Chapter 12 - The Dark World

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"Really, Thor?" Dahlia asks, feeling the rain hit her skin. 

"What? It matches my mood." He answers, shrugging. She rolls her eyes and pulls the hood of her cloak over her head.

"Everyone calls Loki the dramatic one, but you're both the most dramatic people I have ever met." She tells him. 

"Please never compare me to him again." He says. She pulls her arm free from his and punches him, making him stumble back. "What was that for?" He asks, rubbing his arm.

"Don't be rude. He's your brother and you should be celebrating anything you share. You're already different enough as is." She scolds.

Thor notices Jane and Darcy watching them and slips her arm back into his. He begins walking as Jane does, pulling Dahlia with him.

"Jane." He says, smiling as they meet. She slaps him and Dahlia winces.

"Sorry. I just needed to make sure you were real. It's been a very strange day." Jane tells him.

"It's not like he didn't deserve it." Dahlia mutters. Thor elbows her and she elbows him right back. 

"Jane, what-" He begins. He's interrupted by Jane slapping him again.

"Where were you?" She asks.

"Where were you?" He replies. Dahlia rolls her eyes at him.

"He means that my father cannot see you." She clarifies.

"I'm sorry, who are you? Who's your father?" Jane asks.

"Oh, right. You don't know who I am." She says, chuckling. "I am Dahlia Heimdalldottir."

"Oh." She replies. She turns back to Thor. "I was right here where you left me. I was waiting, and then I was crying and then I went out looking for you. You said you were coming back."

"I know. I know, but the Bifrost was destroyed. The Nine Realms erupted into chaos. Wars were raging, marauders were pillaging. I had to put an end to the slaughter." He explains. Jane, wanting confirmation looks to Dahlia. She feels eyes on her and leans towards Thor.

"Is she looking at me?" She whispers. 

"Yes. I think she wants to know if it is the truth." He replies.

"Oh, it is the truth. Thor is a horrible liar." She tells Jane.

"As excuses go, it's not terrible. But I saw you on TV. You were in New York!" She says.

"Jane, I fought to protect you from the dangers of my world, but I was wrong. I was a fool." Thor tells her.

"When aren't you a fool?" Dahlia mutters.

"Dahlia, you really aren't helping." He tells her.

"Oh, sorry." She apologizes, raising her hands and summoning her staff, using it to move away a few steps to give them a little privacy.

"Hey! Is this you?" Darcy asks, joining them. Thor looks up and stops the rain.

"Uh, we're kind of in the middle of something here." Jane says.

"Um, I'm pretty sure we are getting arrested." She tells her.

"Hold that thought." She replies, rushing away to deal with the police.

"Look at you, still all muscly and everything. How's space?" She asks.

"Space is fine." He answers.

"Who's this?" Darcy asks. "Cool staff by the way." She adds.

"This is Lady Dahlia. She is one of my best friend and my brother's-" He says, pausing to fake gag.

"Thor you're over a thousand years old. Act like it." She scolds. 

Before he can reply, a police officer tries to grab Jane. The moment he makes contact with her, a wave of energy flies out around her, knocking the officers off their feet and shattering the windows of their cars.

"What the hell was that?" Dahlia asks as Thor quickly rushes away to Jane.

"This woman is unwell." Thor is saying as she makes her way to them.

"She's dangerous." The officer tells him.

"So am I." He replies. The officer begins calling for backup and Thor pulls Jane and Dahlia closer. "Hold on to me."

"What are you doing?" She asks.

Heimdall brings them back and they stumble as they exit the Bifrost.

"We have to do that again." Jane says. Dahlia laughs.

"I like her." She tells Thor. He nods and wraps his arm around her shoulder.

"As do I." He replies.

"Hi." Jane tells Heimdall when she sees him.

"Welcome to Asgard." He tells her.


"What's that?" Jane asks as she lays in the soul forge.

"Be still." Eir scolds. She continues her work as Jane watches, in awe of the magic swirling above her.

"This is not of Earth. What is it?" Thor asks one of the nurses.

"We do not know. But she will not survive the amount of energy surging within her." She explains before walking away.

"I'm sure Eir or your mother will be able to find a way to help her." Dahlia tells him, slipping her arm through his.

"That's a quantum field generator, isn't it?" Jane asks.

"It's a soul forge." Eir replies.

"Does a soul forge transfer molecular energy from one place to another?" She asks. Eir pauses her work to look at her.

"Yes." She answers.

"Quantum field generator." She whispers to Thor and Dahlia. He smiles and she chuckles.

"My words are mere noises to you that you ignore them completely?" Odin asks as he stands in the doorway. Dahlia rolls her eyes and glares at him.

"She is ill." He answers.

"She is mortal. Illness is their defining trait." He tells his son. Dahlia scoffs and Odin ignores her, believing she isn't worth his time.

"I brought her here because we can help her." Thor argues.

"She does not belong here in Asgard any more than a goat belongs at a banquet table." He says.

"Or any more than you belong on the throne." Dahlia mutters.

"Did he just...? Who do you think you are?" Jane asks.

"I am Odin, King of Asgard. Protector of the Nine Realms." He tells her.

"Oh. Well, I'm-" She starts to say.

"I know very well who you are, Jane Foster." He says.

"You told your dad about me?" She asks.

"Something is withing her, Father. Something I have not seen before." Thor explains.

"Her world has its healers. They are called 'doctors'. Let them deal with it. Guards, take her back to Midgard." He orders.

"No, I would not-" He starts to say. The guards move to grab Jane and the same energy from before shoots out, sending them flying back. "touch her." He finishes, moving to Jane.

"You idiot! If you listened to your sons, you would have less problems to deal with!" Dahlia shouts at Odin.

"Get her out of here!" He orders the guards as they get back on their feet.

"Oh, don't waste your time." She scoffs, turning and storming out of the room.


"I'm going to kill your father." Dahlia says, pacing the room.

"Don't let the guards hear you say that. He won't hesitate to throw you in the dungeons, too." Loki replies, turning the page in his book. She sighs and moves to sit on the bed next to him. He wraps his arm around her as she rests her head on his chest. 

"Maybe I should. It's boring without you and your mischief." She tells him. He chuckles and sets his book aside. He begins running his fingers through her hair and she smiles, resting her hand on his chest, running her fingers over the material of his shirt. "Has Frigga visited? She told me she planned to, but she had to be careful about it." She asks.

"Yes. She's been sending books down as well." He answers. 

"Will you read to me, Loki?" She asks, sliding her hand up his chest to cup his face. He smiles and leans down to kiss her softly.

"Of course. Anything you want." He tells her, grabbing his book. He begins to read to her, running his fingers through her hair. She smiles as she listens to his voice, reminded of when they were kids and he'd read to her for hours. 

"Oh, this is lovely." Frigga says, materializing in his cell. Dahlia jumps at the sudden voice, falling off the bed. "Oh, Dahlia I didn't mean to startle you. I'm sorry, darling."

"I'm all right. Just a bit startled." She says, chuckling as Loki helps her to her feet. "I should give you two some privacy."

"I'll see you soon?" Loki asks. She chuckles and holds her hands up. He grabs her wrists and guides her hands to his face. She strokes his cheeks with her thumbs, smiling at him.

"I'll be back soon." She assures. He nods and kisses her before guiding her to the edge of his cell. He watches her as she leaves before turning back to his mother.

"It makes me so happy to see you two finally together." Frigga tells him. He clears his throat and walks past her illusion, slightly embarrassed at the idea of talking about his love for Dahlia with his mother. The new prisoners being brought in save him from the awkward conversation.

"Odin continues to bring me new friends. How thoughtful." He says.

Sorry for the late update guys. I lost track of the days and thought today was Sunday lmao. This chapter's a little longer than normal to make up for it :)

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