Chapter 32| Calm Before the Storm

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Fumbling the jade pendant around her neck, Bai-Lin had mixed feelings about having it. Her classmates were talking among themselves in Class 1-A, but she paid no attention. She was grateful that her great-uncle had given her his most cherished treasure, but she couldn't shake off this uneasy feeling. His words claiming she was no longer an apprentice made her feel lost in some way. Even though she would have to no longer be his student some day, it felt strange nonetheless.

"Alright everyone, take your seats." Aizawa announced while he walked towards the front of the class. The room fell silent, awaiting for the rest of their teacher's announcement. "You need to stop playing around, and be more aware of who you are. Even though you only have provisional licenses, don't forget that you have been given the certification and responsibility to act as heroes in an official capacity."

Ever since attending this school, Bai-Lin had already worked through a hero work study, fought against dangerous people while helping save someone, and worked through an internship. She had trained a lot at the Gym Gamma and the forestry area on school grounds. There were times where she would train with her classmates or by herself, learning a lot more of what she could do with her quirk. Even though she had made a lot for friends, her other reason was to learn how to work with her quirk better.

"From now on, we'll be kicking class up a notch so be prepared." Aizawa continued. "Now, for today's homeroom-"

Sirens started going off, turning the entire classroom red. Emergency drill! Emergency drill! Hypocritical villains have infiltrated U.A. High School grounds! Hero course Class 1-A is requested to report!

Getting up from her seat like everyone else was, Bai-Lin followed her female classmates to get changed into her hero costume. Even though this was only a fake drill, she had to treat it like villains were actually invading school grounds.


Tying the black and white ribbons in her hair, Bai-Lin was now Lady Lunar. She was with her classmates and was observing what was going on around the area. They decided to split up into two- technically three teams.

Bai-Lin ended up on the rescuing team with Iida, Tsuyu, Todoroki, Tokoyami, Sado, Aoyama, and Mineta. They were riding in spacious wooden wagon, Iida being the one to move it while using his quirk as a boost.

While riding in the wagon, Bai-Lin felt very uncomfortable since Mineta was staring at her in a strange way. She let out a sigh. "Do you mind not staring at me like that, please?"

Mineta didn't even change his expression. "You just look really good as Lady Lunar." Doing her best to maintain her frustrations, she just avoided eye contact without saying anything. Right now, her focus was on the mission.

Making it to the site, her team had to put out the fire first. Todoroki ended up mainly doing it with his ice quirk. While that was happening, Bai-Lin was searching around the area to try to find any civilians trapped underneath the rubble.

"Lady Lunar." Tokoyami addressed her. "We received word from Froppy that she had found the civilian in danger."

"Alright. Please lead the way." Bai-Lin ended up following Tokoyami along with the rest of her classmates to the riverside.

Making it to the riverside, they all were trying to find the civilian in danger. Bai-Lin's expression turned stoic when she saw the civilian in danger who was 'drowning'.

Mirio was just drifting along the river, laying on his side while laughing. "I don't know why, but I got swept away."

"Uh... Your boyfriend's in danger." Sado commented. "We should rescue him."

"I'm aware of that." Bai-Lin answered with mixed emotions. "As of right now, he's a civilian who needs rescuing. We need to come up with the best, quickest strategy."

"It looks like he's heading towards that bridge that's falling apart." Aoyama pointed out.

Seeing that, the bridge that Mirio was heading towards was indeed falling apart. "I wonder why... This is bad..." And he kept smiling as he said that.

Looking towards the bridge, Bai-Lin had an idea in mind, turning towards Mineta. "Can you use your quirk to stop any more debris from falling?"

Mineta nodded. "I can do that."

Bai-Lin turned towards Tsuyu. "And can you use your quirk to help rescue the drowning civilian?"

"Understood." Tsuyu answered. "But how will we get there on time? It's a bit far away."

Tokoyami stepped in. "Allow me to give a boost."

Sado also stepped in. "Let me help out too."

"I see. You two can give Tsu-san and Mineta a boost with your quirks." Bai-Lin nodded in approval. "Alright. Our time is limited. Proceed now!"

With Tokoyami's dark shadow and Sado's sugar rush, they ended up throwing Tsuyu and Mineta towards the collapsing bridge and drowning civilian. Seeing that the plan was working out, Bai-Lin turned towards the rest of her classmates. "I'm going to head over in case they need backup."

Iida nodded. "Of course. We'll be here on standby. Contact us on your ear piece if you require more assistance."

"Understood." Bai-Lin was running towards the bridge that was no longer collapsing. It was getting held on by Mineta's sticky balls. The balls from the top of his head, not... You know. Watching the rescuing while running, she saw Tsuyu pulling Mirio out of the water.

Arriving at the bottom of the bridge, Bai-Lin climbed and jumped her way up. At the same time, there were explosions happening in the city, causing a fire outbreak. Throwing herself up into the air, Bai-Lin ended up making a landing on top of the bridge where Tsuyu and Mineta were with Mirio.

Mirio was clapping. "Alright! Superhero landing!"

Trying not to smile or laugh in a serious moment, Bai-Lin was walking over towards the three. "Are you alright, civilian? You are not hurt anywhere, are you?"

"I'm alright! These two saved me!"

Bai-Lin looked over towards Tsuyu and Mineta. "Well done saving the civilian, Froppy and Grape Juice."

"Thank you, Lady Lunar." Tsuyu responded.

Bai-Lin turned towards Mirio. "I would advise to not stand near the edge. As you can tell, there are explosion outbreaks-" There was another explosion in the city, shaking the area. "...Like that one. Your safety come first. If you would please follow me, I will escort you-"

There was another explosion, only this time there was strong wind. Purposely going near the edge of the bridge, Mirio made himself fall back into the river. "Oh no! I'm falling!" He splashed underwater, his head only floating back up. "I was washed away again!"

"He did that on purpose!" Mineta exclaimed. "Why are you dating such an airhead?! He's giving us a hard time even if this is supposed to be practice! I would treat you so much better if you'll give me a-"

"Not another word or else I will push you off this bridge. I do not care about the penalty points." Pulling at the ribbons in her hair, her hair effortlessly went down her back. "I'm going to rescue the civilian that fell overboard. Please lend me your assistance."

Both Tsuyu and Mineta nodded. Taking a deep inhale, Bai-Lin ended up jumping off of the bridge and into the water. Rising back up, she proceeded to swim after Mirio was drifting away with a smile on his face. The rest of the rescue team were running on land to help rescue the civilian in danger.

Inching closer and closer to Mirio, Bai-Lin fastened her pace. Kicking her legs rapidly in the water, she was using one hand to paddle and one hand to reach out to Mirio. Managing to grab ahold of Mirio, she pulled him close to her. "Now, Froppy!"

"Todoroki!" Iida exclaimed. Todoroki used his ice quirk to freeze a chunk of the water to be able to get out of the water easily. At the same time, Tsuyu used her long tongue to pull both Bai-Lin and Mirio out of the water.

"Look at that! You saved me again!" Mirio commented.

As Tsuyu was setting them down on the ice below, Bai-Lin was panting hard. Her hair and costume were soaked to the bone, and she didn't understand how Mirio's hair was still standing up.

The drill wasn't quite over yet. As much as Bai-Lin wanted to talk to Mirio about this, she still had to act as a hero to help comfort the 'scared' civilian. "You must be frightened after going through that experience. Allow me to help you."

Standing up, Bai-Lin ended up carrying Mirio bridal style. Walking towards the edge of the riverside, her classmates looked at the sight in bewilderment.

Aoyama ended up taking off his hero visors in disbelief. "How is she able to carry him like that?"


The drill was over after a success minus the fact that Bakugo got called to the faculty office. After drying herself off, Bai-Lin was helping Mirio dry off. She was squatting down while drying his hair with a towel, surprised to see that his hair was barely messing up even still. "What did you put in your hair?"

"Lots of hair gel and hair spray." Mirio answered.


Looking up at her while she was drying his hair, he noticed that she was frowning. "Why the long face? Was I not supposed to use two hair products together?"

Bai-Lin shook her head. "That's not the reason."

"Then what's wrong?"

"Are you... Feeling alright after doing that stunt?"

"You mean pretending to drown in a river?"

"Yes. The time when you took me to visit your father, he told me the story of how you drown in the river as a child. Honestly, I was a bit worried about you since I felt like you were scared but pushed through with it to help my class out."

"Don't worry about me! I'm perfectly fine!"

Gazing at him at eye level, Bai-Lin looked at him with a serious expression. "Mirio, you can admit your true feelings to me. Your laughter while in water sounded somewhat nervous to me. I can tell you were at least a little scared."

Smiling bittersweetly while rubbing the back of his head, Mirio let out a laugh. "Ok, you got me. I was just a little scared, but I knew I was going to get rescued. It made me feel assured that you were one to save me."

"Don't give me all the credit. My classmates helped out tremendously."

"I know, I know but you get what I'm saying. Being saved by Lady Lunar... It's the coolest thing ever!"

Blushing a bit, Bai-Lin looked down feeling like her heart was being squeezed. "Why do you have to be so... Cute?"

"Mirio... Bai-san..." They heard a familiar voice say. Turning towards the owner of the voice, they saw it was Tamaki who was completely covered in soot, his hair was an afro. "I want to... Go home..." He ended up falling flat on his face.

They both rushed towards him with worry. "I should take him to Recovery Girl's office." Mirio mentioned while helping his friend up.

Carefully examining Tamaki, Bai-Lin was checking to see if he had any other injuries. "He seemed to be fine, but yes. Take him there just in case."

Mirio ended up helping Tamaki up by lending him his shoulder to lean on. "I'll be off. Yo I should meet up with your class."

"Very well. See you after school." They went their separate ways, Mirio heading towards the school while Bai-Lin was heading towards her teacher and classmates.


After school, Bai-Lin was in the dorms along with the big three and a few classmates. Aizawa and Eri were there along with them. Sitting next to Tamaki, he was covered in bandages due to earlier.

"Are you feeling better?" Bai-Lin asked while checking out his bandages from head to toe.

Tamaki let out a hopeless sigh. "Better than earlier. He's scary..."

"I understand. It took me a while to find him not as scary as before." Feeling reassured that Tamaki was alright, she turned towards her other side where Mirio was sitting. Seeming like he was lost in thought, it concerned her. "What's the matter?"

Closing his eyes, Mirio wore a serious expression. "Bai-Lin. You're informed about the nationwide sweep that's happening soon, right?"

For a while, there's been intel from a certain pro hero about the Paranormal Liberation Front, and a great potential of a war breaking out. The majority of the members were originally named the League of Villains while the remaining are from the Meta Liberation Army. She remembered her encounter with Himiko Toga from that time, wondering how strong the others were. She knew she couldn't underestimate any of them, considering what she has heard about them thus far.

Bai-Lin nodded in response. "I'm aware."

"Just earlier, I got a call from Bubble Girl informing me about it, and I... I want to be of help as well."

Widening her eyes at the news, Bai-Lin tried to fight out the words. "W-What?! Mirio, those villains are stronger than Overhaul! I don't want you putting yourself in danger like that!"

"I understand your fear, but you don't need to worry." Mirio placed a hand on Bai-Lin's shoulder for reassurance. "You didn't think I'll go out there vulnerable, did you?"

"No, but how are you..?"

"You've also been observing Eri's training from time to time, right?"

"I have."

Turning towards Eri who was across the table, Mirio bowed his head. "Eri-chan, I'm sorry! I know this will feel like that I'm using you for your quirk, but could you test your rewind on me?"

Blinking in response, Bai-Lin turned towards where Eri was. Seeing Aizawa giving her permission, Eri went over towards Mirio. Gently grabbing his face, Eri gave him a assuring smile. "Don't apologize. This is what I trained for!"

Humbly smiling at the child, Bai-Lin felt confident that Eri could rewind Mirio's quirk before what will conspire soon. Looking down at her lap, Bai-Lin felt her nerves trying to take over. Trying to shake off the feeling, she looked at the jade pendant she was wearing.

Lifting the jade pendant with her palm, she stared hard at it. Her master passed it down to her, because he believed she was ready to become her own master. She couldn't afford to be afraid of the inevitable. Whatever her role will be, she had to hold her head up high. The heroine, Lady Lunar, will overcome this next upcoming obstacle.

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