aespa - Trouble at the park | 🧸πŸ₯€ |

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Littles: Giselle, Ningning

Caregivers: Karina, Winter

Request/Idea - The author (Me)


SM's girl group aespa housed two adorable and sweet littles, Giselle and Ningning. Ningning usually slipped around a few years younger than Giselle and Giselle always referred to herself as 'Ningning's big sister' in littlespace.

The two littles rarely caused trouble and when they did, it wasn't that bad and their caregivers, Karina and Winter, never had the heart to punish the pair. Some days when both littles slipped into their headspaces, Giselle knew she had the time to destress but instead she protected Ningning and this in a way helped Giselle destress.

The group was granted a day off and Giselle and Ningning were both spending the day in their headspaces. The morning of the day off, Giselle already woke up in her headspace at four years old and set off to find her fellow little. Giselle saw how Ningning too woke up in her headspace at two years old and the two waited for Winrina to wake up.

~ Two hours later ~

Karina and Winter woke up soon after Giselle and Ningning and found them in the living room. Karina stayed with the littles while Winter set off to make the whole group pancakes. The four all ate and right after she finished, Giselle declared she wanted to go to the park.

They got the littles dressed and ready and were now putting their shoes on.

"You excited, Ningning baby?" Winter asked as she tied Ningning's shoe.

"Yea! Pawk!" Ningning bounced lightly and clapped her hands.

"Wets go! Its gonna be late when we get there" Giselle tugged on Karina's hand.

"Hold on, Gigi. When Winter finishes with Ningning's shoes, then we can go, okay?"


Winter quickly finished with Ningning's other shoe and helped the little up to her feet before making sure she was dressed warmly and they all left the dorm.

When aespa left, the mid-morning breeze flew past them. Giselle saw Ningning's free hand as the other one was holding Winter's and grabbed onto it.

"You excited, Ningning? I wove the park" Giselle smiled as they walked towards it.

"Vewy! Wove pawk too" Ningning exclaimed happily, copying Giselle's smile.

Fortunately, when Giselle and Ningning opened up and told Karina and Winter about their headspaces and how little Gigi and little Ningning loved the park, the two caregivers found a park specifically for littles that was close to the dorm and they always took the two mentally younger girls there.

They finally arrived at the park and Giselle was close to running off and taking Ningning with her when Karina guided the three to a shady tree they always set their stuff up at.

"Let's get some sunscreen on you two then you can go play" she announced as she laid out a blanket on the soft grass.

"Okay. Ningning, Rina unnie's putting sunscween on us" Giselle poked Ningning's arm who was picking at the grass.

"Otay" Ningning turned to the other three.

After Karina and Winter both put sunscreen on the littles, Giselle jumped up from the blanket and helped Ningning up to before the two ran towards the park. Winrina watched how instead of doing her own thing, Giselle followed Ningning and did what she wanted to do and the caregivers loved that about her.

Ningning eventually wanted to play tag and waddles over to where Karina and Winter sat and asked them to play. Karina denied because she was looking after their stuff but Winter agreed. Giselle was it first and they took off running. She went for Winter and got her easily as she was going easy on the littles then Winter went for Ningning. Ningning looked behind and saw Winter close. She didn't notice however that there was a rock right in front of her.

"Ningning, stop!" Winter yelled out.

She didn't stop in time and tripped over the rock, landing flat on her face. It was silent for a few moments before the air pierced with Ningning's wails. Karina saw this event and abandoned their stuff, running to where the other three were.

"Oh no, baby" Winter cooed, "C'mon. Let's sit you up."

They sat up Ningning and they all gasped. Ningning had a huge gash on her left knee. She wore a skirt so you could see the damage easily and it was pretty bad.

Karina picked her up and sat her down on her lap. Ningning clutched Karina's shirt as the tears kept rolling down her face as Karina rocked her back and forth while rubbing her back.

"It hurts, huh?" she asked, getting no response.

"We're sorry you got hurt, little one" Winter added, "I think this means it's time to go home now."

"Yea. Let's go home" Karina went to pick up Ningning but she stopped her.

"Gigi unnie" Ningning choked out through her sobs while making grabby hands at Giselle.

"Can I carry hew?" Giselle looked up at the mentally older.

"I think she wants you to. Just don't drop her, okay Gigi?"

"'Kay unnie."

Giselle picked up Ningning, making sure to be aware of her knee and wrapped her legs around her waist. Giselle guided Ningning's head to her shoulder and held her close to her body.

The walk back was quiet apart of Ningning's sobs that were muffled by Giselle's sweater. Giselle tried to cheer up the younger little but nothing worked. They eventually got back to the dorm and Winter helped remove Ningning's shoes then Giselle took her to the bathroom and sat her down on the counter. She hopped up and sat beside her while trying to calm her down.

Karina and Winter soon came in, Winter carrying Ningning's favourite dummy that had a space-like theme to it and her tiger plushie she named after Giselle's littlespace nickname 'Gigi'.

The dummy:

The plushie:

"Here's your dummy, Ningning. I also brought Gigi too" she held up the two items.

"Tank chu" Ningning said in a small voice muffled by the dummy between her lips.

"You're welcome, cutie" Karina smiled, "I have to put this stuff on your knee. It's gonna be ouchie so I want you to hold onto either Winnie's or Gigi's hand, okay?" Karina held up a bottle of rubbing alcohol.

Ningning nodded and held onto Winter's hand with one of hers and her plushie with the other while Giselle gave her a hug. She whined and squirmed a bit when the cloth touched her skin but Giselle and Winter started singing Ningning's favourite littlespace song to calm her.

It calmed her so much that when Karina finished cleaning her knee and was bandaging it up, Ningning slipped all the way to babyspace and leaned limp in Giselle's hold. Winter saw Ningning's glossed over eyes and chose to take a chance.

"Hey, Ningning?" she asked, "Can you tell unnies how old you are?"

Ningning just looked at Winter with innocent eyes and tilted her head, not understanding what Winter had just said. She tried again but Ningning reached out a hand and grabbed Winter's hair, giggling in the process.

"I think we have a baby on our hands" Karina cooed as Ningning yanked Winter's hair.

"Ow! Baby, no" Winter groaned, gently removing Ningning's hand.

Karina picked Ningning up from the counter and into her arms, "Winter, do you mind getting a onesie and a nappy for Ningning?" she asked.

"I do it!" Giselle shouted before sprinting out of the bathroom to get the stuff Karina requested.

"That kid sure loves her sister" Winter cooed before turning to Ningning who played with Karina's sweater strings while looking tired.

The two sat down, Winter on the edge of the bathtub and Karina on the toilet lid with Ningning while they waited for Giselle to come back. When she did, Giselle had Ningning's baby blue onesie with white stars on it in one hand and a nappy in the other.

She wanted to stay but it was too cramped for the whole group to be in there so Giselle sat down outside the bathroom while waiting for the other three. Karina laid Ningning down and began distracting her with her tiger plushie while Winter changed her into the nappy. A few minutes later and a squirming Ningning and the nappy was on her. They changed Ningning into the onesie, being careful still of her knee and zipped it up.

"We're done" Winter announced as they exited the bathroom with Ningning in her arms.

"Yay!" Giselle exclaimed as she took back her fellow little and held her close.

"Ningning's looking quite tired though. How about we watch a movie then you two cuties can have a nap?" Karina suggested.

"Ooh, yea. Let's go, Ningning" the two set off to the living room.

Winter followed Karina in getting Giselle's sippy cup and Ningning's bottle to give them both something to drink.

When the two got back to the living room, Giselle had the movie Frozen waiting on the TV to be watched and had Ningning on her lap with her back against Giselle's chest. Ningning was sucking on her dummy while playing with Giselle's hand as Giselle lightly bounced her.

"You wanna watch Frozen?" Karina asked as she crouched in front of the pair.

"Ningning chose it" she hugged the younger.

"She did, did she? You ready to watch it, baby?" Winter took her plushie and lightly rubbed it against Ningning's nose which made her giggle.

"Cute. Anyways, Ningning's having milk but you're older so what would you like to drink, Gigi?" Karina held up the sippy cup.

"Tea pwease"

"Good manners, Gigi" Winter smiled, "We'll get it right away."

Winter took the sippy cup and bottle and left to the kitchen. Meanwhile, Karina sat beside the two littles and took the remote, playing the movie. She offered to take Ningning onto her lap but Giselle refused and said she was enjoying her baby sister's cuddles. Ningning babbled behind her dummy and placed her hands on Karina's cheeks, squishing them and giggling.

Winter soon came back with Ningning's warm milk with honey and Giselle's fruit tea. She sat down, handing Giselle her tea and keeping Ningning's bottle. However, Giselle put her tea on the coffee table and took Ningning's bottle from Winter's hands.

"Can I feed Ningning pwease?" she asked Winter.

"Of course you can, Gigi. But what about your tea? It'll get cold" she commented.

"I'll drink it at the same time" Giselle beamed.

Giselle managed to get Ningning's attention and after she slid the bottle between her lips and began to feed her the milk. Ningning leaned her head back on Giselle's shoulder and slowly drank the sweet milk. Ningning's eyes started to droop and not even half an hour into the movie, she was fast asleep on Giselle's lap.

Karina and Winter to their sides and Giselle looked down at the sleeping little. They all cooed and Karina removed Ningning's thumb from her mouth and replaced it with the dummy. Winter picked up Giselle's cup and gave it to her who gulped down the tea in a few seconds.

"Gigi honey, be careful" Karina reminded as she took the sippy cup.

"It yummy though" Giselle pouted, holding Ningning closer.

"Just reminding you. Shall we get you and Ningning into bed for a nap?" Winter asked Giselle while Karina placed the sippy cup and bottle in the sink to be washed.

"Can we nap togethew pwease?" Giselle started slurring her words.

"Of course. C'mon, let's get you ready."

Winter picked up the sleeping Ningning and grabbed Giselle's hand as they walked to Giselle's room. Once there, Winter laid Ningning onto the bed before helping Giselle choose and change into pajamas. She chose a cute two piece black set that was one of little Gigi's favourite pajama sets.

After changing, Giselle slid into the bed with Ningning who was still asleep and pulled her to lay on top of her. Giselle could feel Ningning's sleepy breaths against her neck.

"Won't you be too warm, Gigi?" Winter asked, in the middle of covering the two with a blanket.

"No. I like her cuddwes" Giselle sleepily smiled.

"Okay" Winter chuckled and covered the two, "Have a good nap you two."

Giselle shifted a bit before getting comfortable and closing her eyes, soon following Ningning into dream land. Winter gave both littles a peck on their cheeks then left the room and quietly closed the door behind her.


WC: 2033

I hope you all are enjoying these oneshots. I have some of my ideas that I'm currently writing but I'm running out of ideas so if you have a request, let me know.

πŸŽ‚ Happy Birthday to Jay Chang from ONE PACT πŸŽ‚

Song recommendation: xikers' new album 'HOUSE OF TRICKY : Trial And Error'

You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net