♔ | ten

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Ashley Frangipane was worried about Lauren. She hadn't seen or heard from the taller girl all day.

She sat on the train to Brooklyn, Lauren's leather jacket wrapped around her tiny frame that wore a black bralette and a pink skirt that ended just above her knee. She clutched a packet of cigarettes in her hand.

The train jolted to a stop and she ran off, running to Lauren's house. She wasn't sure what she was supposed to expect.

She ran into the apartment block and into a small girl with dark brown hair, who tumbled to the ground.

"Fuck, i'm so sorry" Ashley held out her hand to her.

"That's quite alright sunshine" she handed Ashley's cigarettes to her.

"Are you hurt?"

The girl chuckled a little "I'm fine. Thank you"

Ashley looked up and saw Lauren at the top of the stairs, who gulped quietly at the encounter. She looked guilty.

"I better be going" the dark haired girl said. She blew a kiss to Lauren "Bye sunshine."

Ashley looked at Lauren, an eyebrow raised. She didn't feel as guilty for letting Ruby kiss in between her thighs anymore.

"I can explain" Lauren said shakily. She looked like she was about to cry.

"So explain" Ashley walked up the steps to meet her at the top.

Lauren slipped her hand in Ashley's and brought her to her apartment. Once inside, she pressed her lips softly to Ashley's and kissed her tenderly.

She pulled away with tears in her eyes as she saw Ashley's eyes look around the room.

"Is that what I think it is?" Ashley asked quietly, pointing to the mess in the living room.

Lauren nodded slowly, before starting to cry.

"Lauren babe why are you crying?" Ashley asked softly, holding her in her arms. "I'm not mad at you. If you wanna take cocaine, then you do that."

Lauren gripped Ashley even harder. She felt guilty.

"You're not the only one" Ashley continued "I've had it before. I've also had marijuana and LSD. So really I can't talk, I-"

Lauren pressed her fingers to Ashley's mouth.

"Shut up" she whispered "I need to tell you something"

She brought Ashley into the bedroom and sat her on the edge of the bed.

"That girl was Camila" Lauren said "Camila is my ex girlfriend and my drug dealer. She works for my parents. I see her every week because she gives me my allowance from my parents. They continue to send her even though they know we're not dating anymore. I didn't come to school because I was here, sniffing coke with her" she paused for a second before continuing "and in the midst of it all, we ended up..." her voice cracked as she started crying again.

"having sex" Ashley finished quietly just as Lauren collapsed in her arms, crying uncontrollably.

She sighed "You're not the only one Lauren"

Lauren wiped her tears away, still crying "What?"

Ashley looked at her hands "I went to the bathroom in school during chemistry with Ruby Rose"

Lauren smirked and chuckled "Did she smoke with you before fingering you? Been there Ashley"

"Im sorry though" Ashley said sadly.

"Im sorry too" Lauren said quietly.

They sat quietly together on Lauren's bed, occasionally looking out the window, occasionally looking at each other.

Ashley then slipped her hands into Lauren's "Do you wanna keep doing this or do you wanna make it just us?"

Lauren looked up at her "You mean, you wanna be my girlfriend?"

"I'm not used to having other girls kiss me in the school bathroom." she chuckled a little "I want it to only be you"

Lauren bit her lip a little "It might be nice to have a bit of stability I guess"

"If you don't like it, we can stop anytime you want and it can just be whatever we are now" Ashley added.

Lauren went quiet for a while.



"Okay, I'll be your girlfriend"

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