If you wil Marry me? (Adrienette)

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Requested by nancy_xerneas

Also I have been seriously addicted to HTTYD. So I'm going to add a bit of it in.

Adrien smile as he walked into the house to see his girlfriend sitting on the couch with Tikki and Plagg, watch HTTYD 2. She had been seriously addicted to it lately so Adrien had the perfect way to propose to her. All he had to do was wait till the right moment.

I'll swim and sail on savage seas
With never fear of drowning.

Marinette looked up from the screen as Adrien walked over. A smile staring to spread across her face.

And gladly ride the waves of life
If you will marry me.

No scorching sun nor freezing cold
Will, will stop me on my journey
If your will promise me you heart
And love

Adrien stared down at Marinette with his hand out ready for her take it his eyes giving a small smile before looking away not sure if she was going to reply.

And love me for eternity.

Adrien eyes lit up as Marinette slowly stood up and slowly walked past Adrien

My dearest one my darling dear
you're mighty words astound me
But I don't need your mighty deeds
when I feel your arms around me

Marinette sang linking her arm with Adrien

But I will bring you rings of gold
I'd even sing you poetry
And I will keep you from o harm
If you will stay beside me.

I have no use for rings of gold
I can not afford your poetry
I only what your hand to hold

I only want you near me
To love to kiss to sweetly hold
The dancing and the dreaming.
Though all my sorrows and delights
Ill keep you love beside me

I'll swim and sail on savage seas
With never fear of drowning
And gladly ride the waves of life
If you will marry me

As they sang the last sentence, Adrien sank down onto one knee and brought out the ring. Marinette gasped before jumping on Adrien pressing her lips forcefully on him.

"Yes yes. Of course I will marry you" Marinette cried as she pulled away. Adrien smile and slide the ring on her finger before looking over to the side where Alya and Nino were filming it on Alya's phone.

"Send that to me Alya" Adrien said as Alya lowered the phone. "You guys help  plan this" Marinette said staring at them. "Yep. Mister here, didn't have it all planed out" Nino said pointing at Adrien. "Well I found it very sweet." Marinette said leaning up and pecking Adrien on the cheek.

"But I want to finish watching the rest of my movie" Marinette said pointing to screen. "Cuz I've miss quite a bit" Marinette added. "And now I have to wait till she finishes the movie, so I can take her to dinner" Adrien groaned staring at her. "Hey she still said yes, so just go watch the movie with her" Alya said pushing Adrien toward Marinette, before dragging Nino away.

"Have fun" Nino said before the door closed. Adrien gave a groan. "So much for their help" Adrien groan before going and watch the movie with Marinette.

Hey everyone. I had fun writing this thank you. Please keep on sending me requests. I enjoy getting ideas from you guys

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