Word Count: 1129
- Underage Drinking
- Inappropriate Themes
"Why would you do that to Bebe?!" Heidi shouted at me.
"Do what?" I asked. All I did was say she needed to get over Kyle, is that such a bad thing?
"Your talking to Kyle!" Bebe shouted again.
"Oh my god! I was having a conversation with him, I'm not trying to get with him!" I shouted back at them. Sure, Kyle and I had a moment...but it isn't like I want to be with him or anything, right?
"Look, we weren't there to see what really happened, Bebe could be overreacting or Y/n could be lying." Wendy stated as she tried to calm the situation.
"I'm not dealing with this right now." I sighed and stormed off upstairs. I felt weird going into a random room so I sat on the hallway floor, up against the wall. I'm not a terrible person am I? Sure, Bebe liked Kyle, but I don't like Kyle, he's an asshole. He's an asshole, but he understands.
I sat there for a couple minutes, watching the people walk by. The bathroom door opposite to me opened. "Why are you so depressed?" Cartman asked in a slight slur. He must've drank a lot too.
"I'm not depressed, just..." I trailed off slightly. "I'm just not having the best night."
"Come on and drink with us then." Cartman said sincerely. He had grown a little more mature since elementary and middle school. Sure, he was still a major pain in the ass, but he knew when to tone it down.
"I'm learning how to have fun sober." I told him.
"And look where that's gotten you, sitting on a hallway floor because everyone else is dancing and having fun downstairs." He took another drink. "I'm not gonna force you to drink with us or anything, but you look like a homeless prostitute sitting there alone." He held out his hand for me to take. I grabbed it and he pulled me up.
I followed behind him as we went back downstairs through the crowd. I saw the girls talking and drinking on the couch so I made an effort to avoid them. Cartman led me to a small sitting area where Kenny, Kyle, Stan, Craig, Tweek and Tolkien were all hanging out. "What's she doing here?" Craig asked, not in an annoyed way, but he was purely curious as to why I was with them and not the girls.
"Girl trouble." Cartman rolled his eyes and pulled out a chair for me. All the boys were clearly drunk off their mind. Kenny, Stan and Kyle more so than the others. I sat down, Stan on my right, Kyle on my left. They all talked about random drunk things, like what kind of rubber duck they'd be if they were one. Apparently, Stan would be an emo one, Cartman would be a big fat one, Kenny would be one of those weird alien ones and Kyle would be a normal one with a red curly wig. I'm not sure why this topic came up but it was interesting to listen to.
"How's everything with Bebe?" Kyle whispered to me as he scooted his chair closer to mine.
"I don't know, hopefully everything gets better but I'll have to talk to her tomorrow." I told him. His hat was lazily put on, his red curls spilling out everywhere. His eyes weren't too puffy or red but they seemed more open than usual. He smiled and giggled more and his voice was higher. Everything about him seemed less broody than usual, though it was a nice sight seeing him having fun, he was drunk off his brain.
"Okay, well, we can think about that tomorrow, because I am very tired." He said with a yawn and a stretch. His hat slipped back off his head a little more, almost falling off entirely. I haven't seen him without his hat since 7th grade. So when he leaned back up and his hat completely fell off his head, I couldn't keep my eyes off him. His hair was a mess but the red was so vibrant it looked almost fake. Since his curls were reasonably tight, his hair would be around shoulder length if it were straight.
My attention was drawn off him as Stan started drunkenly talking about the time Dad tried using Cred to get more Onlyfans famous so he could beat Mom. He went on about for about 10 minutes and everyone was pissing themselves laughing, except Kyle. He was passed out in his chair holding his hat in one hand and the other was hanging down the side of the chair.
I have no idea what time is it but it has t be early hours of the morning. Mom should be picking me up around 12am-3am. Stan might be staying over at Tolkien's but I think mom is gonna make him come home anyway. I checked the time and it was 2am. "Hey Stan, mom should be here soon." I told him and he nodded. "Does she know you've been drinking?"
"Yeah, wait, I don't think Kyle was supposed to drink." He said in a slurred yet concerned voice.
"So?" I asked.
"He can't go back home, Sheila will kill him." Stan started to panic. "Wake him up and ask if he wants to come home with us." Stan ordered as he went off to find Tolkien's phone so he could call mom.
"Hey, Kyle?" I said to his sleeping figure. I got no response. "Kyle?" I pushed the hair covering his face away so I could see if he was waking up. I decided I'd try a different method. I held his nose so he couldn't breath and would have to wake up. I tried this on Stan once and it just made him pass out. Suddenly, Kyles mouth gaped open and he took a deep breath in, though he still seemed half asleep.
"What?" He asked with a raspy voice.
"Do you want to come home with me and Stan?" I asked him as he shuffled up in his chair a bit.
"Come home with you? I think it's a little too early for that." Kyle yawned and closed his eyes again.
"Not like that, do you want to go home with Stan?" I rephrased the question so maybe it wouldn't get jumbled up in his head.
"Oh, Stan's house? Sure." He agreed and woke up a little more but was still very drunk. Stan came running back, he seemed to have sobered up a little bit.
"Mom's on her way, lets go wait out the front." Stan said as he helped me get Kyle and haul him through the front door.
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