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year: 1993

Kurt's age: 26

Y/N's age: 24

Y/N was crying. Kurt had been on tour for five weeks, he'd barely had time to even call her for more than five minutes at a time. Y/N missed him like crazy, being the girlfriend of a rockstar really wasn't all it was cracked up to be. She was practically living in all of the clothes Kurt had left behind, today choosing to wear his biggest, blue flannel,  Y/N was shorter than Kurt, so the flannel almost came down to her knees. 

When she was just laying in bed, crying whilst watching the TV, she heard a knock at the door. She didn't even want to move, but the person knocked again. 

'Calm down!! I'm coming I'm coming.' She shouted as she ran down the stairs. 'Who the fuck is-' She started to say as she opened the door, but stopping when she saw Kurt. She gasped as the realisation hit her. He was finally home. 'Kurt!!' Y/N squealed as she hugged him. 'I missed you so fucking much..' Kurt said as he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed the top of her head softly. 

Y/N was so overwhelmed. She hadn't seen his face in so long, except on a small TV screen. Kurt pulled away reluctantly, to look at Y/N. 'Have you been crying , doll?' He saw her smudged mascara and almost bloodshot eyes. 'I just missed you Kurt..' She mumbled, looking into his sapphire-like eyes. 'I know baby..I know.' Kurt whispers as he rubbed circles on Y/N's back. 'But I'm here now..' He continued. 

Kurt picked up Y/N bridal style and carried her to the bed. He gently put her down and laid next to her. He wrapped his arm around her waist and let her rest her head on his chest. His flannel was comforting, it faintly smelled of his cigarettes. They cuddled for a while, both of them ending up falling sleep in each other's arms. 

A few hours later, it was now late afternoon, and Kurt woke Y/N up by kissing the top of her head. 'Sweetheart..want some toast?' He whispered. Her eyes slowly opened and she came to her senses. 'Wait what did you say-' Y/N said sleepily. 'I you want some toast?' Kurt said, also in a sleepy voice due to only just waking up. He smirked a little as Y/N eagerly nodded her head. 

They ate toast together on the side of the bed and laughed together for the first time in weeks, it was fucking amazing to have Kurt back.

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