Authors note and Character Backstory.

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Authors Note:

- There may be smut, there will be warnings about things before each chapter begins.

- EVERYONE IS A TEENAGER (So around sophomore/ 10th grade).

- This is also set in the 90s (except their not 10).

Character Backstory:

Y/n Marsh is Stan's twin sister. Her and Shelly got on fine, despite Stan and Shelly insulting each other every chance they get. Though she was Stans sister, she didn't constantly hang out with the group as much as he did. Of course if they had sleepovers at her house, she'd join in, but she didn't go out of her way to hang out with them.

Y/n was friends with Bebe, Heidi and Wendy. Though loving Heidi and Wendy, Bebe was a bit off with her sometimes. Sure there were times Bebe was a good friend but Bebe always 'accidentally' left her out of things or 'forgot' to tell her things everyone else knows. Other than those three girls, she was good friends with Craig and Tweek as she constantly went in for a hot chocolate in the cafe.

Wendy always went too Y/n for relationship advice as Y/n knew Stan the best, even more than the boys. Heidi and Cartman have had this weird on and off thing and Heidi usually asks Y/n what to do. Bebe is head-over-heels for Kyle, but Kyle has shown no interest in her, only kissing her once in a clubhouse when they were 10. Bebe doesn't come to Y/n for advice since Bebe would say, "I don't need relationship advice from a person who's never been in one". Bebe is a great friend to have when you go to a party or any public function.

Y/n wasn't very outgoing or loud in general, but she wasn't some innocent girl that was sheltered from everything. All the inappropriate jokes that Stan and his friends told, Y/n knew them all. Stan even encouraged Y/n to be a little more open to things but she was the one who made sure Stan didn't go overboard on all those things.

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