Akira’s POV
The next morning after waking up Brandi who really hates being woken up from a very good sleep we were both right now in the living-room Iris went to go visit Drocell I was drinking some coffee I looked over to my right to see Brandi still in her umbran witch clothing considering her wearing those gowns was just keep herself hidden she was lying on the couch her head was lying in her right hand and she was sleeping she was purring softly in her sleep I chuckle and sip my coffee again I look up to see one of the maids walk into the living-room"Lord Akira Lord Trancy and Phantomhive are here."she says I nod"send them in."I say making her nod and motion them in they walk in I smile"good morning."I say Ciel grunts and looks at Brandi who was still sleeping"how long has she been asleep?."he asked I chuckle"an hour or two."I say Ciel frowns"she can't stay sleep forever Sebastian wake her up."he says Sebastian nods I cock an eyebrow"I don't think that's such a good idea."I say they ignore me I hum"oh wow you're ignoring me well it’s your arm you're going to lose not mine."I mutter under my breath and just watched.
Brandi’s POV
I was still sleeping considering Akira got me up too early I decided to sleep in the living-room hey just because i'm a hybrid doesn’t mean I can't sleep I'm still human y'know while I was sleeping I kept feeling something off like something was fin to touch me I quickly reacted by grabbing that person's arm and squeezing it hard the person wince and hisses in pain I sniffed around until I caught four familiar scents I sigh"oh good morning Sebastian."I say while opening my eyes and still holding his arm he smiles at me but I could tell he was in pain"ah good morning to you as well lady Brandi but,could you please let my arm go now?."he says I hum and let his arm go making him step back away from me and smile at Akira who smirks"hurts don't it?."he asked Sebastian smiles even more but I could tell he was hurt"oh very much sir."he says I chuckle nervously"sorry about that Sebastian it was a reflex besides,didn't Akira warn you about my reflexes?."I say Sebastian cocks an eyebrow"no he just said I wouldn't do that if I were you."he says making me look at Akira with a cock eyebrow"really?."I asked Akira snickers"hey they should know elementals have crazy reflexes if so it's there fault not mine."he says while sipping his coffee I sigh"oh for the love of Sheba."I muttered under my breath I hear Ciel sigh and take a seat"enough about that I want to know."he says while taking a seat on the other couch Alois sits next to me I look at Ciel"what do you want to know?."I ask Ciel frowns"I want to know more about your kind."he says I hum and look at Akira who smiles"well as you can see we're hybrids first part is being an elemental we all have different traits some the same we also special elemental powers."he says and sipped his coffee and looked at them"my special elemental power is I can tell when someone is going to fall in love and how long they can stay together I can also put you through hell."he says Ciel scoffs"that's a true fact."he says Akira snickers"ha ha ha very funny but no I can seriously put you through hell I can put you through an illusion that will make you beg for death."He says making Ciel frown and then look at me"and yours?."he questions I chuckle"I can see into people's hearts and see what has happened in there lives and what will continue to happen kind of like both future and past vision."I say making him hum I chuckle and look up to see a maid handing me a cup of coffee I smile and thank her and take the cup I brought it my lips and sipped it I hear Ciel sigh"well both of your powers matches you perfectly."he says while smirking I glare playfully at him"watch it."I say making him smirk at me I hum and look over to see Alois lying on my arm I hum and place my coffee on the table and placed my left leg behind him and pulled him close to me to the point he was lying on my stomach I run my fingers through his blonde hair making him hum I saw Ciel,Sebastian,and Claude glaring which was strange to me I look at Akira to see him snickering I glare he just chuckles and finishes the rest of his coffee.
Akira’s POV
I snicker at my baby cousin she isn't even aware of these men falling in love with her I already knew Ash loved her considering when he first met her when she was twelve he was instantly smitten but Brandi don't really trust men after having countless men lie to her saying they loved her she just stopped caring I sigh but soon gasped softly when I started having a vision yes Solaris Brandi’s eldest sister passed down her future vision to me the vision went a little like this.~Future Vision~"You don't even know anything about her!."shouted Ciel who was glaring at Alois who glares back"I know enough to know that she deserves someone that will love her!."he shouts back Ciel glares"and you think you’re better you'll probably abuse her!."he shouts Alois glares"I would never do such a thing I would treat her like a queen buy her things she wants shower her with love something you possibly can't give her!."he says Ciel smirks"actually I can I know more about her than you possibly do her favorite color,her favorite food,her favorite brand of tea,and her favorite flower,I know she loves children,and hates violence I'll actually be a more fitting husband for her."he says Alois smirks"fine then let the best win."he says making Ciel smirk back"indeed."he says."while now looking over to see a very pissed off Akira who glares at them all"YOU FOOLS YOU'VE MADE HER CRY YOU MADE MY BABY COUSIN CRY I'LL KILL YOU ALL!!!."he shouted angrily.~End of future vision~Once the vision was over I frowns and looks at Brandi to see her smiling and playing in Alois hair I frown knowing something was going to happen I just don't want her getting involved in it I sigh 'oh for the love of Sheba what am I going to do?.' I thought to myself I soom shrugged it away so I didn't worry my cousin.
Hellraiser16:Chapter 21 is done please vote and comment on how the story is so far also pictures and videos don't belong to me they belong to the people who made them the same can be said about Bayonetta and Kuroshitsuji they don't belong to me they belong to the people who made them including the information about them well seeya!.
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