Hyunlix ~ Pt. 2

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Genre: Fluff

Ship: Hyunjin and Felix

Warnings: None

Requested by anonymous

Continuation of Hyunlix Pt.1 (previous chapter)


"Hyunjin! You're staring!" Jisung screamed. It was lunchtime and Hyunjin was next to Jisung and his older brother Minhyun. Felix looked up when he heard Hyunin's name from the other table. He was with his friends Chan, Seungmin, and Jeongin, plus his older brother Minho and little sister Chaeryoung.

Hyunjin turned bright red as Felix turned around when his name was mentioned.  Felix's eyes widened and a slight blush arose on his freckles as he whipped his head back around to his gimbap. 

They smiled at the same time before continuing to talk to their separate group of friends.

Hyunjin POV:

Godammit. I don't know how they found out, but now Jisung (the gossip queen of the school) found out that Felix is gay and I have a chance of asking him out! And of course, Changbin (The other 'queen bee') decided to tell everyone except Felix.

I love them both so much. 

I think that I'll probably put a note in his locker, which is right next to Sunoo's. It'll say to meet me in the school garden after class ends.

Felix POV:

Minho and Chae found out about my plan to ask Hyunjin out, so today, I'll ask him out to prom, which is tomorrow. I think. I'll pass him a note in class on his desk before he arrives, so it'll be anonymous.

Hopefully, he'll come to the school garden after school ends. 

"Oi Felix! C'mere bro! What you doing?" Chan calls out from behind me, interrupting my train of thoughts. "Nothing, just zoning out, I guess." I reply. "C'mon then, math is starting, and Mr. Park will kill us if we don't come on time!" Seungmin says.

"Me and Eunwoo made plans, so we'll be ditching. Sorry, guys. See ya!" Welp, there goes Minho.

I step into the classroom and casually slip the note onto his desk, and Jisung winks at me. Shit, does he know about it? I know, he mouthed. I nodded, and he gave me a thumbs up. As I sat into my seat at the back, I plugged in my earphones.

I dunno what to listen to... maybe rrr... by Kid Milli? (If y'all don't stan him, pls get woke.) 

Hyunjin comes running into the room. "Did I make it? Oh, thank god." he says, over dramatically falling onto his desk. Cute.

Hyunjin POV:

As I sit down, I notice Felix staring at me in the corner of my eye. I take out my almost finished painting of his and add his adorable smile's details, like the way it curves into a thin line at the end, and his dimples. As I put it back in my bag, I notice a note on my desk. 

Meet me at the school garden after last period. 

Wait, this is last period!

Narrator POV:

As soon as the last bell rings, The two boys unknowingly bump into each other in their rush to get to the school garden. Felix opens his locker and sees the note Hyunjin put in his locker. 'Just perfect' he thought 'I hope it doesn't get awkward if there are multiple people there.'

Hyunjin races and says bye to Changbin and Jisung before he zooms out the door. The two boys both enter the garden at the same time and sit on the bench. They then finally notice each other. "Sooo, who are you waiting for?" Hyunjin asks. 

Felix holds up the note. "I don't know, but I gave a note to them as well..." He trails off as Hyunjin pulls out the note from his pocket. The one that Felix gave him.

They make eye contact.

"Do you wanna go to prom with me?"

"D'you want to go to prom with me?"

They're eyes widen.



(Part 3 coming soon, it's the actual prom and stuffs)


Word Count: 630 words

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