Chapter Thirty Seven

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Teddy was casually adjusting his tie in the reflection of one of the large windows in the corridor when he heard approaching steps. He turned his head to see his niece making her way down the corridor with a very obvious look of upset written clear across her face.

"Hope? What's wr- oomph!"

The two nearly fell over as Hope barreled into him and held onto him in a tight hug. Confused but concerned, Teddy wrapped his arms around her as well.

"What's wrong, Hopey?"

"Everything. At least in my head everything feels wrong." Hope mumbled into his shoulder.

"Why what happened? Did someone do something? Do I need to destroy-"

"No, no, no." Hope shook her head. "I think it's me."

"You? What did you do? Come on, Hope, you have to open up here so I can help you." He moved her over to sit in one of the window seats.

She plopped down and swung her feet back and forth. 

"Now, tell Uncle Teddy all your problems." He said.

"If I knew what my problems were, I would tell someone, but I don't know what the problems are. But everything is just confusing and stupid!"

"Well, that doesn't really help what-"

"Henry was acting weird last year when I was hanging out with Benji. Turns out Benji liked me for some reason, even though we really didn't have much in common outside of quidditch. But talking to Fergus, Stella and Eliza, I thought maybe...maybe...there was something there, you know?"

"Something there?" Teddy repeated.

"Yeah, I thought maybe h-h-he liked me as more than a friend." She shrugged. "At least that's the impression that Stella and Eliza pointed out to me over the summer. Then I started thinking about it, and what they said actually made some sense. I could see why Henry wouldn't like because they never had a problem before until last year. Stella said it was jealously."

"For once that crazed woman is right." Teddy mumbled to himself. "Alright, listen up Hope, because I'm only going to say this once."

Hope gave her full attention to her uncle waiting for him to go on.

"Stella....Stella...Stella was..." He pressed his lips together.

"Out with it!" Hope said hitting him on the back.

"Stella was right." He blurted out. "Okay, now that that's out of the way. Let's move on to the important part. Henry was jealous of you and McGregor being together."

"But jealous in the sense that I wasn't spending as much time with him, or jealous of McGregor in...that way?"

"Both." Teddy said. "Henry likes you, Hope. There's no denying that. I know you two are oblivious to everything when you two are in your personal Lala land."

"Hey, watch it." Hope growled at him.

"It's true, though. You can't deny it." Teddy said. "I think it's because you two have been friends for so long that the possibility of being more or less, is terrifying in your minds. It's kind of sweet actually."

"But it's not true." Hope said quietly.

"What are you talking about. Of course it's true. Henry practically told me how he feels about you. We all know it."

"If it's true then why did I see him kissing Alyssa and then holding hands with Tori."

Teddy's face paled. "Wh-what?"

"Clean the earwax out of your ears, Teddy. You heard what I said. I saw him kissing Alyssa on the train and then shortly after, he was holding hands with Tori."

"But that can't be. He said...he said he-"

"Maybe it's all changed," Hope looked down at her feet. "Maybe it was once like that, but I missed the mark. It could have been a passing crush, I mean to go from Alyssa to Tori in the span of a day, I don't think I want to be involved in something like that. I don't want to be a fling or anything of the sort."

"But Hopey..."

"Anyways, I have to head to class," she said picking herself up. "I'll see you later, Teddy."

Teddy rolled his eyes in frustration as his niece walked away.

"Henry Black, you git!"

"STOP SHAKING ME!" Henry cried out as Teddy shook him violently. He had been on his way to class in hopes of seeing his best friend and talk to her. Trying to figure out why she was obviously avoiding him, but Teddy found him first in the corridor.

"Stop being stupid!" Teddy told him as he finally released his hold on the front of Henry's robes.

"What did I do? I haven't done anything wrong."

"You've done everything wrong." Teddy said.

"How!? I only woke up a short while ago."

Teddy gave him a hard stare. " Do you know who I spoke to just a little while ago?"

"Uh no, do I look like a Seer to you?"

"I spoke to Hope, idiot."

"Hope?" Henry's eyes lit up. "Is she alright, I feel like I haven't seen her in ages. It's like she's avoiding me on purpose."

"That's because she is!"

"B-but why?"

"Because you're stupid!"

"At least give me an explanation as to why I'm stupid." Henry sighed.

"Well, let's see, first you admit to us that you like her, but then she catches you snogging Alyssa and holding hands with Tori. What is that?!"

"Is she upset about it? Did she tell you she was upset about it? Directly? Or are you just saying this to get a reaction."

"Oh yes, I'm saying all of this just to have a good ol' laugh, Henry. I'm practically shaking with laughter." Teddy said flatly.

"No, she has it all wrong. I swear, all of those things were completely taken out of context. You have to believe me-"

"I'm not the one who needs convincing. It's Hope, and right now she just sees you going through people left and right. At this point, you've dug yourself your own grave."

"No, I can just explain it to her, then everything will be okay." Henry said as if he was trying to convince himself as much as he was trying to convince Teddy.

"Then what are you still standing here with me for? Go on and talk to her!"

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