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George walked down the staircase to see Mariana walking towards the door. He immediately popped in front of her, giving her a fright.
"We need to talk"
"I don't have anything to say to you, you won't understand how important this is..."
"I know who you are!" He blurted.
Mariana wasn't sure what and how much he knew but she didn't want to take any risks."What do you mean?" She asked.
"I know you're not human" he replied, "I know you have wings. Why have you been lying to me? Is anything you told me the truth? Are you the same person I knew a few days ago?"She was shocked. Did he hear her last night? She hoped not.
"It's none of your business"
"Is your name even Mariana?" George was pushing her buttons.
"I don't want to talk about it George!"
"Are you the same girl I fell for?" Everything inside of Lacuna froze. She didn't know what to say but quickly realized that it was wrong.
Lacuna turned around on her heels and walked away from him without another word."You can't just spread out a new pair of wings and fly away from this conversation!!" George told her. "Actually I can!" She was furious. Her mind wasn't working properly. Lacuna spread her wings and flew out. She didn't know what to do, she didn't know what to feel. She had gone crazy and that was fact.

George watched her leave, he saw her go up to the sky and fly away.
He stood there for what seemed like hours just looking at the sky, questions popping in his head by the second. His mind was racing and his confusion only increased. He wasn't sure who she was.

Suddenly w woman, short, with short brown hair popped in front of him. "WHERE IS SHE!?", she asked. George was taken aback and didn't reply. He blinked a couple times bringing him back to his senses. "Where is Lacuna!?" The woman was urgent. She was terrified but George couldn't get words out of his mouth. He stood there unfazed for a few seconds before the woman put her hand on his shoulders and shook him."Weasley! This is an emergency! Where is the girl!?"

"I- w- who are you!?" He managed to say.
"I'm her mother!" She was furious, "And she's about to face death ! Stop being so daft and tell me where she went!"
"I don't know! She just flew away!" George replied.
"There must be some place shady where he took her, where no one goes anymore" the woman thought out loud, "Somewhere wizards don't go"
"Knockturn alley" George said, "But who are you!! Whats happening?"
"I'm Inara, Mariana's mother! She is in danger and I don't have enough time to explain anything else to you!" Inara spread her wings and was ready to take off. At this time she didn't care who saw her and who didn't, she had to find Lacuna.

"Wait! I want to come!" George pulled his wand out of his pocket, "I want to help her, if she's in danger"
"No!" Inara shouted, "You are Not going anywhere, stay here!"

"You're early" Death stood before Lacuna, leaning on the wall behind him in a completely empty knockturn alley.
"I'm here. Part of the deal" Lacuna went straight to the point, she had to get this over with as soon as possible.
"Very well." He pushed himself off the wall,"You've kept your part of the deal and I'll keep mine." His hand reached out to Lacuna, "Now give me the cloak"
"Only if you prove your word first" She told him, she was smart enough to know that there was always a catch when it came to Death.
"Smart girl, but you'll have to give me the cloak first because I don't trust you" This would've gone

"No!" Inara "don't do this Lacuna!"
"So you did bring other people with you...I guess you didn't keep your word after all"
"I don't know why they're here!"
"You lied!" He raised his arm and shot a spell at Lacuna causing her to fall back.

Inara sent death flying back into the wall with her magic only causing him to get more aggravated. He stood back up as Lacuna opened her black yet magnificent wings zooming towards him and knocking him down again.

George came to the small corner at Knockturn Alley to a duel between death and Lacuna,and Inara. He took his wand out and shot at the 'man' only for it to backfire at him.

"George! Get out of here!" Lacuna shouted at him, "you won't survive this!" She turned back around and used her powers against death again.
"I want to help!"
"You can't!" She said in frustration, "You're not immortal!"

Inara holds Death up in the air and drops him back to the ground using her magic. He doesn't take even a second to stand up and shoot a spell back.

Lacuna went to George while Inara was stopping Death, "That man you see is Death himself. I'm not human, I'm your guardian Angel, I was only supposed to be here until you were yourself again but- he got in the way! So now you have to leave! He's dangerous!"

"What about you!?" George asked.
"I've got Inara! I can't die!"

Death took his chance and shot a spell at Lacuna causing her to fall forward and taking George down with her. He walked over to her as she tried to stand up, "you made a mistake, Iolthane, you should've kept your promise"

"What promise?" George asked and Death scoffed.

"Didn't tell Lover boy your promise?" He sneered, "You see-"

"This is between you and I, leave him out!" Lacuna stood up, "You wanted to take me, go ahead."

"Invisibility cloak" He reached his hand out to her. Lacuna's eyes went from Death to Inara and she stopped for a second. Inara was right, she wasn't cut out for this. She shouldn't give the cloak to Death. Her eyes then flickered to George on the ground behind her. He deserved a brother, his twin, his partner in crime. That was her task and she had to complete it.

"Okay...but no catch"
"No catch. I may trick people but I never lie and we both know that"

Lacuna conjured the cloak and handed it to Death. He was true to his word, he never lied.
"That wasn't so hard, was it?" Lacuna sighed as her gaze went to a disappointed Inara.

Not long after, a figure started to appear beside Death, it was deformed at first but slowly and steadily it took its form.

Fred Weasley's ghost stood before Lacuna, he was smiling widely, "Its good to be back"

"Fred?" George's voice cracked.
"In all flesh, well not really"
"Fred, you're free to be a ghost now, You can be with your brother again" Lacuna gave him a sad smile.

Lacuna flew up to fly towards Inara and make sure she wasn't too hurt when she felt herself lose control of her wings. She started to descend back down and suddenly shooting pains went up her back as her wings started to break and dissolve into thin air.

Lacuna screamed in pain as Death smiled, "you did this to yourself honey" Her descend became faster as she got lower towards the grounds.

George ran towards her and caught her numb body only a few seconds before she hit the ground, almost falling down but catching himself just in time.

Lacuna felt her breath go unsteady as George placed her on the ground, "Mariana! I-what's happening!?" He was so desperate for help.

Inara ran towards Lacuna and skid down to the floor, "No! No! Look at Lacuna!" Lacuna shifted her head from George to Inara, "It will hurt for a while but everything will be fine! Just-just calm down, relax. All the pain will go away.."
"What's happening!?" George asked more urgently.
"She's becoming a fallen Angel, it's like death for our kind but worse. It's torturous-they're in constant pain and-" Inara couldn't say more, her body refused her to speak. She moved her gaze back to Lacuna and kissed her forehead, "you'll be okay, I promise" She whispered.

"Oh goody! Two in one!" Death walked over to them, "You've got your twin, I'll be taking her with me. Such a selfless girl, sacrificed everything she had for you. But it was the most selfish thing ever, she only did it because she was in love with you"

George felt a pit in his stomach as Lacuna started to close her eyes. "No! I-I love her! Please don't!"
"No can do"
"I'm sorry George, I can't do anything about this.." Inara told him.

When everything started to feel like defeat, Inara knew only one person to contact and only a few seconds later, Merlin came down to Earth himself, "Death! What are you doing here!?" He was the only one Death was intimidated by.
"I came here to make a deal and got a free gift with it"
"How dare you do this to her!? She was my most special Angel!"
"Well she did it to herself, she's had too much human interaction than she needs"
"I want her back"
"I want a sacrifice then"

Everyone fell silent. They had to sacrifice to Death, someone had to die. There was no sound for a few seconds before George stood up and went up to Fred Weasley's ghost, "I-I love you Freddie, you've been the most amazing twin and I missed you so so much. She brought you back for me, it's all my fault and I think it's time we make things right. I just want a proper goodbye"

"I love you to Georgie, I'm happy, don't be sad. I want you to be yourself and I know it's hard but you should know I'm perfectly fine. I met the mauraders. Turns out we knew two of them already, Lupin and Sirius. Harry's dad was one too. I'm happy there and I want you to be happy here. So goodbye George" George sighed as a tear escaped his eye.

"Goodbye Fred, Mischeif-"

George turned around to Death, "leave her, take him"
"She's an Angel you know, humans and Angels can't be together"
"It's okay-as long as she's okay"

George took one last look at Fred before he disappeared.

Lacuna felt all the pain from her body leave her and the energy in her, return.
"Oh thank Merlin you're okay!" Inara pulled Lacuna into a tight her.
"I-what happened?"
"George sacrificed Fred for you..." Lacuna's head turned to George who was only looking at his feet, rocking back and forth.
"I-you shouldn't have-it was my job to make you better"
"That didn't mean you had to die" George replied.
Lacuna slowly and steadily stood up and walked over to him. Her hand went on his cheek, "thank you" she whispered. George nodded.
"I guess you'll be going back now..."
"I think I will" Lacuna turned around to Merlin and Inara, "I'm really sorry. I was just trying to do what was best for him..."
"It's alright Lacuna, but you have to understand that you will age now, you're not good as new and you won't get your wings back"
"Actions have consequences" Inara added.
"I understand. I think it's time to leave" she turned to George, "Goodbye George, see you in another life"

Lacuna,Merlin and Inara stood beside each other, ready to leave when George spoke up, "Wait-I-I'll miss you. Thank you"
"You won't remember me,Weasley"Lacuna gave him a small smile, "but I will, always" And everything after that went blank for George.

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