Chapter 8

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Burt and Brer Fox were still trying to pull Brer Bear back into the sauna. 

"Help!" Brer Bear yelled.

"Brer Bear, your screaming isn't helping! You're only ringing the dinner bell for Brer Gator!" said Burt.

"Jus' let 'im scream. If Brer Gator chews off his top half, maybe we can get de rest out" said Brer Fox. 

They tried for a few more seconds, then gave up. 

"Okay, pulling isn't working. We'll have to push him out" said Burt.

"Good idea" said Brer Fox. 

They were both strained at touching the bear's enormous behind. 

"Go for it, Brer Fox" said Burt.

"No, afta you. I insists" said Brer Fox.

"But you've known him longer."

"Which is why I can't go nea' dat."

"Quit arguin' an' jus' push my tush!" said Brer Bear. 

"Wait. I gots an idea. Maybe de heat will make Brer Bear mo' slip'ry. De sweatier he is, de easia it'll be ter get 'im out" said Brer Fox.

"Brer Bear can get sweatier?" said Burt.

"He can always get sweatier" said Brer Fox. 

Meanwhile, Chad, Jeremy and Brer Rabbit had just made it back to Splash Mountain. 

"We made it! We's safe" said Brer Rabbit.

But they weren't so safe when Patty found them. "Chad! Jeremy! Rabbit!" 

"You spoke too soon" said Brer Jeremy. 

Patty stomped over to where they were. "There you are! I'm drid at all of you! I'm being a hunnit when I say that!"

"See? It's like her own language" Jeremy whispered.

"I can't believe you grimey sons think you can just finesse your way out of barn duty and take Woolly for a night trot! You should have known the vibes by now!" Patty shouted.

"Patty, m'love, we're so sorry! But right now, we need your help. After that, you can yell at us in your Brooklyn gibberish" said Jeremy. 

"Woolly ran away 'cuz we wunt pay'n 'tention an' now she sick" said Brer Rabbit. 

Woolly baaed angrily at Patty to prove it.

"Oh. Then I guess I'll have to take a break from being drid because we have a hurtin' animal to tend to. Lemme take a look" said Patty. 

She knelt down and examined Woolly with Chad.

"Will she be alright?" said Chad.

"Let's see. Woolly, on a scale from one to ten, how much pain are you in?" said Patty.

Woolly baaed to respond. "Ten, that is not good" said Patty.

"You speak sheep?" said Jeremy.

"Once you know goat, it's easy" said Patty. 

Then she felt Woolly's stomach and found a diagnosis.

"Well, jumping gee willickers! Woolly isn't sick! She's pregnant!"

"What? Woolly, you dint tell us?" said Brer Rabbit. 

"The parents are always the last to know" said Chad.

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