Episode 10: Space Colony (Part 1)

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In the common area.

"Ugh, I am so happy Mr. Davenport gave everyone the day off, because it is way too hot to train" Bree says.

"I know it feels like even my brain melted" Harper says "if yours melted Adam's turned to steam a long time ago" Chase laughs and tries to hug Harper she pushes him away.

"No! get out!! it's too hot in here for human contact!!" Harper says, Chase nods moving away from her.

"Yeah, well, lucky for you, your brother's a bionic air conditioner" Adam says.

"Ugh, Adam, nobody wants your disgusting breath blowing alll over..." Chase says, Adam blows on Bree, Chase, Harper and Leo with his enhanced lung capacity, everyone gets up and refreshes relieved.

Mr Davenport and Tasha arrive via the hydraloop "Hey, guys" Tasha says, they all run over to hug and greet Mr Davenport and Tasha.

"Everybody, I have a very important announcement. I...Donald Davenport...am the first person to create a livable environment on another planet" Mr Davenport says "What?" Bree says.

"Behold...my very own space colony" Mr Davenport says as he shows them image on the screen "Whoa!" Adam says "Wow!" Bree says.

"A space colony!? Seriously!? You don't know the word limit, do you!?" Harper says "I do but I laugh in the face of it!!" Mr Davenport laughs.

"You colonized a planet? Why didn't you tell me?" Chase says.

"Because it was top secret, and because every time I tell you guys anything, you blow it up,burn it down, crack it in half, or sink it" Mr Davenport says "Hey, that is not...Yeah, it is true" Adam says.

"Looks cool. Is that Mars?" Bree ask "Please. Mars? Mars is for amateurs. I colonized a planet in an entirely different galaxy. Oh, by the way, did I mention I discovered an entirely different galaxy?" Mr Davenport says bragging.

"How dare you?" Chase says irritably "look Mr Davenport if you weren't so cocky by your own. I'd even compliment you right now!" Harper says.

"don't worry darling, I can see your admiration" Mr Davenport says "ha,not that much!" Harper smiles.

"The planet is called Lithios, and this high-tech dome mimics the Earth's environment, providing oxygen and gravity to 50 colonists that I hand-picked for the project. I'm also the honorary mayor of the colony, which I have named Davenportia!" Mr Davenport says.

"Shocking" Bree says sarcastically "Davenportia? Wow I think you could see my admirationfading too!" Harper says

"Those colonists have been living there for almost a month, and they are lovin' every Daven minute of it. And pretty soon, you will all get to meet them. That's right. We are going on a family vacation to space!" Mr Davenport says hugging Tasha.

"You told me we were going to Greece" Tasha says "Well, Davenportia is the Greece of space. Anyways, so it'll be a lot cooler there. It is way too hot here today" Mr Davenport says

"Oh, no worries. I got you covered" Adam says, he uses enhanced lung capacity and accidentally blows Donald across the room, sending him crashing to the floor.

"That's gonna leave a Daven stain" Leo says everyone looks at Mr Davenport worriedly.


In the spacecraft.

"This is it. Welcome to my intergalactic spacecraft; my pride and joy. Isn't she beautiful?" Mr Davenport says.

"Wow! I never thought I'd be jealous of a spaceship" Tasha says "Oh, come on, honey, don't be jealous. You don't stand a chance against this thing" Mr Davenport says, Tasha glares at him.

"Man, I can't believe this spaceship's been under the island all this time" Adam says "Well, that explains why he didn't make us live in the basement" Bree says, Harper analyzes the walls and center console of the ship.

"wow this is the coolest thing I've ever seen, it's so beautiful!! Oh.." Harper runs her hand over one of the panels in awe but Mr Davenport smacks her hand "Hey! Don't get excited, it's leaving fingerprints on her!" Mr Davenport says.

Harper frowns and Chase walks over he puts his arm around her waist "Mr. Davenport, this is awesome. If I was a nerd, I'd totally be geeking out right now" Chase says pauses and then laughs in delight, Harper looks at him and smiles.

"nice to see you're not a nerd!" Harper says sarcastically, Chase smirk for her.

Leo walk over to metal suit on the wall "Cool. What's that?" Leo ask.

"Oh, that's my high-velocity escape suit. It's made out of an ultra-protective material that will allow me to fly back to Earth in case we encounter any kind of emergency while in space" Mr Davenport.

"Wait, but there's only one suit. What about the rest of us?" Bree says "The rest of you better hope there's an emergencies' Mr Davenport laughs.

Adam put on a helmet "I am Zolton, leader of the planet Darkom. Bow to me, puny inferior being" Adam says in a deep voice "Adam" Chase says irritated going to him.

"Who is this Adam you speak of? I am Zolton!" Adam says "Adam!" Chase says "Zolton!" Adam says "Give me that helmet" Chase says.

"No, I will not. Zolton does not understand the human language" Adam says "Oh, but he speaks it?" Chase says "...Zolton will get back to you when he has an answer for that" Adam says.

"Okay, people, listen up. As your mission leader, it's my responsibility to inform you of what to do in case of an emergency" Chase says.

"Aw you are the cutest flight attendant I have ever seen" Harper says sarcastically but her nose wrinkles.

Chase holds back a smile trying to keep his posture "Since we'll be traveling at speeds greater than 186,000 miles per second...'"Blah blah blah. I got this. Ladies and gentlemen, there are two exits on the aircraft...one in the front and in the rear. In the event of a water landing, Chase can be used as a flotation device." Adam interrupts Chase 'Oh, haha..'' Chase says annoyed.

Adam jumps on his back and starts screaming before finally getting off, "Okay! Harp, Bree, Leo, Tasha, Mr. Davenport, you're all up front with me. Adam, you're in the back!" Chase says angry.

"What? Why am I in the back?" Adam says "Because, you are so immature, you can't even pay attention to my safety directives. And I don't feel like traveling across two galaxies hearing "Ooh, what does this button do?" 800 times!" Chase says.

"I'm not immature. And for your information, I know what all these buttons do. Like this one right here works the windshield wipers" Adam says "Adam, no!" Mr Davenport says.

Adam presses a button and the rocket
takes off from the island.


In the spacecraft.

"Wow. Look at the moon" Leo says, Adam sighs "Are we there yet?" Adam says "No" Mr Davenport says.

The spacecraft is passing another planet,"Wow. Look at Saturn" Bree says "Are we there yet?" Adam ask "No!" Mr Davenport says.

"Oh I could look at that view forever!" Harper says she puts her head on Chase's shoulder he takes her hand "Me too" Chase smiles at her, Harper looks him in the eyes.

Chase threatens to come closer to her "Are we there yet?" Adam says, Harper rolls her eyes.

"Adam, if you ask "are we there yet?" one more time, I swear I'm gonna lose it!" Chase says angry "Okay, sorry' Adam says, he pauses "How much longer till we get there?" Adam ask.

Chase jumps out of his seat and tries to attack Adam. Bree and Harper hold him back.

"Relax! Everybody relax! Now that we've left the solar system, we can initiate hyper-speed" Mr Davenport says.

"What's hyper-speed?" Tasha ask "This" Mr Davenport says He presses button, the aircraft speeds forward and they all scream.


at Davenportia.

"Welcome to Davenportia. Isn't it beautiful? Ah, who needs Greece when you can come here?" Mr Davenport says.

"It's lovely. But if you really wanna make it up to me, you should rename it Tashadonia" Tasha says "Oh, honey, you know I love me more than I love you" Mr Davenport says.

"Hey, what's this big bubble for?" Adam ask "We're in a giant snow globe!" Harper says sarcastically.

"Oh Really!?" Adam says excitedly "No! It's not a bubble. It's a dome" Chase says.

"Don't care. Still wanna pop it" Adam says "Well, you can't. It protects everything in here from the planet's natural elements. Without that dome, there'd be no oxygen, and all the
colonists would die" Chase says.

"Donald, that sounds dangerous" Tasha says "It is. That's why I didn't tell these guinea pigs until after they signed their paperwork" Mr Davenport says.

"Again! limit, plural noun limits, derived from the Latin limitem, currently not present in Donald Davanport's vocabulary!" Harper smirks sarcastically.

"We'll talk about limits the day you have a space colony too!" Mr Davenport says,"Oh Mr Davenport don't doubt her, I wouldn't!" Chase says, Harper nods at him in agreement.

They spot Perry on a table "I don't care if you're not the waiter. I want more space pancakes" Perry says.

"Uhg! I was hoping the aliens would look better, you know like green ones with a giant head not that..." Harper says mocking Perry "I know you adore me worm, it's getting old!" Perry says, Harper slightly nods.

"Perry?! What are you doing up here?" Leo says "Wherever the bus stops, I get off" Perry says.

"Forget that, how did you get here?" Mr Davenport says 'I snuck up here weeks ago with the rest of these bozos. I can blend in anywhere. I spent three months on the South Korean gymnastics team" Perry says.

"How dare you sneak up here uninvited?" Tasha says "That's Tasha, the one I was telling you about" Perry says colonist.

'That's a new low. Never been bad-mouthed on another planet
before" Tasha says "Oh, I doubt that's true" Perry laughs.


In the command center at Davenportia.

"The command center is the electronic nervous system of Davenportia. From this chair, I can monitor all the activity in the colony" Mr Davenport says.

"Man, you old people will do anything to just sit around and watch TV all day" Leo says "Love the colony, Mr. Davenport" Bree says

"Is it really remarkable, crazy? yeah, but remarkable!" Harper says "Thanks. This is just the beginning. Pretty soon, there will be Davenportias throughout the universe" Mr Davenport says

"I don't know if aliens exist, but if they do, they are gonna hate you" Bree says "I have a very important scientific question. While we're here, is it okay if I eat stuff off the ground?" Adam says "No" Mr Davenport says

"Okay. Follow-up question. How do I regurgitate stuff I've eaten off the ground?" Adam says "You see? This iswhat I'm talking about. Mature people don't eat stuff off the ground" Chase says.

"Mature people don't throw things on the ground, it's not Adam's fault, it's the people of Davanportia" Harper says, Adam agrees.

"Big D, you better get over here. I think we have a problem" Leo says, computer screen is shown, flashing "Lost signal"

"Oh, no. The main communication
satellite is down" Mr Davenport says "What happened?" Chase ask.

"I don't know. Something must've hit it. Asteroid, space debris. Now we have no way of communicating with the Earth. I need you to take the spacecraft out and repair the satellite. Leo and I will stay here and re-establish contact once it's up and running" Mr Davenport says.

"Let's go" Chase says, he Harper
and Bree start to leave the room, but stop to see Adam picking off something from his granola bar.

"Adam, he just told you not to eat stuff off the floor up here" Chase says "Relax. I got this off the floor at home" Adam says.

Harper picks up the bar and throws it on the table pulling Adam impatient "hey!" Adam says "relax you eat later!" Harper says "I won't eat a thing off the table, ew!" Adam says


in the spacecraft, Chase is in the astronaut suit so he can check the satellite.

"All right, we're at the satellite. Adam, help me put on my jet pack" Chase says "Sure, but first, there's something

I've always wanted to try. Blowin' a bubble in zero gravity" Adam says.

He turns off gravity and they all start floating except for Harper who stays on the ground.

"Hey why aren't you floating!?" Adam ask "my bionics! the Ant gravity ability, just as I can be unaffected by gravity on earth I can be unaffected by non-gravity in space!" Harper says

"Wow!" Chase says "What's the fun in being in space and not floating?" Adam says "the fact that I'm above the forces of physics!" Harper proudly says.

Adam pops his gum and makes bubbles that float through the spacecraft "Whoa! Awesome!" Adam says "That is so cool!" Bree says she receives look from Chase.

"Childish...but cool" Bree says "More bubbles comin' up" Adam says he blows more bubbles.

"Adam, stop. If that gum gets on any of the equipment, Mr. Davenport is gonna freak out. Adam!" Chase says Adam continues to blow bubbles and laugh.

"Harper, can you help me here!?" Chase says "Adam!! Turn that off now, you've had enough fun!" Harper says "Relax Harper!" Adam says

"That's it!" Chase says, He floats over to Adam and pops one of his bubbles
"Hey! You're a black hole of fun" Adam says turns gravity back on and Chase falls to the floor.

"Seriously? You got gum all over my gloves!" Chase says, He groans in frustration and leaves the room.

"Hey, can I turn the zero gravity back on? I just drank a gallon of water, and
there's something else I've always wanted to do in space" Adam says.

"Adam!!" Harper snaps at him "what? I'm just enjoying the travel" Adam says, Harper sighs at him with a frown "okay got it" Adam says


Chase is in space, he approaches the satellite "Chase, do you see anything?" Bree ask by the communicator.

"No. I don't get it. There's no structural damage. Hang on, I'll do a scan" Chase says, He scans the satellite.

"That's weird. The signal was shut off at the colony. Someone back
there must be tampering with it" Chase says "So the signal was sent by someone deep inside the colony" Harper thinks.

"Who would do that?" Bree says "I don't know. This sounds like a job for Zolton. I'll get the helmet" Adam says, Bree stops him.

"Hang on, I'm coming in" Chase says
he presses thrusters, but doesn't move.

"Uh, Chase, door's over here, bud" Bree says "I know. Adam's gum jammed the controls. They're stuck. Hang on. I think I got it" Chase says hepresses button, he starts screaming and moving away from the spacecraft.

"Chase!!" Harper says worried "What are you doing?!" Bree says "It won't stop! Help!" Chase says "Okay,we have
to fly the ship and go get him" Bree says 'Got it" Adam says.

"Yeah, I'm not very familiar with
spaceships but I have an understanding of the controls" Harper says activating some buttons.

"Ooh, I bet Zolton knows. Now can I get the helmet?" Adam says "Noo!" Harper says "Adam, this is serious" Bree says.

"Okay, fine. Uh, maybe this'll do it" Adam tries to press a button, Harper holds his hand.

"No! If you don't know what it is, don't! press it!" Harper says irritated,Chase is far in the distance.

"Chase! Chase! He's not responding" Bree says "He's too far away, he lost signal" Harper keeps fiddling with the control panel.

"Great. He's speeding off into space, and we have no idea how to work this thing" Bree says "Way to come unprepared"
Adam says.

"Wait! I Got It!" Harper says activating a button, the ship starts to move "Not fast enough!" Harper says sitting down to pilot the ship trying to go faster

"Wait. There's someone on the ship" Bree says, Perry walks in, yawning.

"Perry? What are you doing here?" Bree ask "Oh if I won a coin each time someone said that!" Harper tells herself piloting the ship.

"Took a nap in the engine room. I find the violent rumble of the rocket engines to be soothing, plus the fumes knock me out cold" Perry says.

"Okay, we lost Chase in space" Adam says "Score!" Perry says "No, this is serious" Bree says "If we don't move faster we'll lose him forever" Harper says "Score!" Perry says.

"Terry! Wanna take a break in the sun!?" Harper says irritably, "Relax. Let me fly that thing" Perry says "Never!" Harper says

"Trust me, I used to be an astronaut. I know how to fly this bird" Perry says "Yeah, right" Bree says.

"I do! Back in the day, me and my buddy Buck Champ used to ride rings around Neptune, till an unfortunate ejector seat accident" Perry says.

"Okay. You know what? That's it! You never had any of these jobs! You were never an astronaut, you never played basketball in Romania, you never knocked out Muhammad Ali.You. Are. A. Liar." Bree says irritably.

"Hey, I don't lie. When you get fired from as many jobs as I do, you gotta whatever you can get" Perry says "Why'd you get fired so much?" Adam ask "For lying" Perry says.

"You're not piloting the ship!" Harper says firmly "I know what to do,You don't trust me?" Perry says "You just said you're a liar" Harper says.

"You've been my boss long enough to know when I'm lying,come on worm, after all, you don't trust me one bit?" Perry says Harper looks right at her, and sighs giving Perry space to pilot the ship.

"BUT! I'm in charge!" Harper says firmly "Affirmative Commander!" Perry sits down.

"Okay, T-minus ten to lift-off. Hydraulics engaged. Boosting the vector rates of the orbital thrusters. We are set for maximum propulsion" Perry says "What does that mean?" Adam says.

"It means sit back and shut your trap. I'm drivin' this beast!" Perry says and they zoom forward.


In the spacecraft, Harper supervises Perry piloting the ship.

"Over there! It's a vapor trail!" Harper says pointing "Hey! Mitzi, Beef, get over here. I think I found the vapor trail from Chris' jet pack" Perry says, Harper rolls her eyes.

"His name is Chase" Bree says "Call him whatever you want. He ain't gonna be around to hear it" Perry says.

"I think he crash-landed on that planet" Adam says "How? He would've burned up as soon as he entered the planet's atmosphere" Bree says "I hope not" Harper says worriedly.

"Well, what are we waitin' for? Let's land this baby, grab his bones, and bury them next to Buck" Perry says "Terry! Shut it or the next bones we bury will be yours!" Harper says threatening Perry with her eyes.

"wow! Okay! angry puppy, let's get your little toy, see if that calms you down!" Perry says, Harper looks at her rritated

"Adam, Bree go there and try to retrieve his signal, me and Terry will wait here, this planet's atmosphere won't cooperate for long,we'll let you know if we detect anything wrong" Harper says, Adam and Bree nod and go get ready.

Harper use a plastic clatter, she turns around and sees Perry opening a snack

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