Chapter 12- marry me ((edited))

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What is Niall saying?

Ask Marie, ask her what?

Could she be?

Could she be cheating on me?

I entered our room confused, out of myself and spaced-out.

“What’s wrong baby?” Marie asked me.

“Why did Niall punch you?” I asked calmly, not jumping into conclusions.

“I don’t know, I just walked through the hallway and he punched me for no reason” She said, avoiding my eyes.

“Please don’t lie to me”

“I’m not!”

“Yes you are”

“Don’t you dare accuse me of something I did not do!”

“Then look me straight into the eyes and tell me, why did he punch you?” I cupped her chins, making her avoid looking around.

“I-I..” She said hesitatingly. I looked at her. Her eyes are about to water.

“I kissed him and almost had it with him, I didn’t know why.” She burst into tears, running outside. I didn’t bother to chase her anymore cause’ nothing but drama will happen.

She did cheat on me, not that much but technically, yes. I don’t know who to talk to now. I have to let out my anger. I scrolled through my contacts.


No, he’s still in Wolverhampton, visiting his family.


No, he’s busy comforting Paula.


Nope, he’s too depressed.


No, having the night with El again.


Still depressed, probably no.

And the last person on my trustable friends list is my ex-girlfriend,


I’m not really sure about this. Ringing your ex might not be the best idea, but I had no choice. I’m nervous about Perrie for the first time. I don’t know how she’ll react to my voice and what-so-ever. I never got to talk to her after the breakup.

I took a deep breath and press the call button.


“Perrie! This is Zayn”

“Oh, hey, what’s up?”

“I just need a friend right now”

“And you consider me as your friend?”

“Yeah, why not? I mean, we could start all over again. As friends though” I said shyly.

“Um, okay. Are you busy now?”

“Not at all”

“Alright then, let’s meet at the coffee shop downtown in 30 minutes. Bye” She said, hanging up.

I don’t know if I should go. But if I bail on her, I would be the worst friend ever. Is this even right? My mind is about to blow.


15 minutes till I go to the coffee shop. I grabbed my coat and went for a drive. I pulled my hoodie and aviators on and went outside the car. A blonde girl with a beanie stood up and waved at me. Look who’s punctual. I smiled at her and went to take my seat.

“What is up?” She asks happily. This is the Perrie I know, the one with the bubbly personality, the Perrie before the breakup.

“Well, beside the ceiling I needed a friend” I joked. A waitress came over us and asked for our order.

“Two Grande cappuccinos please” Perrie said.

“Add two cinnamon buns too” I added quickly. The waitress smiled as she take down the order.

“Anything else?” She asked. We both shake our head.

“Alright, the order will be ready in a few minutes” She said. We both nod.

“Why do you need a friend?” Perrie asks, continuing the discussion.

“Because, she technically cheated on me. I mean, she didn’t date another guy while we’re together, but she kissed another guy and almost f----- him” I said. I feel uncomfortable doing this. It’s making me guilty that I chose Marie over her.

“I feel sorry for you Zaynie” She said, holding my hand. I didn’t swipe my hand away. I miss her hand’s warmth.

“But you know, I didn’t really think you deserve her. I mean, I’m not saying that you deserve me. I wasn’t a perfect girlfriend too. But if I was her, I wouldn’t dare to do such thing.” She said. I wish I didn’t have to break up with her. But Marie was special, I guess not.

“Hey, you here Zaynie?” Perrie said, snapping her fingers in front of me.

“Sorry babe” I said. Wait, did I just say ‘babe’?

“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to” I said, blushing. Perrie chuckles cutely. A phone rang when our orders came.

“Hello? Yeah. Okay, I’ll be there in a jippie” She said, putting back her phone in her pocket.

“Look, I have rehearsals today. I’m sorry, really. Would you want me to visit you tomorrow night? Maybe a home-cinema treat from me?” She said, grabbing her food then standing up.

“Sure” I said, looking down at the table.

“Bye Zaynie!” She said, she kissed my cheek then left.

(a/n hit the vote button right now! pwease? You're done? Thanks bby Ilysm)

Am I doing the right thing? Asking for my ex-girlfriend to be with me in the times when I’m weak? Did I do the right thing to break up with her because I loved Marie? These questions flood my head. What am I going to do?

I paid for our food and went to my own flat far from our house.



“Goodbye now!” I said as I leave the building. I took a taxi to drive me to Zayn’s flat which is not that far from mine. I paid the fare and ran up to his flat. I froze in front of his flat’s door and knocked three times.

“Who is it?” He asked in a grumpy voice.

“It’s Perrie!” I shouted.

“It’s open” He said, his tone suddenly changed into a brighter one.  I turned the knob and open the door. His flat is adjacent to his room back in the lads’ house. It was blue, full of lights and gives you a cosy feeling whenever you enter, and this flat is dark, messy and gives you Goosebumps.

“Look, I brought movies!” I said as I show him the paper bag I brought. I went straight to the kitchen and take out the ice cream I asked my assistant to buy before I went here and put it on the freezer. I went to the living room and sat beside Zayn.

“Pick one” I said cheerfully, showing him three flicks, one comedy, one romance and one horror. He smiled and grabbed the horror movie from me. He stood up and entered the DVD into the DVD player. Zayn still knows me. I use to curse him for inviting me to watch horror movies with the lads. He didn’t went back to his sit on the sofa after entering the DVD, instead he head for the kitchen and went out with a couple of beer in his hands.  He handed me one and pressed ‘play’ on the remote control. I opened my beer and drank half of it at the beginning of the movie so that I have an excuse not to look at the scary parts.

“AAH!” I screamed as I jump on Zayn who was laughing.

“What?” I ask as I hit him on the chest. He just kept on laughing. It was already in the middle of the movie when I almost ran out of voice. Zayn wasn’t paying attention at the movie, and just kept on laughing. He’s drunk, I stated.

“Perrie” He said out of blue.

“What?” I asked, my voice was shrilly and scared. He leaned to me, just a few inches from my face. I could feel his warm breath against my face. I can smell alcohol from his breath. I miss this. Why did he even break up with me for that whore? Am I unworthy? Why?

He held my cheek and pulled me closer. He kissed me. I tried to pull. This is wrong! I put in my thought. I pushed him off me but he grabbed me again. His hands reach for the sides while mine create circles around his hair and neck. I mess his hair and he groaned. I smile through the kiss. Zayn brought me to his room and reached for my pants. I stopped his hands with mine and he pulled back. He stared at my eyes hungrily, he begs through his stare. I let go of his hands and he unzips my pants.

We did it.


I woke up with Zayn’s arm around my waist. I stood up from the bed and grabbed my bath robe.  Zayn made love to me again. And we’re not even together. Has he realized I’m something more than that worthless slut? I hope he did. What am I thinking?  We shouldn’t be doing this. The worst case scenario? Marie finds out.

I went to the living room and turned off the DVD player and the television. I also picked the empty bottles of beer and trashes and threw them at the garbage can by the kitchen.

Knock, knock, knock. There was a loud knock at the door. I head for it and opened it. Marie stood there, smiling. The worst case scenario did happen (cue for the background music: DUN-DUN-DUUN!)

“Oh, um, is Zayn home?” She asked, looking around, probably for Zayn.

“He’s still sleeping” I said flatly.

“Oh, can I come in and cook him breakfast?” She said.

“Nope” I lean against the door frame.

“And why is that?” She asks, she’s obviously pissed off. And I smile at the sight of this.

“He won’t eat doofus. You think he’ll eat up the food his ex-girlfriend prepared?” I raised one eyebrow. What are you doing Perrie? I asked myself. And I knew what I wanted from the start.

I wanted Zayn back.


“And who said I’m his ex?” Her hands are on her waist now.

“He did” A flash of pain comes across her eyes.

“H-He did?” She asks weakly.

“Yes” I said as I straighten my body.

“Now, if you mind, please excuse me, I need to get dress” I said as I slowly close the door. She pushed the door with anger, opening it at once. Her eyes are about to blow up when she search my body.

“Why you little bi—” She yelled as she put her hands up, aiming me straight to my face. I closed my eyes to ready it for pain. But somebody stopped her, cutting off her yell. It was Zayn. I open my eyes and saw him holding Marie’s arm. She finally gave up and tears flood down her cheeks.

“Please leave” Zayn said as he let go of her hands aggressively.  Marie was on her knees when Zayn shut the door close. I’ve never seen anyone on their knees crying before. I just stood by the door, shocked of what just happened.

“Um, Perrie” Zayn said, snapping me back to reality.

“Yeah?” I said, I start walking to his direction.

“About last night...” He trailed off.

“That’s nothing, I was drunk. You were drunk. We didn’t know what er were doing right?” I said, faking a smile.

“No” He said, he leaned to me and kissed me.

“I love you Perrie” He said.

“We’re not together Zayn. This is wrong” I said, avoiding his looks.

“We can be together” He said.

“No. You love Marie”

“I love you” He said.

“No, you’re just depressed that’s why you’re telling me this. Tell me this after a few weeks” I began to breath heavy.

“Marry me Perrie, please” He said, his eyes are begging like they were last night. And he repeated it for the last time.

“Marry me”

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