Know Your All Stars :Riko.

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Voice: Know Your All Stars.... Know Your All Stars......Know Your All Stars..... In today's episode we have one Cure who always looks up to her teammates for support and for that it makes her life totally way easier. In general the I thought she was the serious one of the group of you know Purple Cure stereotypes. But she isn't and she proved me wrong.

Ladies and Gentlemen give it up for Cure Magical, Aka Riko!

Audience: (Cheering)

Riko: (Not amused.)

Voice: Why the sad face?

Riko: You know what you did last time you jerk.

Voice: don't blame me I had to to do what I had to do so I apologize i embrassed your friend, but the show must go on.

Aguri: With the torturing? I don't think so.

Vojce: Speak for yourself. Anyway first things first, Riko manages to get Haa Chan to do her dirty work for her which involves a lot of work she can do herself which she doesn't want to because she's a lasybum to the max that she doesn't want to anything right. And when she's blamed on she doesn't want to admit the fact that she is the one who gave Haa the job. This has been going on and on and I had to do it today because I honestly felt like giving a nice long rant about something in General, Sorry Riko-Chan but I had to state the truth and the obvious truth.

Riko: That was a mouthful. And also I'm not that lazy. I have legs you know.

Voice: Says the...

Riko: Ah! Hold it! Haven't you used that roast line among the cures too many times?

Voice: Now you think about it.i have. Damm it. Anyway.

Nagisa: Don't worry sis. We're all lazy sometimes. Like I usually give most of my work to Honoka to do for me. Well for money of course.


Miyuki: Yeah there's no harm in being lazy.

Riko: I'm not lazy! I just don't fell like it sometimes! Just give a 13 year old a break would you!?

Hana: How old do you think some of us are?

Riko: I dunno 21?

Hana: Hahahaha! Not funny.

Riko: I know. I was being sarcastic.


Haa: Do I get a say in this?

Riko/Voice: No you may not.

Haa: Awww.....

Voice: Second lie. Riko abuses Mirai and makes her work for a long time at this weird ass club I found online a few days ago. What's shocking is that this was the same club that Yukari was in........

Yukari: Now I think about it...i do remember seeing her there.

Riko: Nani!

Mirai: Well you did send me there once Riko.

Riko: it wasn't on purpose! I was just joking and you went there actually.

Mirai: Ohhh Damm. Sorry. *runs her head*


Mai: You know for a teammate you're aren't really helping.

Riko: Yeah unlike you guys who got beaten every single time before you had two guys in your side who helped you defeat the final boss.

Mai/Saki:*zips their mouths*

Riko: Nailed it.

Voice: Final one.....Riko is a girl who cheated her way into being a PreCure enough said.

Cures: What?

Riko: How did I cheat my way in?

Voice: Tortured Mofurun. Twice.

Haa: Ehh?

Riko: Why do I fall for this guy's stupidity?

Pink cures surround Moral and bombard her with questions.

Voice: Well know you know Riko, the Lasy girl who send her teammates to go to clubs and do chores for her and does what she want as long as she gets her ways.

Riko: No I Don't!

Voice: See you folks next time. Peace.

Riko: Come back! I'm not done yet!! Hello?

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