Chapter 5*The announcement*

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The bell rang and the students started leaving the classes to go home. Marinette waited for Nino until he grabbed his things and then they started heading to the bakery.

"Marinette!!!" Alya shouted to Marinette trying to have her attention.

"Yes, Alya?? What's wrong Chloe??" The blunette turned her head to see her friends running towards her.

"Where are you going, Marinette??" Chloe asked giving glances to Nino from the corner of her eye.

"To the bakery!!! Me and Nino have a lot to catch up. Right Nino???" Marinette told them then looked at Nino.

"Whatever you want my blueberry I will do it!" Marinette giggled.

"When was the last time you guys saw each other??" Alya asked.

"2 Years, 5 months, 2 weeks, 4 days, 6 hours, 46 minutes, 45 seconds." Nino answered.

"2 Years, 5 months, 2 weeks, 4 days, 6 hours, 46 minutes, 40 seconds." Marinette answered.

They said in unison then they looked at each other. Marinette made the 'I won' look and Nino made the 'Not again' look.

"Well DJ looks like I won again." Marinette said smirking.

"Wait.... What??? What did she won?" Alya and Chloe asked.

"Marinette?!!!" Nino looked at Marinette in disbelief. "Please don't tell me that since I left you didn't play wh-" Nino was cut off by Marinette slapping her hand on his mouth.

"No, I didn't. And I dare you to say the name." Marinette looked at him dead in the eye. Nino gulped raising his hands on the air then Marinette realised his mouth.

"Now we have to go see you guys." Marinette told them walking away with Nino.

Alya and Chloe looked at each other with confusion.

"Any ideas?" Chloe asked.

"Not a bit. But my reporter radar is starting to work." Alya answered in confidence.

With Adrien

Adrien entered his room and flew to his bed he started thinking about Marinette and the new boy Nino.

They seem to be so close. Are they dating?? No. Marinette will tell us besides he is not her type right?? Right. They aren't dating.

Wait..... Why do I care about Marinette's love life?? I don't care about it. I am just trying to protect my friend. Yeah. But Marinette was so out going with him. What are they???

The boy Nino said that he is not dating anyone right now but what if they like each other??? Wait.... Why am l afraid from this thought?? No no stop Adrien.

Adrien growled and put his hands on his face. I better get some sleep.

The next week

Marinette and Nino are still coming to school together. Alya and Chloe didn't figure that they are cousins but they knew that they are friends and nothing more.

Adrien is still trying to figure out what is he feeling for Marinette. Nino is now living in his mother's home. He figured about Marinette's love life and is teasing her.

Marinette saw the way he and Alya look at each other and she is trying to get them together.

"OK class. Look at me and stay quite." Ms. Bustier said entering the class. "Thank you. Now I have an announcement to make. We are going to China to the princess coronation." Everyone cheered except two.

Marinette went pale and Nino looked at her worriedly. Marinette doesn't want to return to China now because she is still recovering from her lose.

Nino and Marinette groaned then banged their heads in the tablet at the same time.

"-nette. Marinette. MARINETTE DUPAIN CHENG." Alya yelled.

"huh?? What is it Alya??" Marinette snapped her head to Alya.

"Gurl are you okay you went pale all of a sudden and banged your head on the desk." Alya asked worriedly.

"Yeah. Yeah I am fine." Marinette said trying to throw the conversation.

"OK. Let's go home to pack." Alya told her still not completely sure that she is okay.

"Y-Yeah. Now I have to go Alya. Sorry." Marinette quickly went to Nino.

When Nino saw Marinette she was about to cry. He quickly hugged her and led her to her house.

"Guys. What's wrong with Marinette?? She looked like she just saw a ghost." Adrien asked.

"I don't know Adrikins. I'm really worried about her." Chloe answered.

"Me too. Let's go and pack. We are traveling tomorrow." Alya said changing the subject.

At the bakery

"But Mari this is your responsibility." Nino told her.

"But I am not ready to go back yet. I will tell grandpa fu that I am not ready yet." Marinette protested.

"Marinette. You and I know that he won't change the date, and you are ready. You are just afraid. Believe me." Nino said trying to calm her down.

"I know. I will pass it to you." Marinette said snapping her fingers as Nino lost it.

"MARINETTE. STOP THE NONSENSE. It's true I am your cousin but I am not in the royal family. I am not a dupain Cheng. I am not the daughter of Tom and Sabine. I am not the one with magic powers at the age of 18. TAKE A HOLD OF YOURSELF." Nino yelled at her to make her stop.

Marinette started tearing and Nino went to her and hugged her.

"I am afraid Nino. I am afraid that it will be painful for me. I am tired of pretending to be not who I am." Marinette muttered hugging him closer.

Nino started soothing her rubbing circles on her back. She calmed down after a good 30 minutes.

"Hey. Let's not worry about what happened 5 years ago okay. Now start packing because we are leaving tomorrow." Nino told her.

"Ok" Marinette started packing then she saw a Chinese box. She looked at Nino who noded to her. She took a deep breath and opened the box.

Then she saw it. Her tiara. The one with the star symbol of her kingdom.

"C'mon put it in your suitcase." Nino told her looking at the tiara.


Nino's head shot up to her face. "Are you crazy??"

"If I put it in my suitcase I can't be sure it is safe. I will put it in my hand bag." Marinette corrected.

Nino seemed to be thinking."Yeah. That's better."

After the packing Nino went to his house to pack and Marinette went to sleep.

The next day

Marinette was ready to go when a limo parked in front of the bakery.

She was wearing a Chinese outfit. A red dress with flowers on the half sleeve and the side. The end was black with a bit fluff on the end. She was wearing a red flat with a matching flower.

"Hey Luka." The rider got out of the car to open the door for her.

"Good Morning Princess." Luka responded.

"To the airport please Luka."

Marinette entered the limo still a bit afraid. It was a total pink limo.

The limo was pink from the inside. It had karaoke, piano and a bar.

Marinette went to the karaoke and started to select a cheerful song to get her mind off it. She didn't want to sing with any language that will make her remember so she choose a Japanese song. She chose start line by Yume and Hime.

(This is one of my favorite songs. Sorry couldn't find English sub. I am not from Japan but I talk Japanese.)

At the Airport

The class was all here waiting for Marinette to arrive.

"So Lila, you know popular people. Do you know the princess???" Alix asked.

"Oh yes. Of course I know her. Actually I visited her once then she invited me over the palace twice." Lila said.

Everyone looked at Nino who was snickering then burst into laughter.

"What's wrong with you Nino?? You okay." Alya asked him.

"Y-yeah." Nino calmed down. "So, Lila. How did you see her when the princess was hiding from any public eye????" Nino asked.

"Actually, my mom is friends with the royal family that's why." Lila came up with a good lie or that is what she thought.

"So you are telling me that your mother can talk to the royal family anytime??" Nino asked smirking.

"Of course. I talked to them yesterday and told them I am coming!!" Lila exclaimed.

"That's cool." Kim said

"Really Lila!!? Because last time I checked the king and the queen died duo to some men broke into the castle." Nino said cringing at his own words but he didn't show it.

Everyone looked at Lila.

"I meant I talked to the princess." Lila said defending herself.

"Really!!? Because last time I checked her highness decided to be away from everyone until the coronation. If she really talked to you then why didn't we see anyone enter the castle." Nino asked.

"Nino, bro Why did you call the princess 'her highness'" Adrien asked surprised by his way of talking.

"Because, well, you see me and Marinette are from China and I am a knight. To be specific the princess' personal bodyguard from the day of birth." Nino said looking at the class.

"So. Why did you came?" Alya asked.

"By the princess and the king's orders I am here to get Marinette." Nino said then realization hit him when he saw confused faces. "Because I asked of course. She is my best friend after all." The class looked at him in understanding and he let a sigh of relief. Suddenly Rose squealed.

"Guys look there!!" Rose yelled.

When the class looked they saw a pink limo and they heard a girl singing then the song ended.

"Who do you think it is??" Chloe asked.

Then they all dropped dead silent when the driver went and opened the door revealing a blunette. The girl went to the driver and hugged him and kissed his cheek.

"See you there Luka." The blunette exclaimed.

"See you there Prin-Marinette." Luka corrected himself.

"IS THAT MARINETTE!?!?" The class, except Nino who smirked, shouted not believing their eyes.

"Hey guys!! I hope I am not late." She said making her way towards them.

"Hey Al. Hey Chlo. Hey Adri." She went and hugged them.

"Hey DJ." Marinette hugged him.

"Nice show blueberry." Nino whispered in her ear as she giggled.

Nino and Marinette walked away from the class. Nino told her what happened with Lila.

"Well, the princess will decide if it's true or not in the palace." Marinette finished and the teacher called them to go to the airport.

"OK so Marinette, Chloe and Adrien will go first class. You can take one of your friends with you." Ms. Bustier announced.

Marinette didn't know should she get Alya or Nino but her confusing ended when Adrien talked.

"I will take Nino." Marinette looked at him with a grateful look.

"I will take Sabrina." Chloe said.

"I will take Alya." Marinette said.

"Hey Lila. Why didn't you get a first class if you are friends with the princess???" Alix asked.

"I told her I want to be with you guys." Lie-la said.

"So sweet." Rose cooed.

Suddenly Marinette and Nino fell on the floor laughing while putting their hands on their stomach. The class looked at them like they are some weirdo. When they calmed down and looked at each other they started laughing again.

"Do you think we should stop them??" Adrien asked Alya and Chloe.

"I don't know Adrikins."

Chloe answered.

"I think we should separate them because everytime they look at each other they start laughing again. You take Nino I take Marinette." Alya told Adrien.

"OK." Adrien nodded.

After everything ended and they sat on their seats the plane took off.
Marinette looked out the window while thinking.

I am coming China. I am coming home.

Hey I am doing shout outs for you. If you knew which anime is the tiara from and the name of the girl I will say your name in the chapter after your comment. It doesn't matter when will you comment. See you in the next chapter.

Stay miraculous ~

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