older couple stepped outside, the man helped his love down the walk, and together they got into the car. Faintly, I could see the mans lips quivering. I turned my head away as they drove down the deserted street.

  Not really wanted to go back home, I stepped out of the car. The air was warmer today, after yesterdays rain, it seems muggy, and foggy out. I inhaled deeply, and strolled across the park I had parked beside.

  Finding an empty swing to sit on wasn't hard, as there was nobody here. It was a very nice playground, and I bet kids used to come here all the time. It was probably once a really nice place to be. There were benches lined around the park, where parents could happily sit and watch their kids, there was a swing set for bigger kids, and even one for smaller kids, there was a small park, with two slides, and a crawling tunnel; there was a big park, one large, long slide, monkey bars, and a half sphere with ropes lining it, fun to climb.

  I slowly swung my legs, and felt the swing move slightly.

  "What are you doing at this part of town, Owens?" I heard a gruff, but high voice ask. I stood up, and turned on the spot quickly. I found myself face to face with Dean Gates.

  "Whats it matter to you, Gates?" I said, and he smirked, coming closer, and stuffing his hands in his pockets. He didn't seem like the big tough guy everyone else saw. From here, I saw a scared little boy, probably dealing with some tough things right now.

  "It matters, because whenever I come here, to think, it's empty. Now where can I go?" He spat, and I sighed, "Here. I was just leaving."


  "Yep." I said. I didn't want to argue with this boy. He got on my nerves, and I didn't feel like being angry right now. I was already boiled by the idea of Kyle coming here. It bugged me enough to think that Dean needed to get away, just as much as I did sometimes.

  He didn't say anything, and when he fell silent, I turned around, heading back to my car, "Wait!" Dean said, but paused, and seemed to struggle for words.

  "Yeah?" I asked, my voice going back to the nice guy charade. He looked so broken, I wanted to piece him back together, fix him. I knew I never could.

   What am I saying?! I needed to get out of here, now.

   "I like your jacket." He said silently, and headed off in the direction he came from. I stood there, shocked. Completely speechless. He seemed so... childlike. So carefree. He complimented me, on my jacket, which was leather, expensive, not surprising.

  I headed back home, slowly, thinking through his facial features as he said that, his mouth turned up.. into a smile? Maybe. His cheeks had glowed red, maybe flushing? His eyes twinkled, and he had hurried away as if he was embarrassed to be complimenting me.

  I shook my head as I pulled into the large circle driveway. I didn't know if Kyle was still here, but if he was smart, he wouldn't be.

  Emma, once again, met me at the front door. I shoved her inside, out of the cold weather.

  "I've been waiting up for hours, where have you ran off to?" She asked, and I looked around, hoping against hope that he had left.

  "He's gone, Jake. He left an hour after you did. He was going to wait up, but decided on going back to the hotel. He knew you were mad." I sighed, and grabbed her wrist.

  I dragged her into the living room. She sat on the chair, and I paced the room, disposing of my jacket, could I wear that again, without that warm feeling? What made me feel so warm, after he said that?

   I groaned, and slumped on the couch opposite her. I didn't want to like Dean. I hated him! He was so mean! He gave me a bloody nose, and didn't look twice at me before yesterday. What was going on!?

    It was final, I was avoiding him if it was the last thing I would do. I would fail the grade and do it over again, as long as he would be gone.

  Then again, it was only October, how could I successfully avoid someone who obviously took a notice in me? Did Dean fancy me?

  No, there's no way. He's straight! He walks around the halls, spies a cute girl, and pulls her away from her friends, makes out with her right in the hallway! Or maybe he was doing that to cover up his sexuality. I know I would have.

  Then again, nobody cared enough about me to know I was bi, so what would it even matter?

  Emma gave a small cough, and it shocked me out of thoughts, "Sorry, Em. Did Kyle say anything to you before he left? Did you give him the old one-two? You should have." I asked, and she laughed, a ringing jingle filling the air.

  "He just asked me when I thought you would be back. I think he might turn up again. If he does, I'll get rid of him for you. You might wanna store your car in the garage, if he sees it, he won't believe that you're not home." She nodded toward the door, and I bit my tongue, she was right.

  I stood up again, kissed her softly on the head. She smiled, and turned toward the TV hanging on the wall. She flicked through the channels quickly. I watched her for a minute.

  "Jake, your car?" She asked a few minutes later. I flushed. "Right, sorry."


    I caught the ball I've been tossing back and forth on the wall, and tossed it into an open drawer. It landed with a thunk, and I laid my head down on my bed, closing my eyes. I was lying on top of my blankets, letting the cold wind hit my body from the open window beside me.

  The darkness outside seemed to finally edge into a brighter day. I had woken up with a start in the early hours of the morning, but having gone to bed early to avoid Kyle, I was wide awake, and unable to reach sleep again.

  A loud bang downstairs caught my attention, and I tossed on a pair of sweat pants, and gray tee, and my favourite beanie over my disheveled hair.

  I bounded down the stairs in limited steps, and slowly edged into the dark kitchen. The refrigerator was open, and a figure stood there, their head bent low into the opening.

   "Hello?" I whispered, and their head immediately popped up, and a pair of light green eyes stared back at me.

  "Oh, it's you." I said, and turned around, ready to head back upstairs.

  "Oh, it's you!" she mocked, and I rolled my eyes, "Real mature, mother." I spat through my teeth, and she laughed loudly. I turned to face her again.

  "Be quiet! Emma is sleeping!" I whispered back at her, deeply annoyed. Here she is, coming home at dawn, and going through the refrigerator like a maniac. She only cares about herself. As always.

  "Oh, she's well enough of her age to sleep through me." She said, shrugging, and stuffing a turkey leg into her mouth.

  "You're so drunk, you're not making sense." I said, annoyed, and turned away from her before she could reply. All she could do was mock me again, and turn back to the refrigerator. I groaned as I shoved open the door to my bedroom. Closing and locking it before she could come up and bother me some more.

  "Why can't she just stop.." I said to myself, placing a pillow over my head. I was going to take Emma out today, shopping, anything. I just didn't want her to see the poor excuse we have for a mother. I couldn't wait for her to be of age, then we could both move out, and be gone from her.


   "Em! Let's go out somewhere!" I yelled up the stairs. I already had my shoes on, as I knew she would come out with me. "Sure Jake! Give me a sec!" She yelled back, and I turned away and headed towards the door.

  I shrugged my coat on, and zipped it up. Leaning against the door, a knock on it startled me. I flung it open. My heart froze, "What do you want?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

  "Just hear me out!" Kyle pleaded, but I ignored him.

  "You have no business being here, Kyle." I said, venom in my voice.

  "Just come out with me, let me explain some things." He asked, and I almost did. I really almost said yes. "Can't, going out."

  He looked broken after I said this. "Oh." He whispered, then turned and almost ran off the property. I had no idea what that was about, but I was happy to be rid of him.

  "Who was that?" Emma came skipping down the stairs, her hair flying behind her. "Nobody." I answered, her face seem worried, but she didn't push it any farther.

  I was right, it really was nobody. I shut the door silently behind me, locking it.

  "Can I drive?" She asked, and I chuckled, and nodded. Emma was the only person I could be myself around, be happy, really happy. Not a fake smile, a real one. She made me feel great.

  "Where to?" She asked as she started the car, and pulled out of the driveway. I thought about that, where could we go? Where would Kyle, nor Dean be?

  The mall, maybe. But I knew she expected me to say that, and I figured Dean and his pals might be there, so that was out of the question. Maybe the diner downtown, but that was a long drive, and it doesn't sell much. It's an amazing place, now that I think of it.

  "How about.. the movies?" I asked, and she bit her lip, thinking it through. "We wouldn't be able to talk there." She concluded.

  "You're right. How about..." I figured maybe the bowling alley, but that was kinda pointless, nobody really bowled anymore.

   The library was too quiet, plus, pointless, as well. "I'm stumped." I concluded, sighing.

  "How about the fair?" She asked, smiling, "It just opened last weekend, and this weekend is the second last before it leaves again. I know it chilly outside, but there's no water rides, so it'll still be fun!" She smiled wider, showing all her perfect aligned teeth.

  I smiled too, "Yeah, that sounds fun!" I said, and she turned the corner ahead. "You knew I was going to say yes, didn't you?" I accused.

"Not really, but I'd hoped."

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