Tanjiro x fem reader *will cuddles help?*

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Hello guys its been awhile since i posted sorry about that. But im back and with a lovely request by this lovely person

If this isn't exactly what you wanted feel free to ask for a rewrite

3rd person pov
Where is he... you couldn't help but wonder. You had been up all night wondering where your beloved boyfriend was. Tanjiros crow had said he be returning to day but he still wasn't here

You were getting kinda worried but you knew he was strong and could take care of himself. But there always was that small thought in the back of your mind.

You tried to Distract yourself from your thoughts by clearing the estate. But you already did...twice. as you sat on your futon and tried to read you heard the sliding door open and close.

You Practically tripped over yourself as you ran to him. Tears threatening to fill your eyes. You were just so happy to see him.

You ran to him practically knocking him over as you huged him. "Woah somes happy to see me" tanjiro said. "Yeah i am" you say.

Tanjiro huged you back but something was wrong. I mean Don't get me wrong he loves you and wanted to hug you but there was something different. You look up at tanjiro seeing his Tired eyes.

You could tell the mission didn't go exactly to plan. You could tell he was ok but something happened.

"Hey tanjiro, are you ok?" "Yeah...im ok" you could tell he was lying.

You look at him "tanjiro will cuddles help?" Tanjiro seem a little shocked you could tell he was lying but didn't resist nonetheless.

You grabed hold of his hand and led him to the bedroom. Your hands were warm and soft. There was a very noticeable size difference but tanjiro found that super adorable.

As you opened the sliding door you walked over to the futon. You layed down and patted the spot next to you for him to lay.

He layed down and you pulled him close to your chest. He wrapped his arms around your waist and snuggled close.

You ran your finger through his hair and whispered sweet nothings into his ear. "I love you" was tanjiro's favorite saying.

It gave him this warm feeling, knowing that someone loved him this much. Knowing someone would do this much for him. Even if it was so little

You kissed the top of his head and he snuggled deeper into your chest. "I love you so much tanjiro" you say. This makes him feel so much better knowing how much you love him.

A yawn escapes his lips. "Shh...rest easy tonight ok? I got you" you comforting words made him relax and his eyes start to get heavy.

His eyes finally close amd hes off to sleep. You look down at him he so cute you thought. You place one final kiss ontop of his head and close your eyes as well. You both sleep peaceful in the presence of each other warm embrace.

I loved that thank you again to the lovely person who requested that. But as always I hope you enjoy that story and have a wonderful day or night.

Word count 545

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