"My Kyubii"

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The sun set over the tall pine trees as the winds blew in from the north. Hidden in the branches was a man watching over a small village, nestled in the middle of a large forest. He watched as the villagers wandered around the village, waving goodbye to each other for the night. As the day turned to night the man disappeared deeper into the forest.

"I wonder if that Nimbus has eaten any dinner... Maybe I could leave a plate on the windowsill for him..." A lady said.

"Dont be silly mom!" A young child interrupted. "Nimbus is busy guarding the village! He's probably eaten tons of food already!".

"And im sure Nimbus eats all his vegetables!" The mother joked. The mother and child, along with other villagers entered their homes for the night.

The hidden man was known as Nimbus, a powerful shinobi that watches over the village of Hibana. He spends all his time outside the village, guarding the borders of the forest from danger.

Nimbus layed at the base of a ginko fruit tree, enjoying the fruit that dropped from the tree. Suddenly he heard a commotion coming from the edge of the forest. He quickly sprang up and rushed towards the commotion, jumping from branch to branch as if he was gliding on air. He watched from the branches as a group of mystery people fought to the death and knew he had to stop it. Nimbus jumped down from the branches and grabbed a small bamboo stick holstered to his waist. The stick extended in size into a large bamboo staff. Nimbus began fighting off the mystery people when in the corner of his eye he seen a group of mysterious men grab a satchel and run off. The other men followed along and began to scatter and run away. Nimbus moved fast to chase them when he heard a weak cry coming from a small cave. Nimbus passed multiple bodies scattered around the scene and as he checked on them he realized they were already gone. He peered into the cave to see a woman covered in cloaks leaning on the floor. Beside her was a man covered in blood with his hand laid over the woman. It appeared the man has also passed away. As Nimbus walked closer to check on the woman she weakly muttered her final words.

"Please take care of my Kyubii" the woman spoke. She leaned her head to the wall and her grip on a bundle of cloth softened. Nimbus pulled back the cloth to see a baby looking back at him with large black stripes on her cheeks and orange eyes.

"I have to tell chief Haruka" Nimbus uttered. He gently grabbed the baby and rushed back to Hibana village.

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