Eric the hero? Well maybe not yet. chapter 6

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Eric woke up pretty tired

John: Wake up. We have a long day ahead of us.

Eric: Five more minutes...

John's thoughts: I have never meet a NPC like this guy. He acts almost just like a human. could it be a personality glitch?

John: You will want to see this.

Eric: All I want to see is the lights off... just five more minutes...

John: The building is on fire.

Eric: Then let it burn...wait....THE BUILDING IS ON FIRE!!!!

Eric wakes up to see not flames but something even better than a well earned steak.

Eric sees a big pile of gold coins and gems in front of him

Eric: Whoa!!! That is amazing pile! quickly! we have to get your money out of here!

John: That was just to get you to see this.

Eric: Oh! Deception! I fell for that one.

John: Sorry about that. This isn't my pile.

Eric: Then who-

Eric points to himself and John nods

Eric: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!... I don't know how to pay you back...

John: Don't worry. It's the money reward for the Error message remember? Now you will not be seeing the big red...

John's thoughts: What am I doing? He is an NPC he can't see or understand what and error message is except as a threat to his existence.

Eric: Yeah. The error thing was very weird. Can you show me how to report it so I can do it myself... Not that I don't want you to do it...It's just I don't want you wasting your time to help me if I could do it myself...

John's thoughts: Well, all my experience in NPCs are thrown out the window.

John: Pull up your stats.

John swipes his hand in the air and his stat screen appears

Eric does the same and to Eric's surprise his level was above 30, since he had forgotten he leveled up.

Eric: WHOA!!! My level is above three tens!!!

John: You remembered the error but forgot about the dragon?

Eric: Dragon? Oh! yeah! I helped take it out!

John: Next thing you do is touch the help button.

Eric does this

Eric: I pressed it before but it doesn't help me get out of trouble.

John couldn't help it and just laughed

Eric: What? What is so funny?...Tell me! please! I want to know too!

John: I'm..hahaha...sorry. it's just that it doesn't help you get out of trouble but to report problems to the admin.

Eric's eye widen

Eric: You don't mean the Admin...The creators of the worlds....

John: The very same.

Eric: Wow...

John: Then you touch the report button and then tell the admin about the error. That is all.

Eric: Thank you.

John: You are welcome. 

Eric picks up the pile of coins and gems and magic items.

Eric puts on the green cape of the elven woods. and puts on the armor pads

Eric: Thank you for helping me reach my dreams!

John: You are welcome again. Now go find yourself a quest.

Eric: Yeah!

Eric runs off

John's thoughts: Seeing the rookies leave to seek glory is such a honor.

Eric runs back

John: What's wrong?

Eric: I don't have a quest to follow...

John: Well you are suppose to ask around and people will then give you quest.

Eric: Hmmm...  can you give me one?

John: Sigh... Follow me.

John uses a magic stone of teleportation to teleport Eric and himself to the world of Mythical Japan.

Eric's eyes water

Eric: I always wanted to come here... but to travel by portal was so expensive...

John: I come here often. Because of the pretty cherry blossoms. And there is an admin is here. Follow me.

Eric follows John into japanese castle 

John: This is the Yamato clan's castle. 

Eric gets on both his knees and bows to the clan leader

Eric: I am thankful to be in your presence Great king!

The clan leader laughs and John looks nervous 

Clan leader: You are funny little lizard man. You may call me Daiõ. It has been a while since I had a good laugh.

John: D-

Daiõ: You John, can call me King.

John: My king, my friend here, Eric has come for a quest.

Daiõ: Speak Eric.

Eric: Yes, Daiõ. I would be greatly honored to do any quest you give me.

Daiõ laughs again

Daiõ: You are good little lizard man. Very well. My quest for you is the same one that I give to many. Give me the bell from the Kitsune. Or as you call it, the nine tailed fox.

Eric: I accept.

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