Chapter 6

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Kazuma: Create Water!

Water then squirted out of his palm and into a glass as I picked it up and drank it.

[Y/N]: *sigh* That's not bad from Water that came out of you Kazuma.

Kazuma: Give me a break. It's not like you can do better.

[Y/N]: I can't I can do Fire. Hold on.. I remembered that Advanced Adventurers can learn skills and since you did water...

I took out my adventurer card and see that there is indeed a Water skill. I unlocked it and felt energy coming through my body. I then created water and got it in a glass and handed it over to Kazuma to drink.

Kazuma: Whoa! This is good! How is it so good.

[Y/N]: Dude, it's just water.

Darkness: [Y/N]. I have my armor repaired with the bounty I had with the cabbage harvest. Doesn't it look great? What do you think?

[Y/N]: It looks good, Darkness. What do you think, Kazuma?

Kazuma: Meh, looks like the junk of a spoiled son of an aristocrat would wear.

[Y/N]: Come on Kazuma. Can't you compliment her except for insulting her armor?

Darkness: Yeah and you're pretty rough. This armor will be great for your lustful gaze.

[Y/N]: That's great! It's not any different from what I've seen Megumin doing.

Kazuma: What is she doing?

[Y/N]: Loving her new staff i got her. She's been rubbing herself against it for a while.

Kazuma: looks like it could be a meme.

[Y/N]: Get the popcorn.

Aqua: What do you mean!?

[Y/N]: oh boy, here it comes.

Luna: I checked at your pile and most of what you caught was lettuce.

Aqua: Why would lettuce be mixed with cabbages!?

[Y/N]: seriously, get the popcorn.

Aqua: Oh [Y/N]~

Kazuma: Oh god, here she comes.

Aqua: How much did you get from theast quest? Do tell.

[Y/N]: Oh about 10 million.

Aqua: wat?

Kazuma: excuse me?

Megumin: hold on.

Darkness: What the?

[Y/N]: What?




A, K, D, M: 10 million?

[Y/N]: Yeah. I kinda got half of them in this huge basket with Flame Port. So yeah.

Aqua: U-um. [Y/N], for a while now i have to be brutally honest. I find you gery handsome and-

[Y/N]: Just take it, Aqua.

I hand her a million eris as she blushed and slowly grabbed it.

[Y/N]: now that i think of it. All of you should have a million each. Here.

I gave each of my party members a million Eris each as the girls all hugged me and I fell to the floor.

Darkness: I don't know how to repay you. Thank you so much, [Y/N]!

Megumin: I could upgrade my staff again! Thank you, [Y/N]!

Aqua: I'll treat you to some booze once in a while. Thanks, [Y/N]!

A, D, M: I love you, [Y/N]!

[Y/N]: .........................................

A, D, M: ⁰-⁰

Kazuma: You really are in a harem......... Wait, why aren't you answering?

As Kazuma looks at me he saw my skin pale and my face flushing red. He laughs and eventually helps me up as I was flattered with the confession.

[Y/N]: What did you guys say?

Aqua: Nothing! We were kidding!

Megumin: Yeah! Kidding!

Darkness: Yes! A lie in a fun way!

[Y/N]: Alright, I'm gonna go get some new clothes. Come on, Kazuma.

Kazuma: Coming!


Darkness: Ko

Megumin: No

Aqua: Suba!


Kazuma and I were standing in front of the girls as they were looking at us with amazement.

Aqua: Whoa. [Y/N] looks like Scorpion now.

Darkness: Who's Scorpion?

Kazuma: No wonder you chose fire.

Megumin: Yeah, and Kazuma looks like a real adventurer now. Don't you think?

Aqua: Yeah, his tracksuit didn't really fit into the whole fantasy world vibe.

Darkness: What fantasy world? Yet, [Y/N] certainly does look dashing I might say.

Megumin: Yeah, same like Kazuma. He looks like a real adventurer.

[Y/N]: Wait, what did Darkness just say?

Kazuma: She said you looked dashing.

[Y/N]: Oh.. thanks!

The party then started to talk about going to quests. After hearing Kazuma talk about frogs, I took out my Kunai and hit him on the head with a blunt part of it.

Kazuma: Hey! What was that for!?

[Y/N]: No frogs.

Darkness: Come on, [Y/N]. You could save me and hold my precious parts.

[Y/N]: That's a bigger no. What the hell is going in with you?

Darkness: I don't know i just get turned on when I see you.

[Y/N]: The fuck- Hahahahahaha

Darkness: Hey! You ruined the script!

Kazuma: I don't think that was in the script! HAHA!


[Y/N]: That's an even bigger no! What the hell is going on with you!

Darkness: Kazuma's just giving me a lustful gaze! *moans*

[Y/N]: Darkness! You're reading the wrong script! HAHAHA

Darkness: Whoops


[Y/N]: That's a big no! What the hell is going on with you!?

Darkness: It's nothing. Let's just go and look at the quest.


Darkness: KONOSUBA!


Kazuma: Ergh, there's not much on the quest board.

[Y/N]: Yeah you're right. The only there is, is hard ones.

Our party started to talk about quest until we couldn't decide on anything to do. Aqua went broke and is working as a merchant. Darkness went home with her parents and gave me a kiss. Megumin and Kazuma are going for an Explosion spree at a castle. I'm just in the stables unlocking more skills. Apparently, I unlocked a new skill.

[Y/N]: Okay, Fire Clone. Let's try this out.

I then raised my hand as Fire started rising fron the ground and found a clone of myself.

[Y/N]: Cool! Now what can you do?

Clone: Mostly anything you can do. But i have a mind of my own.

[Y/N]: Sweet! I can make a clone and it can be my company.

Clone: Megumin and Kazuma are back.

[Y/N]: Oh hey guys!

Megumin: Two [Y/N]s? Sweet!

She then hopped off Kazuma's back and quickly hugged my clone. I then smirked as my clone smirked as well. We nodded to each other and got into a stance.

[Y/N]: Megumin! What're you doing!? That's an imposter!

Megumin: What!?

Clone: What're you talking about! You're the imposter! Megumin! Don't listen to him!

Megumin: I won't!

[Y/N]: Whoa what!? Hey! Im the real [Y/N]! It's me!

Megumin: Prove it!

Clone: Yeah! Prove it!

[Y/N]: U-uh.

Kazuma: Who are you and how do you have [Y/N]'s apperance?

[Y/N]: Hehe.. Haha... HAHAHAHAHA!

Aqua: Hey guys! I'm ba- Oh My! Two of the most incredible beings in the world!

She then ran over to me and hugged me which I chuckled from.

Kazuma: Aqua! You idiot! That's not the real [Y/N]!

Clone: He's right! He's a fake!

Aqua: W-wha?

[Y/N]: It really is stupid isn't it? I might just have to get rid of him and replace him!

I then snapped my fingers as the Clone Disappeared into ashes. I cackled as Kazuma was about to swing his sword.

[Y/N]: Would you believe me if I was the real [Y/N]?

Aqua: Why would we? You just killed him!

[Y/N]: Aqua, sweetie. Would I ever lie to you?

Aqua: Oh, of course not, darling.

I then hit her on the head as she gripped it. I hit Kazuma and Megumin as well as they gripped it as well. I laughed at them as I was getting teary.


Kazuma: Are you kidding me!?

[Y/N]: No, not anymore. It was a new skill. Fire Clone. It's really useful since I can make other clones like this.

I then made a clone of Darkness as she looked around.

Darkness Clone: Hello my fellow comrades! I'm here and It is a complete party.

Kazuma: What's creepy is that it acts just like her.

Megumin: I'm creeped out so I'm going back home.

[Y/N]: Okay! Bye Megumin!

Megumin: Bye!




Aqua: I'm back! Look what i got! Look at the spoons. I hope you guys are hungry!

She then placed down a large bowl with three giant spoons. Kazuma was laying down on the hay as I was reading book beside him. He was petting a cat as I was focusing on my book.

Kazuma: you know, Aqua. I've been thinking some stuff.

Aqua: What?

Kazuma: about you and me having to defeat the devil king.

[Y/N] in the background: did you forget about me already?

Kazuma: But let's face it. We can't take him down and we won't be able to defeat him at all. You'll have to stay here with me.

Aqua: *about to cry*

[Y/N]: Aqua, don't cry.

Aqua: *cries*

[Y/N]: *hits Kazuma's head* See, now you made her cry. *To Aqua* Hey, it's gonna be okay. We'll bring you home once we beat that devil king. I'm sure of it. And if we don't, I'm sure I'll be there for you.

Aqua was still crying and was about to stop as she looks at you. She then hugs you as you gently comfort her.

Kazuma: Come on, you two. Be more useful! Aqua, just teach me your heal spell so i could do this alone.

Aqua: No! Not my heal spell!

[Y/N]: Shh. I'm here. No need to worry.

Aqua: But you like Darkness! And Megumin! And I'm stuck with this hunk of junk! *points to Kazuma* What am i supposed to do when you like the other two except for me!

[Y/N]: What!? Who told you that?

Aqua: *points to Kazuma weakly*

I then looked at him and glared as Aqua kept on crying. She eventually cries till the next day while I was still comforting her in the guild.

Aqua: Come on! Don't you need me!?

[Y/N]: We do, Aqua. Just not that hunk of junk.

Megumin: it looks like you took your scolding to another level.

Darkness: Everyone needs to vent sometime. If everyone it should be me! If you're having any stressful thoughts don't hesitate to tear onto me!

[Y/N]: Hey, Darkness. Quiet down a little. I'm trying to comfort her as best as I could.

Aqus stops crying as Kazuma looks at her before crying again. Kazuma could be a new source of Aqua's crying.

[Y/N] in Kazuma's head: Way to go, sherlock.

Kazuma in his head: She's a faker! You saw what she did!

Luna: Emergency! Emergency! All adventurers arm themselves and get to the gates. There is an emergency.

Kazuma in his head: Wait when did Luna get into my head?

[Y/N] in Kazuma's head: She's not, you idiot. She's right over there!

Darkness: What could it be?

Megumin: What next?

Aqua: *crying into my chest*

[Y/N]: I wonder what it'll be. Don't worry, Aqua. You'll be back home before you know it.

Kazuma: Geez! Just stop comforting her!

Aqua: *cries more*

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