Hellraiser16:hey everyone i'm back sorry for being gone so long I got writters block but anyways please let me know how the story is so far and also the video up at top I don't know why I picked it I just thought it was a very beautiful song also pictures and videos don't belong to me they belong to the people who made them the same can be said about Bayonetta and Kuroshitsuji they don't belong to me they belong to the people who made them anyways on with the story!
Brandi's POV
The next morning Ciel and Alois were gone but right now me,Akira,and Mina are on our way towards the queens castle I was actually pretty anxious to give the abusive fool a strong tongue lashing who in there right minds would abuse such an adorable little girl I sigh and just stare out the window I then looked down at Mina to see her laying on my chest and was snuggling into my chest every now and then"baby cousin we're here."says Akira making me hum we hop out the carriage and into the queens castle to see the bastard there I know you're all wondering how did the queen find out so quickly well I tell Akira a lot of things and he tells the queen about it so there you have it I hear Mina whimper in fear I look down at her and smile softly"don't worry sweetheart I won't let the bad man get you I promise."I say she clings to me tightly I chuckle and hop out the carriage and walk up the stairs with Akira following close behind once we were inside we were greeted by Ash he smiles at me"we have the man in custody,would you like me to take your child and watch after her?."he says I smiled at Mina"he won't hurt you sweetheart."I say while placing her down on the ground she slowly walks towards him he smiles and picks her up and walks away Akira looks at me"well if you need me my dear baby cousin i'll be getting Ciel and Alois here I have a feeling the queen has a case for us and wants to tell us in person don't kill the man."he says and walks away I smirk"no promise kept."I say and walk to where they were keeping him I walk inside to see him look up at he glares"I should've killed that little brat when I had the chance!."he said I smiled"well that's nice to know but know one thing you're not going to be running your orphanage for a very long time."I say while cracking my fingers and smirking evilly at him he gulps in fear I just ignore it and started my strong 'tongue lashing' on him.
Akira's POV
"Alright we know what to do now thank you your majesty."I say making Ciel roll his eyes well I can't blame him usually I'm never like this but considering I do have manners I have to be respectful I see Alois smile but soon frown and look around ah he must be looking for Brandi he looks at me"hey where's Brandi?."he asked making everyone look at me I smile"she' giving that owner of the orphanage a tongue lashing...a very strong one...that might leave a few scars."I say hoping that they'll get it I look at Claude,Sebastian,and Ash to see them wince once in a while I snicker softly 'they must hear the man screaming in pain but oh well he did deserve it and knowing how much Brandi loves kids she didn't go easy on him.' I thought Ciel frowns"what do you mean that might leave a few scars?."he asked I smile"simple the 'tongue lashing' she's giving him probably may give him a few scars physically and possibly a few broken bones."I said while muttering the last part under my breath making Ciel and Alois frown"what?."they said I smile again"oh nothing nothing."I said and looked at my watch 'wow she's been in there for a while.' I thought to myself and winced when I heard the man scream again a few more minutes went by and the screaming stopped I looked up to see Brandi walk into the room breathing hard her hair was slightly messy and she had a pissed off look on her face she raised her hands and slicking her hair back down she calms down"excuse me but I need to go for a walk Akira watch Mina for me."she says and walks away once gone I stand up and walk to where the man was I looked inside and smirked my lovely baby cousin still has it the bastard looked horrible both of his eyes were black and swollen his nose was broken,some of his teeth were missing,and his arms and legs were broken in different angles I smirk and just close the door and walk back to the room and smiled Ciel frowns"what happened?."he asked I smiled and shook"nothing."I said the queen looks at me"on a scale of one to ten how bad is it?."she asks I smirk the queen knows that I'm sadistic at certain times"off the charts."I say she hums and nods Claude looks at me"what happened?."he asked I smirked"go look for yourself."I say they frown and goes to take a look they soon came back in to with pale faces Ciel looks at me I smile"hey it was his fault you should know my baby cousin loves kids."I say while picking Mina up Ciel sighs"whatever just come by so we can discuss the case."he says while leaving I hum and leave to go look for my baby cousin I looked down at my niece to see her playing with my hair I chuckle and place her on my shoulders making her giggle and continue to play in my hair I hum and continued to look for my cousin.
Hellraiser16:Chapter 25 is done please vote and comment on how the story is so far also pictures and videos don't belong to me they belong to the people who made them the same can be said about Bayonetta and Kuroshitsuji they don't belong to me they belong to the people who made them well seeya!.
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