19 - Hue

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"The depth of life is what makes people drowned"


Okay, this is the last question Jisoo needs to ask him.

"You said once in awhile you got the blood transfusion right? How often was it?" Jisoo asks.

"Once a month I guess, I don't actually take note on that, when the hospital call me then I will go get it" Jin replies truthfully.

It is true though, he will only go to the hospital for the blood transfusion once they called him, if not, he will continue living just the way he is living now.

"It's okay, I will leave you to rest. Make sure to drink plenty of fluids and have a good rest" Jisoo says after injecting the med into his IV bag.

"Can I know the exact day when I can be discharged? It looks too expansive to be in this room for days" Jin asks.

"Don't worry about that, Taehyung already take care of everything else. You just focus on your recovery okay young man" Jisoo replies and smiles at him.

Taehyung takes care of everything else.

Well, that is what Jin doesn't want to. Taehyung will charged him money for this treatment. He doesn't even have the money to begin with let alone to have more debt.

He gave all his money to Taehyung already, there's nothing more in his hands nor in his bank account.

Whatever, he will just deal with it later. Now he is going to enjoy the bed. It is far more convenient than the one he slept on in Taehyung's house.

Of course, this hospital bed is actually a bed while the one at Taehyung's home? It is actually layers of sleeping matt.

He doesn't care that this bed is a hospital bed, one thing he knows, this bed is claiming him to sleep for more.


"What is it, you two talking about in there?" Yulhee asks and Taehyung who is besides her also look at Jisoo.

"It is confidential between me and him. However I still wants to proceed with the test after he got better" Jisoo explains to them.

So they both didn't question more after Jisoo said it's private between Jin and her.

"I'll be at home-" both Yulhee and Taehyung says at the same time in which they look at each other in a little surprise.

"What? You're going back? Then who will be here with him?" Yulhee asks as she looks at Taehyung.

Now that they know Jin doesn't have a family of course neither both of them to expect Jin to be left alone here.

"What? I'm tired. He is a grown up man, he will be okay here" Taehyung says, not in a dissing manner, he says that calmly.

Indeed Taehyung's reason is true but still, to left Jin alone after knowing that he didn't have a family feels so wrong.

"It's okay you both, he already went to sleep. The medicine will keep him out to sleep. Go home and have your time. I will be here for my shift. Don't worry" Jisoo reassures them in which a relief sigh was heard coming out softly from their mouth.

So in the end both Taehyung and Yulhee went back to their own house while Jisoo went back to her work.

Once Taehyung steps in into his house, he just didn't like the feeling of it. Not like he didn't get used to living alone but the house is too dry. Maybe he should get Jungkook or Jimin to his house for fun.

He gets back to his phone, dialling their numbers and inviting them to his house but apparently both Jimin and Jungkook are too lazy to get out of their house so they declined the offer but Jungkook told him that he will eventually come during the weekday later.

Okay then, Taehyung will just chilled by his own. That was when Hoseok walks in with Yoongi into his house.

"So dry" Hoseok mutters as he sets his ass on the couch next to Taehyung.

"Why is your house so damn quiet?" Yoongi asks as he too lands on the couch there in the living room.

"Because no one is here" Taehyung replies no really mind them there. At least he has companion here.

"Your maid? Did Jin hyung went out?" Hoseok asks.

"You could say that, he got sick with fever so I sent him to the hospital" Taehyung replies.

"I told you! He is really sick the last time I was here. Maybe from the rain, you know the place I went and saw him to your house is quite a distance. And him wearing wet clothes that day sure will make him sick. He eventually got sick too" Hoseok says.

"Poor man got sick living here under your shitty sensitive ass" Yoongi mutters while opening a pack of chips.

"Hey hyung, the hell? I'm not that sensitive okay" Taehyung replies.

"I don't know Tae, you're different from us, you could be nice and you could be mean at the same time. Maybe that is why Namjoon said you're a brat haha" Yoongi says, munching the chips.

"I'm being me. If thing is wrong then surely I will be mean" Taehyung reasons.

"I know Tae, it just fun teasing you. Anyway I heard you need Mr Yoon's service?" Yoongi replies laughing.

"How do you know about that?" Taehyung asks.

"I was with him discussing about a case when you called him" Yoongi replies.

Okay that makes sense. After all it's Yoongi's law firm.

"Yeah, just need to settle on a case" Taehyung states.

"Anyway the charity event your family involved with is all over the media. I thought it was a private event?" Hoseok says.

"It is, the media part is only for the people to notice. Mother and father haven't give up about it so the headlines all over the media is an obvious hint to everyone that our family is still not giving up after ten years"

"It is just for them to know that we're still reaching for what we want and for them to know that we've marked that place to be ours" Taehyung explains.

"I heard Namjoon is still negotiating about buying that building, thought they want to let go of that building so why it is hard to get it?" Hoseok says.

"I will be working on that tomorrow. Namjoon hyung will need to take care of the meeting with our investors so I will take care of that matter. And yeah, I don't know, seems like there's more issues to take care and more procedures to do" Taehyung replies.

There's a moment of silence until questions bekng ask.

"What will you do with the kids once you get the building? Are you still going to let them transfer those kids elsewhere?" Yoongi asks this time.

"Why would I? The kids will stay there as they want. I'm not changing anything to that building other that the name. After all, noona worked so hard to get that building" Taehyung replies.

Both Yoongi and Hoseok nods in understanding.

"Jin hyung was there at the building when I saw him the other day" Hoseok blurted out.

Taehyung frowns, what was Jin doing there?

"Why was he went to that place?" Taehyung asks to Hoseok.

"Actually it was not really to that building, I saw him around that area. Maybe he went to meet someone there. Who knows right?" Hoseok says looking at Yoongi in which Yoongi nods in agreement.

"You know hyung, I don't really have a good feeling about him. Something about him is bothering me" Taehyung replies.

"Who? Jin hyung?" Hoseok asks.

Taehyung nods.

"Why? He seems like a nice man. He is nice though" Yoongi says.

Although Yoongi barely meet Jin as often as Jungkook, Jimin and Hoseok, he could tell just by the eyes alone that Jin is a nice man.

"I did tell you about Ssal being kidnapped right? That man is Jin. Mother was crying for days when Ssal went missing. You know how important Ssal is to her and to our family" Taehyung replies.

"That is your only reason? Okay let say that Jin hyung-" Yoongi says but he didn't get to finish his words.

"Really? Jin hyung? You too hyung?" Taehyung looks as Yoongi in disbelief.

"It's a way of respecting people. He is older than me so what is wrong with calling him hyung?" Yoongi replies.

"He is only a few months older than you" Taehyung diss.

"Still, okay whatever. Let's say he really took the dog with him, maybe he has his reasons too, maybe he needs money? Maybe he has his own situation in which he indeed desperate for the money?" Yoongi reasons.

"But if he apparently didn't take the dog, man really got the blame for things he didn't do" Yoongi adds.

Hoseok nods in agreement.

"He apologised for it. It means that he indeed do it. That is the reason of why something about him is bothering me. Maybe he has something behind our back. Much more when Jungkookie-"

"You know hyung, Jungkook become way too attached to him. I don't like it" Taehyung states.

"I don't blame Jungkookie, Jin hyung is a nice man. Surely everyone likes to be around him, except you" Hoseok replies to that.

"You both should have come with me when I met him for the first time only then you know why I suspect things on him" Taehyung says.

"You know, sometimes you didn't give people chance to speak up. You shut them up instead, maybe for once, listen" Yoongi replies, reasoning the talk.

In the end both of Yoongi and Hoseok spends extra two hours more in the house chatting about their life before they left the house.


The next day approach, Jin is already wide awake when Jisoo walks in into the room.

"You're awake, better?" Jisoo asks as she closes the door and walks closer.

"Yes" Jin nods at her before she takes his temperature and do her task.

"I'm going to settle the papers for your discharge today. I see that you're much better, no fever anymore however I want you to be here again tomorrow or the next day for your follow up test" Jisoo explains to him and she writes something on the board she's holding.

Jin is thinking for the reply. He doesn't exactly wants to comeback here nor wants to argue with the order.

"Come here, it is not a plead, it is an order" Jisoo presses her words to Jin.

"Alright" Jin replies shortly after that. Not that he doesn't want to argue but he just find the situation is too absurd to argue.

Like, what's the big deal of it, right?

A moment later while Jisoo is scribbling something on a piece of paper and passing it to Jin, Taehyung walks in into the room.

Yes, Jisoo passed Jin her phone numbers to call.

"After lunch you'll be able to discharge. However I want you to know that you did came here malnourished. You need to eat healthy food okay" Jisoo says to Jin but at the same time she is glaring at Taehyung as a sign for him to take note.

After being forced to eat lunch before being discharged, now Jin is already change into a new clothes. Not the hospital clothes obviously.

He bows down to Jisoo and Taehyung before he walks out of the hospital room.

The weird part is, Taehyung is quietly tailing after him.

Once they're out of the hospital building, specifically at the exit entrance Jin turns around to face Taehyung.

He wants his backpack, phone and wallet in which he knows his belongings are in Taehyung's house. He couldn't leave without his things.

Heck, who the hell don't carry around their ID card? It is important and there's no way Jin is going to go without it.

Yeah, he knows he owes Taehyung an amount of money but still, how the hell is he going to get a job without his ID card and pay for the debt?

"I know the money is not enough but can I have my backpack? I need my ID to search for a new job" Jin mutters looking at Taehyung.

He didn't mean harm, he said those words politely as an employee (ex?) to an employer.

Upon hearing those words, Taehyung knows he should explain things to Jin but he didn't want to say it there. They're people around them, Taehyung didn't want anyone to hear their conversation.

"Let's go" Taehyung says, a sign for Jin to follow him.

He did follow Taehyung to his car. Jin expected Taehyung to give his belongings if they are in the car but Taehyung urge him to enter the car.

Again, Jin did that. As Taehyung is driving the car, Jin's head is stuck with a realisation that today is weekday, Monday specifically.

Why the hell Taehyung is not working? What is he even doing there in the hospital, now even driving them probably back to his home for Jin to take his belongings.

When they entered the house, Jin was asked to take a sit on the couch in which he nervously did while Taehyung is on a phone call with someone else.

Probably a police?

Jin is not surprise if Taehyung did call police on him. He will probably begged for Taehyung's kindness to let him go even though he surely knows Taehyung will grant him no such thing as sympathy.

What surprise him is, when Taehyung is back from taking the phone call, he gently sets the account book Jin gave him the other day on the coffee table right in front of him.

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