BTS - Small but deadly | 🥀 |

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Sickie: Taehyung

Caregivers: Seokjin, Jimin

Request/Idea - jugglingzxs

Trigger warning: Needles


Taehyung got into the car to head back to his apartment and god dayum, he was exhausted from the day. First off, his schedule started at 6 in the fucking am and ended at 11 in the fucking pm with one break for lunch that was only an hour long. The first half of his day consisted of solo dance practice while being taught by a strict instructor and the second half was him stuck in the studio. Taehyung wasn't told why he and his fellow members had such a long day and by the end, didn't even care. The poor idol just wanted to go home and be unconscious for 10 hours straight.

He tried so far to focus on the road and almost crashed the car multiple times if not for the loud music he blasted to keep him awake. Taehyung eventually made it back to his apartment and parked the car before heading inside. The idol was halfway to his room when he remembered he forgot to eat dinner and internally scolded himself before changing his path to the kitchen. Taehyung had some leftovers from yesterday and stuck the whole plate in the microwave, not bothering to grab a portion instead. The microwave beeping woke Taehyung up who was starting to fall asleep standing up and went to grab the food but quickly retracted his hand.

"Aww, fuck" Taehyung muttered to himself, burning between his index finger and thumb on his right hand.

However, Taehyung just shrugged off the pain as he just 1) couldn't be bothered to take care of his hand and 2) like i keep mentioning, Taehyung was exhausted. He scarfed down his dinner and quickly washed the plate, putting it back after drying before grabbing his stuff and finally going to his room. Taehyung changed into pajamas and made a mental note that he'd just shower in the morning then flopped onto his bed followed by him being pulled under, unaware of what was to come during the next couple days.

~ A couple days later ~

It's been some days since the long ass schedule each BTS member had and fortunately, most members were able to recover from it but not Taehyung. He was the only one to have gotten worse as time went by and assumed he had caught some sort of cold at some point. It wasn't uncommon for any one of his fellow members to get sick after working hard like this so he wouldn't be surprised if he was sick at all.

Right now, the group of seven had split up into three, two and two for their schedules and Taehyung was currently with his two hyungs, Seokjin and Jimin. The trio had spent the past few hours writing and recording some songs and were now all eating lunch, well, all except Taehyung. So just Seokjin and Jimin. The reason for this was that Taehyung's jaw was hurting which made it hard to move it along with it hurting to eat food. Taehyung knew it didn't have to do with his teeth because they were perfectly healthy so Taehyung decided to just go home and hopefully find some answers to his problem online.

"Seokjin and Jimin hyung?" Taehyung called out, the other two humming in response and turning towards Taehyung, "I think I'm gonna head home. My jaw feels really weird and I've just started getting a headache."

"Taehyungie, you feel sick? You don't look sick to me" Seokjin rested the back of his hand against Taehyung's forehead which felt normal to him.

Taehyung nodded in response, "Yea, I just don't feel great right now."

"Do you think something's wrong with your teeth? We can take you to a dentist or something" Jimin suggested. Taehyung refused and Jimin immediately kept talking, "Did you hurt yourself recently? Maybe your jaw or head?"

"I think I burnt my hand the night we had that long schedule but then what does that have to do with my jaw cramping up and hurting?"

"It might be symptoms of tetanus" Seokjin read off his phone, "It says that most people experience what you're experiencing. We should take you to the hospital to check."

At the name of the disease coming out of Seokjin's mouth, Taehyung's face paled and not because he was sick. He knew what the doctors would do to him if he had tetanus and he just didn't have the courage for it.

"No, it's fine. I'm sure it's just me still being sore and tired from Tuesday. I can just go back to my apartment."

"Taehyung, we should really take you" Jimin spoke up from beside his dongsaeng, "If that's what this is and you don't get treated then you could die. Death isn't pretty so let's go to get it over with."

"I agree. C'mon, Taehyung. We'll take my car since walking's too slow and you guys don't have yours."

Before Taehyung could protest any longer, Seokjin and Jimin were packing up their things. The duo basically did everything to get ready to leave and Seokjin even dragged Taehyung out of his seat just because the younger wasn't doing anything. Eventually though, the trio were in Seokjin's car and Taehyung anxiously sat in the backseat by himself while staring out the window. He stayed quiet the whole five minute ride to the hospital and again, was dragged out of the car when they arrived but by Jimin this time. He led his dongsaeng in by hand and the two sat down in the waiting room while Seokjin went to the receptionist about Taehyung.

Just as Seokjin went to wait with the youngers, a doctor came up to them and led Taehyung into a room (not sure what its called) with Seokjin and Jimin following behind. The doctor informed them that they didn't need to come but one look from Taehyung told, more like begged, them to stay. Jimin and Seokjin stood on either side of Taehyung as the doctor asked began to ask him basic questions about why he was there.

"Everything seems like you might be developing tetanus. It's good that you came earlier than later because your symptoms aren't that bad" the doctor explained, "The recovery process is quite easy. We'll give you a tetanus shot to help you from getting worse and all you need to do is take two weeks minimum to rest. Does that sound good?"

"Yea, it does" Taehyung nervously spoke.

"Okay, good. You three can wait here while I go get the stuff needed for the shot."

The doctor left the room and Taehyung immediately burst into tears, "It's okay, Taehyung. Just breathe" Jimin spoke softly as he and Seokjin hugged the present youngest, "Talk to us when you're ready."

"H-Hyungs, I d-don't w-wan' it" he sobbed, barely able to control his breathing.

"We know, Taehyungie" Seokjin lightly scratched Taehyung's scalp, "But it's what the doctor said and it's to help prevent the disease from getting worse."

"B-But I don't l-like n-eedles" Taehyung was just getting more and more worked up.

"I don't either and I'm sure Seokjin hyung doesn't too. Needles help you feel better and I'm sure you want to feel better. We're here with you for support."

The two hyungs helped Taehyung calm down enough to let the doctor come back in. With Taehyung agreeing, Jimin explained to the doctor what happened while they were waiting and she told the idol practically what Jimin and Seokjin told him. The doctor cleaned off part of Taehyung's arm before counting down from 3 and injecting Taehyung. Taehyung was just as quick to cry out in pain and commence the flowing of tears for a second time. He was still crying but not as much when the needle was pulled out and replaced by a bandage to keep from bleeding. The doctor told the trio again what Taehyung needed to do as she could see he wanted to leave which is what they did so Taehyung could rest.


WC: 1313

I got my hair cut yesterday and shorter hair is so much easier to take care of. It also feels so nice not to have long ass hair in the middle of summer.


Song recommendation: 'Pricey' by NCT 127

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