Chapter 9 - The Avengers

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Dahlia groans, lifting a hand to her forehead. She winces, pulling her fingers away when she feels blood, a gash across her forehead from hitting it during the explosion. She wipes her hand on her skirt, standing and moving to the side as she hears people rushing around her.

"Dahlia? Are you all right?" Thor asks. He stands in front of her, resting his hands on her shoulder and examining the cut.

"I'll be fine." She replies. She gasps, hearing a roar and knowing Bruce must have transformed into Hulk. "Go. Be careful, Thor. Don't hurt him." He chuckles, kissing the top of her head before stepping back.

"I will do my best." He tells her. Dahlia listens to him run before reaching out with her magic, letting it lead her to Loki. 

She enters the detention center and blinks, her eyes glowing yellow. She senses Loki sitting on the cot in the cell and makes her way towards him, resting her hand on the glass when she reaches it. She blinks again, her eyes returning to normal.

"Dahlia? What are you doing here? Where's Thor?" Loki asks when he spots her. He moves to stand on the other side, placing his hand on the opposite side of glass from hers.

"I'm all right, Loki. I had to come see you. We have a lot to discuss." She says, moving her hands to her hips as she glares at him.

"I don't want to talk about it." He replies, turning his back and moving to the center of the cell. She scoffs and rolls her eyes.

"You are lucky I don't understand how to open this cell, or you'd be wishing Thor had brought Odin instead of me. You will talk to me, or I will never speak with you ever again." Dahlia threatens.

"You wouldn't." He says, turning to look at her. She steps back, angling herself for the doorway.

"After the last year of agony and endless pain, yes I will. I believed you were dead. I mourned for you, thinking I'd never get to touch you or hear your voice again." She says. She turns to glare at him again. "Have you experienced the heartache of losing someone you love? No. Don't think for a second you understand how I've felt especially after the betrayal of finding out you're alive."

"Lia, wait!" Loki calls as she reaches the door. She pauses, her hand on the latch. "Don't leave me. Please, I'll tell you everything."

Dahlia takes a deep breath before she steps away from the door and moves back towards him. She stops in front of the cell, leaving a few feet between herself and the glass.

"Explain." She tells him. He sighs before beginning to talk.

He explains that he hadn't wanted to lie to her about his death and had to force himself to stay away, believing she'd be better off without him. Her heart breaks for him but she stays silent, letting him get everything out. He explains how the wormhole he fell through brought him to The Other and the plan to rule Earth.

"Loki, I believe you're being con-" Dahlia begins. She hears a loud pop before pain explodes in her shoulder. She stumbles back and touches her shoulder, feeling blood. She backs into the railing behind her, leaning against it as she slides down to the ground.

"You idiot! Get away from her and get me out of this cell!" He shouts, glaring at the agent under his control. The man moves to the control panel and opens the door. Loki rushes to Dahlia's side, carefully examining her shoulder.

"It hurts, Loki. I've never felt physical pain like this before." She tells him, squeezing his hand. Loki brushes the hair from her face, gently pulling her onto his lap. He kisses her forehead, careful to avoid the gash, and uses his magic to put her to sleep so she doesn't have to feel the pain of the bullet wound.

"Rest, my love. I'll be with you soon." He whispers, lifting her into his arms as he stands. He turns to the idiot solider who had shot her. "Take her to the jet. If anything happens to her, you'll wish I'd killed you when you shot her."

The man nods and takes her from Loki, making it to the jet without encountering anyone else.

Later, Loki reaches the jet and pulls Dahlia onto his lap. He wraps his arms around her, cradling her to his chest. He kisses the top of her head, keeping an eye on her the entire flight to Stark tower.

Sorry, this is late we were running errands all day yesterday and then I started feeling like shit, so I went to bed early lol. I'm also tired so this chapter is short lol

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