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AN – Howdy, Imitator here. I'm kinda feeling like junk because I'm finally working up the courage to separate myself from a really toxic friend-group, and it's kind of rough because I'm the "weird" kid at school (I literally write fanfiction, you could prolly guess that) so I'll probably be lonely until I graduate :')

Anyways, I love this ship a lot and I NEED TO PRODUCE MORE CONTENT FOR IT. I may make either a Nurse x Guide, Nurse x Arms Dealer, or Arms Dealer x Guide fic next, but for now you get the whole trio. I'm prolly going to have a chapter after this where I talk about why I even ship this, so look out for that (it won't be story related). This is poorly beta read because I have no friends and I suck at it <3

Also don't mind the fact I put terraria OST at the top, it's for immersion. totally. haha... .

          Terraria is a beautiful land. Despite its horrors, flaws, and the creatures that want to rip your face off, Kathryn couldn't deny the atheistic joy she felt walking through the forest. She left the desert only five minutes ago, yet she already liked the forest better. Here, critters (that weren't bugs or other creepy crawlies) hopped around, there was a plentiful amount of nature, and the air was fresh (not to mention sand-less). That didn't matter right now, she needed to get to Harvey's house quickly. The sun was close to setting, and with that came horrid things.

           Because a decently sized bouquet was in Kathryn's arms, her journey was a bit harder. Not because it was heavy or anything, Kathryn carried much bigger things in her glory adventurer days (which was a story for another time), but because she didn't want to be spotted. If any other villager saw her carrying it, she would've died of embarrassment on the spot. If the painter saw it, that would be even worse. Kathryn could already visualize it: A sickeningly cute painting of a blonde bimbo carrying flowers the size of her head on a fancy stone path, placed directly next to the Guide Picasso. At least Picasso was funny. Kathryn was sure the painter lived in the jungle, but maybe he needed to be in the forest for whatever reason, despite the fact he finds it boring. Kathryn loves color and art herself, but even she found the painter's rage about the forest stupid.

           As she continued down the path, she finally arrived at a pair of decently sized double doors. Just looking at Harvey's house made Iris', Terraria's new Hero, apparent bias towards him very clear. To be fair, though, Kathryn and Dante's house was nice looking too, but it couldn't compare to Harvey's mansion.

           Kathryn knocked on the door a few times, and an anthro-fox-thing (Kathryn didn't know for sure what it was, but she really wanted to know for medical research purposes) girl was what greeted her when the doors opened. "Kathy! Hiya, I'm guessing you're here for Harvey!" Robyn, the zoologist, cooed the last part, like a girl making fun of her friend for her crush, which Kathryn guessed kind of matched the situation. Robyn and Kathryn got along fine, except Robyn hated Dante's guts because of fair reasons, which made some conversations awkward. Robyn immediately spotted the bouquet in Kathryn's arms, and a slight squeal was all she could muster. "Aw, that's so adorbes! Here, come on in, girl!" Robyn steps outdoors, holding the door open as Kathryn walks inside. When Robyn closes the door behind her, she looks at Kathryn for a moment before she clears her throat. "If you're expecting a thank you, you're going to be disappointed." Kathryn mutters, walking to a nearby boreal wood table and sitting down.

           Robyn looks disappointed, but she spots Harvey, who just left his room, standing on the second floor balcony. She smiles, before walking out the doors while making obnoxious 'kissing' noises as she leaves to taunt the couple. When the doors shut, Harvey sighs, before descending the stairs to the first floor. "I'm so sorry about her." Harvey sits down across from Kathryn, slightly embarrassed. "It's fine, love." Kathryn responds, watching as Harvey's face turns a shade of red by the pet-name. "Before I forget, here." Kathryn places the bouquet on the table, and Harvey smiles. "Oh, thank you!" Harvey says, before standing back up and walking towards his kitchen. Kathryn looks at him, confused, until he returns with a decorated clay pot. He takes the bouquet out of its plastic wrapping, before placing the flowers inside. Kathryn feels a blush creep onto her face. Harvey was such a damn sweetheart, which was probably why she was attracted to him in the first place. "I'm glad you like them." Kathryn says, watching Harvey sit back down. "Of course, I like anything you give me, Kathy." He says, making Kathryn laugh to herself. "Even antiseptics?" She responds. "Even antiseptics." Harvey smiles.

           Another knock on the door caught the two's attention. They already had an idea of who it was, though. "I got it." Kathryn says, getting up and walking up to the doors. She opens one and sees Dante, but she also notices some sort of new dust on his jacket. "Hey sweetheart." Kathryn says, before Dante pulls her into a hug. "Hey babe, m' sorry that I wasn't at home this afternoon... I was tryin' to talk to that merchant fellow about gold dust. The shit's too expensive, but it makes decent ammo." Dante says, planting a quick kiss on the top of Kathyn's head. "Hey, you're not wearing your hat!" He points out, brushing his hand through her yellow-blonde hair. "Yeah, I'm taking off work for tonight. If Iris needs healing, she can make a potion for all I care." Dante laughs, kissing the top of her head again, before letting her go. Kathryn tries to wipe off any dust collected on her coat, but it only smears the gold dust more. Kathryn sighs, before she holds the door open for Dante. When the two reach the table, Kathryn sits back down while Dante just stands between her and Harvey.

           "So, you're the one who invited us here, what's up?" Kathryn asks, directing her question to Harvey, who did in fact invite them to his house. "Also, what's the deal with the timing? Night's dangerous, even for my standards. Good target practice though." Dante asks as well. Harvey just laughs. "If you follow me, you'll know." He speaks. Kathryn knows Harvey is just trying to be playful but considering the kind of fucked up past he had (she almost had a heart attack when he admitted he was the son of THE FUCKING MOON LORD, but that's also another story for a very different day) it came across as concerning to her. Dante seemed to also agree with her, his expression made it clear.

           Harvey gets up again (at this point, what's the point of him sitting down if he's just going to get up two times in a less than ten minute time frame) and leads the two to the mansion's backyard. Boreal wood fences not only provided some safety against the undead about to arrive, but it also blocked the view of said undead. Ah, escapism, Kathryn's favorite. "I asked Iris to place some protection around the mansion for tonight, I want this moment to end with not only us enjoying ourselves, but preferably where Kathy doesn't have to work!" Harvey laughs, before going to a portion of the backyard, blocked by a gate. "This is my garden, I mostly study herbs here, but Robyn also likes to use it as an animal sanctuary of sorts. I think it'll be very lovely for tonight." Harvey explains, before opening the gate.

           If Kathryn thought the flowers she picked were too exquisite, then the garden she just entered made them look like trash. "Holy shit, this is gorgeous." Kathyn mumbles, mostly to herself. All around the couple was beautiful scenery. Roses, tulips, bluebells, and so many more flowers, herbs, and plants decorated the fenced off area. The lights, which were some sort of lanterns, decorated the garden, lighting up the flowers enough for them to shine, but dim enough to keep the garden moody. Dante just shrugs. He liked productivity more than aesthetics, not to mention he started to feel awkward. He normally liked to talk a lot, but he was just fine watching Harvey enjoy showing off his work to a very pleased Kathryn.

           Soon, Harvey leads Kathryn and Dante to a blanket placed in a nice patch of grass, surrounded by equally nice trees and flowers. On the blanket were glass cups, utensils, a basket containing all sorts of delicious goodies, and a plentiful number of napkins. "A picnic?" Dante asks. Harvey nods, before sitting down on one corner of the blanket. Dante follows almost immediately, finally recovering some of his playful spirit (which was utterly obliterated when he had to pay almost three gold for fucking gold dust). He playfully tackles Harvey, carefully avoiding anything that could get broken.

          "Stop being adorable, you fuck!" Dante exclaims, laughing. Harvey laughs as well. "Hey, watch your tone!" He responds. "Oh yeah, what're ya going to do about it, huh?" Dante teases, knowing full well Harvey could kick his ass if he wanted too, but he was too sweet for that. Harvey pushes him and "tackles" him back. Kathryn watches the two, before noticing the gold stain on her uniform. She quickly unbuttons her top, before taking it off to expose her black tank-top underneath. She sits across from the two, taking her chance to rummage through the basket. She finds a nice looking turkey sandwich, but before she even takes a bite, something is placed around her. "Dante. How about you stop being cute, you fuck." Kathryn says, acknowledging the jacket that was put over her shoulders, covering her exposed arms. Dante cuddles up to her. "No," Dante says, "Also, I don't want ya' to get a cold. It's freezing out here, babe."

          As the two talk, Kathryn feels a head lay on her crossed legs. She sighs. "We didn't forget about you, love." Kathryn looks down and sees Havery looking up at her. She plays with Harvey's hair for a moment, enjoying how long it was compared to when they first met (It barely reached his neck, letting his curls show off). "Ah, there they are." Havery says, pointing up to the sky. Kathryn looks up too, and she is surprised for probably the third time today, or tonight in this case. In the sky were lanterns. All glowing, flying through the wind and illuminating each other. It was beautiful. "Last night, I got to witness Iris slay the Eye of Cthulhu. I knew the lanterns would arrive the next night in celebration. Since this is a rare, and certainly incredible, occasion, I knew I wanted to spend it with you both." Harvey says, watching the beautiful orange lanterns dance across the sky. The moon was full as well, adding on to the landscape above.

          Dante was the first to respond, lying down next to the guide. Instead of words, he gave his appreciation through an embrace. Kathryn soon joined him. The two wanted to say something out of gratefulness and pure affection, yet they couldn't. So instead, they just laid together in embrace. As the night passed on, the couple remained together. After star gazing, along with lantern gazing, they simply talked to each other. It didn't matter about what. Favorite animals, what they did today, the guide and slime king being brothers, books that Kathryn and Harvey read, just talking and listening was wonderful. Then came eating, and then came fatigue.

          Instead of going home, Kathryn and Dante stayed the night. Robyn made all sorts of jokes when she returned, but that stopped when she saw Dante. Surprisingly, no fights or remarks, which is a positive in Harvey's book. Eventually, when Havery had to bid his girlfriend and boyfriend goodbye, all the trio felt was pure content and affection. As soon as Kathryn and Dante arrived back to their home, the first thing that Kathryn said was just a simple,

          "We should do that again sometime."

A/N (again) god I love this ship so much. There is NO CONTENT about it either. Also, next chapter is my explanation about why I even like this ship as a little treat for other rarepair shippers like me <3

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