I'm sorry

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Blaine walks up to Pam "Mommy can I speak to you?"

Pam nod and sat down on the couch with him "what is it baby boy?"

Blaine takes a deep breath in and out "I just want to say sorry to you! I shouldn't of shouted at you but only Kurtie calls me bee no one else and I know shouting at you about it was wrong and I'm so sorry. I also wanna say I am happy about being a big brother and I will look after my little sister or brother as much as I can."

Pam hugs her son "It's ok and your sibling loves you already. Hey what do you want the baby to be?"

Blaine smiles "Girl!"

Pam was shocked by the answer "Why?"

Blaine titled his head "Why not? It will be fun to have a little sister I can do her make up her hair it's like having your own person model."

Pam giggles "I want a girl as well you're daddy wants another boy!"

Cooper walks into the room "What you talking about?"

Blaine looks at Cooper "Do you want the baby to be a boy or a girl?"

Cooper thought "a girl there's to much boys in this house we need at least two females to keep the house sane. So Blainey you ok with having another baby in the family?"

Blaine nods "Yeah that's also part of the reason I want them to be a girl so that she's the baby girl and I am the baby boy."

Cooper giggles "What am I?"

Blaine smiles "The best big brother ever!"

Pam smiles she loves her child and is excited to meet the one on their way!

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