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Ok guys i have been lazy. But then i remembered i left y'all at a cliff hanger😙. Here's a update.💃

Authors p.o.v
    He let Korra go and walked out of the room. Korra cried in the corner. She couldn't lose Naga. She was always excluded from other kids because she was the avatar. Naga was her one true friend. "If he thinks he can blackmail me, he's wrong, said Korra." The only person who could possibly convince Mako to stop was Asami. Unfortunately she was at her child hood home. "I need back up, she said." Korra ran outside and didn't stop till she found Jinora.(With Kai of course😌) "Jinora I need a favor, said Korra" Anything for you Korra, said Jinora."" I need you to protect Naga till I get back. Mako threatened to kill him."" Why would Mako do that, said Jinora? "He doesn't want me with Mako, said Korra." And I oop, said Jinora.""Kai said, don't worry we got this!" Korra felt relieved.

Iroh's p.o.v
  Man I really wanted to see Korra. I just want to hold her and tell her how beautiful she is. You know what, I'm going to go see her.(⬅Iroh thinking to hinself.) I took a boat to the island. When I arrived Korra was talking to Jinora and some other kid. I was gonna suprise her but...."Iroh's here said Jinora." She turned around with tears in her eyes." We need to talk, she said." We sat at the beach silently until she spoke up. "Mako threatened to kill Naga if we didn't stop seeing each other. But i think we can convince Asami to talk him out of it." She broke out into tears. I put her on my lap and held her close. At that moment I wanted to kill Mako. " I'll come with you but who's going to protect Naga?" "That's where jinora and Kai come in, said Korra." The boats still at the dock, lets go.

Authors p.o.v
Korra hasn't spotted Mako this whole time. Where could he be? Before they left the beach Iroh couldn't wait any longer. "He pulled her by the hips and asked, can i kiss you?" "You may, she said." There mouths connected and Korra tangeled her hands in his hair. He licked her lips asking for entrance.(hmmhmm) They backed into the tree and Korra wrapped her legs around his waist. Iroh went from her mouth to her neck. Before he got any lower she interrupted." I would love to do this but we gotta get to asami, said Korra" Iroh nodded and they jogged to the boat. It only took 40 minutes because Asami house had a dock. When they arrive the buttler directed them to her room. " Maybe I should go in alone, said Korra?" Iroh nodded and gave her a good luck kiss. Korra entered and saw Asami at her desk. "I wasn't wxpecting you Avatar, Asami said with a chuckle." "Korra said, Mako threatened to kill Naga if i didn't stay away from Iroh. The girls sat there with an uncomfortable silence. "Do you have any proof, said Asami?" "Korra said, Why would I need any. Were best friends!" Asami stood up and slapped her....

Well that is all for today. I had fun writing this chapter. Vote, comment, and tell your friends.😘

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