Chapter 32

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This is not my story! All credits go to The. Teal. Rose. on This story belongs solely to the author.

Chapter 32: Enclosing Serenity
Chapter XXXII

Enclosing Serenity

"In the interval which separates two desires a perfect calm reigns in the mind."

- Sivananda

Ulquiorra's eyes widened as his attention reverted to Ichigo and he saw that the Shinigami had effectively sustained Getsuga around his Zanpakuto, increasing his attack power. He quickly lifted his blade and blocked the onslaught, though the mere force of it sent them both coursing across the hall, the marble beneath their feet seeming slick as ice.

The Espada held his opponent's gaze fiercely, the red reiatsu surrounding them both as Ichigo's determined outcry echoed throughout the space. Ulquiorra held the clash of weapons a moment longer before shifting his stance and thrusting Ichigo away. As the teen leered down at him, suspended in the air with his unrelenting Getsuga, Ulquiorra lifted his head slightly, mildly intrigued with the Shinigami's new implementation of his most prominent technique.

'Oh?' the Espada pondered. 'He kept the Lunar Fang's energy wrapped around his blade instead of firing it, creating a sword strike with the same force as the wave attack.

Ichigo again lifted his sword before pushing himself against the pillar behind him, propelling his body forward and releasing another purposeful shout. Ulquiorra stood his ground a moment, slightly lifting his sword, before withdrawing it and jumping away from the approaching strike. Ichigo's sword met the ground, again desecrating the floor in a wild splay of rubble, before he paused and gasped when Ulquiorra executed a sonido behind him, blade raised to attack.

"Please." The Espada chastised listlessly.

Ichigo quickly turned, his reiatsu encircling his Zanpakuto as he lifted it to meet the weapon of his enemy, his spiritual pressure erupting and again encompassing the hall. When the display of crimson light vanished, the Shinigami's eyes widened when he saw that his power had proved entirely futile against Ulquiorra.

"I know you're proud of yourself for using what little brains you possess, but have you learned nothing?" The Espada admonished, his sword steady against the Shinigami's. "Even with your mask on, your Lunar Fang couldn't strike me down." He willed his eyes to pierce through and convey to Ichigo the absolute reality of his words. "An unmasked Lunar Fang is a pointless waste of time, no matter how you use it."

Ichigo grunted in response before he leapt back and avoided an attempted strike from the Espada, who then immediately advanced on him. Inoue stood several away, her eyes following their movements and her hand clenched tightly over her chest. The crease of her brows conveyed the anxiety that relentlessly continued to tear throughout her entire body and her parted mouth released the silent and entirely futile pleas for them both to simply lower their swords and denounce victory.

She exhaled softly as her gaze rested on Ichigo, and released another uneasy breath when they wandered and resided upon Ulquiorra. She watched their ferocious clash of weapons and felt her heart falling deeper into the shrouded core of her soul. She saw the relentless and aggressive expression on Ichigo's face, of such viciousness that a troubling remoteness accompanied it. She had rarely ever witnessed him in such a state and, now that he was parrying against the fourth Espada, against...Ulquiorra...she wondered if he really would let him walk away after all.

"Kurosaki-kun..." she muttered helplessly. Please...Her eyes shifted ever so slightly and again settled on the Espada, her heart quickening it's sickening pace. Please...let Ulquiorra live...

Her rigid posture intensified briefly before she felt a set of hands encircle her waist while another clasped itself tightly over her mouth. Who...? She wondered before she forcibly turned her head, effectively identifying her imposing attacker.

The brunette grinned maniacally down at Orihime, her eyes aglow with contempt and rage. "Gotcha," she sang before giggling. "Remember me? Probably not, huh? "

Several memories invaded Orihime's mind concerning the girl beside her. She saw herself being pushed and shoved around by the jealous Arrancar, and instantly recalled the powerlessness she had felt. However, her strength had been summoned upon her reminiscence of...him. This thought, even now, remained most prominent.

"Yeah, why would a freak like you...bother taking note of a normal girl like me?" Lolly continued spitefully before lowering her lips to Inoue's ear. "But your time sitting around on the top floor is over."

Orihime released a muffled exhale, which was heard by Ichigo as his eyes suddenly widened in response. He stopped suddenly and looked behind him. "Inoue!" He saw her struggling against her two captors and felt a new desperation fill his core. "Who're they!"

Ulquiorra did not respond, simply allowed his eyes to settle on the scene before him. His gaze briefly met Orihime's as she momentarily eased her struggling to accommodate his scrutiny. Her heart was quieted for the slowly elapsing seconds that ensued before he altogether withdrew his attention, leaving her feeling cold in its absence.

Without a second thought, the Shinigami turned and sprinted toward his friend, intent on freeing her from her captors. Lolly looked to the approaching teen before suddenly yanking Orihime from Melony's grasp and lifting a hand to surround her violet eye.

"Stay back!" she ordered Ichigo threateningly, her nails digging into the girl's tender skin. "One step closer and I'll rip her eye out!"

Inoue's gaze widened as she tried to call out against Ichigo's approach, her attempts pointless against the hand that continued to restrain her mouth. What was he planning to do? Her heart palpated nervously as he relentlessly advanced toward them, the fingers against her eye enclosing slowly. Kurosaki-kun stop! She wordlessly demanded.

Ulquiorra watched the Shinigami in utter disbelief. Was this actually happening? His grip tightened over Murcielago as his mind revisited its detestable state of turmoil. Whatever his opponent intended to do would only end up placing Orihime directly in harm's way. But why should I care? He attempted to reason with himself. I have denounced her; I have entirely cast aside all exclusive regard for her. His eyes, however, traitorously opposed his mind and reclaimed their attention on the woman that incessantly plagued him.

He saw her, desperate and anxious, with a widened gaze focused on the onslaught approaching. Then, almost imperceptivity, her gaze met his and he felt his reservations falter instantly.

Damn it all, he cursed before hearing the Shinigami begin to announce his Lunar Fang attack. Without further hesitation, he hastily performed a sonido and outstretched his arms as he came to a standstill between Ichigo and the trio behind him.

The Shinigami froze just long enough for Ulquiorra to lift his sword to meet Zangetsu, altogether preventing the attack from reaching Orihime. Lolly's eyes widened in disbelief as she subconsciously released Inoue, who fell to her knees on the ground, gaze entirely focused on Ulquiorra.

He...saved me just now. She thought breathlessly as the memory of his interception unremittingly replayed itself. He had outstretched his arms, had been prepared to take the full impact of the attack, which would have been inflicted had Ichigo not hesitated.

When the Shinigami's attack was completely dispelled, Ulquiorra thrust him back, his gaze hardened and his mind somewhat irritated with himself and his opponent.

"Ulquiorra?" Lolly stated as the fourth Espada relaxed his posture.

"Don't mistake me," Ulquiorra replied, turning slightly to meet her astonished gaze. He couldn't bring himself to look upon Inoue, but found himself unable to refrain from confirming his intentions. "I didn't do it to save you two."

You two...Orihime thought as she effortlessly attempted to reclaim his eyes. Melony and Lolly...He had just voiced that which he had so fervently attempted to deny. Ulquiorra-kun...she inaudibly called for him.

As if her words had somehow reached him, his eyes again betrayed his will and fell upon her, their jaded hues retrieving and arresting her gaze. He heard Ichigo's outcry and, without removing his attention from the girl before him, lifted his sword and effortlessly blocked the Shinigami's attempted strike.

"Move it!" Ichigo ordered through gritted teeth.

Reluctantly, Ulquiorra allowed his gaze to slither into that of his opponent. "Make me."

Make me release all restraint that inhibits me in the presence of that woman...relentlessly instigate my dormant rage and overshadow the lesser affections I regrettably continue to hold in regard to she who claims my gentle derision.

Ulquiorra lashed out and attempted a thrust, which Ichigo easily evaded. The Espada then advanced toward his retreating figure and away from the piercing gaze of the woman behind him. Inoue weakly stood, the effect of the fourth's eyes continuing to hold her. She could not take it anymore; she had to convince Ichigo to stop. "Kurosaki-kun!" she shouted as forcibly as she could manage.

However, her eyes flickered to Lolly as the latter suddenly grasped her arm in one hand and brought the other over her shoulder, pushing her back down. Orihime gasped and closed her eyes shut.

"Guess your boyfriend's as useless as you," the Arrancar jeered.

Orihime knew she wasn't talking about Ichigo. Ulquiorra had been slandered by many of his comrades in regards to his relationship with her, of that she had always been sorely aware. Lolly considered him useless for allowing his feelings to intervene against her ploy to inflict harm over his 'pet', as they had all so mockingly labeled her.

But still, the word boyfriend had struck Orihime as somehow misplaced. It was such a common and familiar term, something that, though it might have been undeniably fitting to the way she and Ulquiorra had once been, did not seem to encompass all that they were. It almost seemed to belittle what they had shared...which, in itself was strange, for she had yet to recognize what exactly it had all, and still, meant.

"Melony," Lolly ordered, "rip this bitch to shreds."

Inoue hesitated before slowly lifting her head to meet the gaze of the blonde Arrancar, whose expression had taken on one of dread and reluctance.

"Melony?" Lolly asked, straightening to better observe her comrade.

Melony turned, though her eyes remained fixed on the brunette. "No, I don't want to!"

"What the hell?" Lolly objected, her eyes enraged and her hold on Inoue tightening. "It's too late now-"

"She's got the power to heal any injury..." Melony continued softly. "There's just no point!" Her gaze shifted to the dueling pair before them. "It won't change a thing."

Lolly suddenly released Inoue and grabbed her friend by the cloth at her neck, her eyes and grin menacing. "Oh, so you don't wanna hurt her because she saved your life?"

"I didn't say that-" Melony objected, turning her face away.

"Coward!" Lolly shouted, thrusting her forward angrily before straightening and looking to Inoue. "Fine, I'll do it myself."

Inoue gasped as her eyes subsequently widened. What do I do? She tried to remember all that Ulquiorra had briefly instructed her on concerning fighting. However...she had no weapon. He had never informed her on what to do without one. I have Tsubaki, she reminded herself before that idea was altogether discarded. No, even now, I would be unable to bring myself to kill anyone...

"Lolly!" Melony shouted desperately.

"Shut-up!" The brunette immediately snapped before reaching out and harshly grasping Inoue's hair.

Orihime exhaled sharply as she was jerked onto her feet and squeezed her eyes shut as she tried to reclaim clarity.

"Aizen-sama said it himself," Lolly proclaimed cruelly. "You no longer serve any purpose." She then lowered her hand and allowed it to rest gently against Inoue's face. "Remember?"

Orihime opened her eyes and gazed into those of the smirking Arrancar. She felt the cold hand trace the contours of her cheek before the fingers came to a stop beneath her chin. She could not deny the overwhelming fear that accompanied such a sinister action and felt another uneasy breath escape her lips.

"That means I can do whatever I want to you," Lolly explained. "And Aizen-sama won't even care." She continued to caress Inoue's face, her smile growing all the more imposing. She then suddenly stopped and inched just slightly closer to the trembling human. "You're finished. I'm gonna take back every last thing...that you stole from me!"

Inoue's heart suddenly stilled within its relentless pounding before Lolly grasped the right sleeve of her dress and tore it away, the fabric coming apart easily to reveal the unblemished skin beneath.

Ulquiorra's eyes instantly averted to the trio behind him, his hand trembling ever so slightly at the sight that greeted him. His sword was held firmly against Ichigo's, who, upon hearing the tear, instantly shouted the woman's name anxiously.

The Shinigami pushed himself away from the Espada and summoned his Lunar Fang. Ulquiorra effortlessly blocked the onslaught, finding it rather strange for the boy to suddenly use the useless technique again until his eyes widened at the realization that it had been a diversion.

Ichigo swiftly swept past him, gaze focused on the girl he intended to aid. However, before he cleared the intersecting point between he and his opponent, his eyes widened in the brief moment before an emerald glow surrounded him.

Beneath his sword arm, Ulquiorra brought his other hand and summoned his signature cero, pausing a moment before releasing it, the wall in its path crumbling in response.

"Shit!" Ichigo exclaimed as he weakly stood from the debris and rushed forward determinedly. Ulquiorra swept his sword and met that of the Shinigami, deterring his advance.

"I told you to move it!" Ichigo shouted.

"If you'd rather fight another opponent," Ulquiorra calmly replied. "You'd best kill me quickly."

"Screw you! Get lost!" the Shinigami responded impatiently.

Inoue gasped as her other sleeve was unceremoniously ripped from her dress, her eyes wide and her body falling forward in response to the quick gesture. Her hands and knees met the cold marble and she gazed helplessly into her frightened reflection before closing her eyes and attempting to calm her erratic breaths. She turned her head to see Lolly approaching and then shifted her body to face the Arrancar, her hand clutched over her heart.

"Stop it!" Ichigo ordered frantically.

The sound of gleeful laughter reached Ulquiorra's ears as well as the harsh exhales released by Orihime, his mind cringing in response to her obvious distress. Woman...why do you not fight back? Is your own life so worthless to you? Would you really rather be killed than bestow harm upon another person?

He did not turn, but felt one foot perform a subtle shift in her direction. The brunette Arrancar was about to strike, he knew, and whether or not it would be lethal was something he had an aversion to discover. It could not be helped...he would have to once again defy his better judgment.

However, as soon as he had stepped back from his confused opponent, the reiatsu of a newcomer filled the atmosphere, alerting both his mind and effectively halting Lolly's advance on Inoue.

"What?" the brunette questioned as the floor and walls began to shake. Inoue's posture relaxed only slightly before her eyes were drawn to the direction of the approaching spiritual energy.

"What's that?" Ichigo shouted, looking in every direction.

Ulquiorra's simply glanced to his right, in the direction of both the disturbance and the kneeling woman. She was gazing into the darkened expanse of the shadowed hall, her eyes seeming to waver in recognition of who resided beneath. Then, as if she could sense his attention, her eyes lifted and again met his, their violet hues recognizing his shifted stance and accurately deciphering his posture as one that had been about to stop Lolly from harming her.

He regarded her as coldly as his mentality allowed, though found that his eyes were irreversibly softening within hers. I have to take this fight elsewhere...I'll never be able to end this while she's gazing at me like that.

Much like Ichigo, the ground suddenly caved to reveal Yammy as he tore through the marble. He lifted his head and grinned widely upon spotting his superior. "Ulquiorra! I came to pitch in."

The fourth Espada shifted his gaze from Orihime to the behemoth that had announced himself. "When did I ask for your help, Yammy?"

Ichigo seemed to suddenly recall where he had seen the brute before as his eyes widened in recognition.

Yammy chuckled as he regarded Ulquiorra with a gleam of intense mirth. "Don't be such a wet blanket. That Shinigami kid looks like he's toughened up a little. Lemme have a turn."

Ulquiorra regarded him sharply, his mind perceiving the reason for Yammy's sudden emergence. "Oh? So you've fully recovered, then?"

That only makes the situation worse, Ulquiorra realized as his eyes briefly flickered to the woman behind the tenth rank. Yammy is reckless enough without his full power.

"Regardless," Ulquiorra responded smoothly, attention returning to the other Espada. "I'm afraid your job lies elsewhere." He then turned his head and closed his eyes, "You can either go back to sleep or finish off the captain-class Shinigami below."

"What?" Yammy questioned aggressively. "Don't try to gyp me, Ulquiorra!"

Ulquiorra opened his eyes as he again turned his head to regard the imposing figure behind him. "Your greatest weakness is how selfish you become in that state, Yammy."

"Aw, come on," Yammy complained, taking a step forward.

"Y-Yammy!" Melony stuttered, effectively claiming the giant's attention.

Ulquiorra's eyes widened slightly as he regarded the blonde Arrancar. Senseless, he thought in dismay as he looked to Inoue. Damn...this is getting out of hand.

"We're not involved here. We'll leave." Melony proclaimed anxiously before turning to the brunette. "Come on, Lolly!"

"The hell I will!" Lolly clenched a fist, "I didn't come all this way for nothing!"

"Enough!" You're in over your head, Lolly!" Melony exclaimed, not noticing Yammy's surmounting aggravation. However, she had no time to react before she received a powerful blow to the side of her face, which sent her coursing into the wall beside them.

"Melony!" Lolly shouted in astonishment.

Inoue looked to the collision but found no sign of the Arrancar, her heart clenching tightly as she realized that she had been instantaneously killed.

"Ulquiorra!" Yammy straightened and turned toward his comrade. "What're these insects doing up here?"

Ulquiorra stood with his sword lowered and his posture somewhat rigid. There was no use in trying to reason with the beast, all he could do was try and provoke disinterest without enticing further anger. He could not oppose both Yammy and Ichigo within his current, unreleased state. "Ask them yourself," he reluctantly answered.

"Oh, good call," Yammy grunted. He then turned and knelt in front of Lolly. "Well?

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