Chapter 26*The miracle*

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Marinette laughed as she stood next to Nino. "Now now. If Nino is this strong then what about me??? Hmm??" Marinette asked smirking.

John was wide eyed as he tried to crumble away from those two people but he failed. Marinette raised him by the collar of his shirt and punched him knocking him out. Marinette huffed in frustration.

"Already knocked out??? I didn't get to have my fun." Marinette whined and stomped her legs like a 5 years old child.

"There there." Nino said patting her head.

Some bodyguards came and took John to his limo. Once they left Marinette looked at her watch and gasped loudly. She quickly turned to her friends and hugged them.

"Thank you guys for awesome birthday party. Unfortunately, it have to end here. I have a super duper important place I have to go now." Marinette apologized.

"No sweat Marinette." Kim told her.

"Yeah. It is totally fine Mari." Rose told her.

"Thank you guys. C'mon Virens. Everyone of you go to your limos. You know the place. Adrien, Alya and Chloe will come with me." Marinette said as they began to move.

"Thank you again for the party guys. Bye." Marinette said waving for them.

"Bye." They all responded.

Marinette entered her limo with her friends. "To the royal Palace Luka." Marinette told him as he nodded.

Chloe stared at her as she crossed her arms waiting for an explanation. "You are going to tell me or what??" Chloe asked.

"Okay. Where can I begin??" Marinette took a deep breath. "First of all Tiki and Plagg aren't my real parents. Tiki is my mother's sister. So she is basically my aunt." Marinette said.

"Yeah. And mine too." Nino added.

"Wait. You two are brother and sister??" Adrien asked.

"No. They are cousins." Alya responded.

"Then if they aren't your real parents. Where is yours??" Chloe asked.

"Dead. They are dead. And to be more specific they were killed." Marinette told them as Alya putted a hand on Marinette's back while Nino putted his hand on her shoulder.

"Wha- Marinette I am so sorry. But if you don't mind. Why were they killed??" Chloe quickly apologized.

"It's okay Chloe. Here comes my real secret. I, Marinette Iris Dupain-Cheng, is princess of China and Ephedia." Marinette told them holding her head up high.

Adrien and Chloe gasped. "Princess??!!" They both yelled.

"Yes. Princess. Nino is my bodyguard and cousin. Most importantly a best friend." Marinette told them smiling at Nino.

"Wait. Does that mean that princess Bridgette is your sister??" Adrien asked.

"Yeah. My twin sister who was killed with my parents when the palace was attacked." Marinette told them tears forming in her eyes but she refused to let them fall.

"So how did Alya know??" Chloe asked.

"I was so depressed on my parents anniversary and I needed someone by my side. I called you so much Chloe so you can come with Alya but the call never reached you so Alya was the only one coming. When Alya came to the castle I just said everything." Marinette smiled sheepishly as Nino shaked his head.

"I couldn't stop her from telling Alya everything so....." Nino trailed off.

"I have powers. It comes to me at the age of 18. The day of my birthday. But I also have another powers that I could use from the moment of my birth. The Ephedian powers." Marinette told them.

"Wait!!! Does that mean....???" Adrien asked.

"Yeah. I told you the wrong birthday. My birthday is tomorrow. When the clock tickes that it is 12 o'clock. My powers will come." Marinette answered him.

"Why didn't you tell me Marinette?? Don't you trust us??" Chloe asked softly.

"Chloe. I came to Paris hiding from some crazy assassins who killed most of my family and tried to kill me. Alya was going to get kidnapped the day I asked her to come over but luck was on our side this time." Marinette argued.

"Yeah. If it wasn't for the Luka guy. I would probably have been kidnapped." Alya admitted as Marinette sighed.

"Well. That's everything." Marinette said.

"Actually Marinette. There is something you are still hiding from Adrien that me and Alya know." Chloe told her as relezation hit her.

"What?? Oh yeah. I am actually a singer. I am Iris from Lolirock. And I know. My hear is blonde when I am on the stage." Marinette told him.

"What?!!! How did they found out??" Adrien exclaimed.

"They were kind of searching in my room for something when they came across a box with our training videos so they kinda putted one and one together and figured out one of my identities." Marinette told them.

"That's hilarious." Bridgette talked by Marinette's body.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever." Chloe said smiling.

"We are here Marinette." Luka announced.

"Thanks Luka." Marinette responded.

Marinette was about to leave the limo but Luka stopped her.

"Hey Marinette." Luka started blushing.

"Yeah Luka??" Marinette asked.

"Would you mind if I leave?? I kind of have a date." Luka told her as Marinette's eyes lightened.

"Who??!!" She asked eager to find the name of the girl.

"Kagami." Luka mumbled.

Marinette squealed and jumped in joy. "Go ahead go ahead. Tell her I said hi." Marinette said waving at him as she left the ride.

"What was all that about??" Nino asked.

"Lukagami is on sail. They are going on a date." Marinette exclaimed.

"No. Way." Nino exclaimed.

"Yes. Way." Marinette responded.

They high fived as they continued walking.

After everyone left their ride Marinette and Nino was the ones standing in front of the guards. "No Ladybug and no Carapace." Marinette and Nino said together as the guards let them in.

"Yes ma'am." The guards responded.

Marinette and Nino entered as they made their way to the garden. Once they stopped everyone looked around.

It was a beautiful garden with a small cabinet in the middle.

Marinette entered the cabinet as she saw the young royalties. They children ran to her and hugged her.

"We gotta see you transform!!!" They exclaimed happily as Marinette chuckled.

"Yes you are. Now where are my ladies??" Marinette asked.

"Mariiiii." A voice exclaimed

Marinette looked behind her to find Mia running towards her. "Marinette help me!! My crush is coming the day after tomorrow. Or technically tomorrow. I am sooo nervous. Am I beautiful??? Is my face ugly?? Heeeelp meee." Mia whined throwing herself on Marinette.

"There there." Marinette patted her head. "You are still pretty. I will come tomorrow so we can make you ready. How about that??" Marinette asked.

Mia's eyes lightened. "Really??" She asked.

"Really." Marinette responded.

"Mia. Stop whining to Marinette. Her head has to be clear before the transformation." Ran scolded.

"But Ran. She is coming. Nino didn't bluff on the phone like you said." Mia argued.

Nino fake gasped. "Lady Ran. You thought I was bluffing??? I am hurt." Nino fake hurted.

"Marinette. Are you happy excited?? Happy?? Nervous?? Tell me tell me." Luchia exclaimed.

"Luchiaaaaaa. Stop yelling. I have a headache." Clara said as she approached them.

"And you two." Clara pointed to Nino and Marinette. "Aren't off the hook. I am just so tired and excited." Clara told them.

"Sorry sorry Clara." Nino apologized.

"We will be more cautious." Marinette apologized.

"Good." Clara smiled crossing her arms.

"What is all that noise??" A voice came from behind them.

All of them gasped as they bowed. Alya and Adrien looked confused then they quickly bowed with them.

"Master." All of them said in sync.

"Now now. Where is my beautiful granddaughter??" Master Fu asked.

"Grandpa!!" Marinette exclaimed hugging him.

"What about me Grandpa?? Am I invisible???" Nino pouted as he approached them.

Master Fu chuckled them hugged him. "Hello Nino." Master Fu said.

They pulled back and Master Fu looked at Nino. "Where is the girl??" He asked Nino.

Nino pointed at Alya. "Here she is." He responded.

"Nino. Did you ask him to make Alya protect me??!!" Marinette snapped at him.

"Sorry blueberry." Nino apologized.

"DON'T 'Sorry blueberry' me!! This is dangerous." Marinette famed with anger.

"Marinette. Calm down." Master Fu said with his wise voice.

"Yes Master." Marinette sighed.

"I have an announcement to tell you and you are allowed to refuse." Master Fu started. "You will be in an arranged marriage with Chat Noir. Do you have any problems??" Master Fu asked.

Marinette looked at him then she looked at the floor. "I have to be dating someone when I have my coronation and any non royalty may make a distraction in China. I.... I will agree. Just for my people." Marinette said tearing a bit.

"I have to say that Chat Noir is a cool dude. I met him once with you Marinette but however, you have to choose what will make you happy Marinette." Nino argued.

"One person to be happy and the rest in danger or one person to go with what is best and all of them will be happy. I prefer the second choice." Marinette deadpanned.

"Your parents would want you to be happy." Nino argued.

"My parents are not here Nino." Marinette yelled. "I know. I had a crush on Chat Noir when we met but I am in love with someone else. Do you really think that I don't want to be with him??? Do you really think that it is easy to ignore my feelings??!! I asked Wayzz and he said that it will put the kingdom in danger. I will NOT risk anymore lives." Marinette snapped at him.

Alya putted a hand on Marinette's shoulder asking her to calm down while Adrien was standing there in disbelief and admiration.

Adrien approached Marinette a smirk dancing on his lips. "Would that boy who stole your heart be me M'lady?? Who is this boy that stole my bugaboo's heart?? Just curious about my bride's love life." Adrien whispered in her ear.

Marinette stared at him wide eyed. "You- you are CHAT NOIR??!!" Marinette yelled as all of them looked shocked except for the young royalties who was smiling and Alya and Master Fu who was smirking.

"Master Fu!!! You knew?!!" Nino exclaimed.

"Of course Nino." Master Fu said calmly.

Adrien pulled Marinette closer a hand on her waist and the other one cupping her face. "So purrrrincess. Care to respond to my confession I made an hour ago??" Adrien asked.

Marinette looked at him in love and relief. "I love you Adrien Athanase Agreste." Marinette whispered.

"I love you too Marinette Iris Dupain-Cheng." Adrien whispered back.

Marinette slipped a hand around his neck and closed the gape between them as she crashed her lips with his.

The kiss was soft and gentle and it sent fireworks in their bodies. Once they kissed the clock pointed at 12 o'clock and there was a blinding red light in all the cabinet.

Marinette and Adrien pulled back from their kiss as light started flowing around Marinette. Her dress started floating with her as she looked around in aww.

Everyone left the cabinet as fast as they could as Asashi and Riyan fist bumped and whispered to each other. "Yay!!! Ladynoir is a sail." Asashi exclaimed.

"Marinette own us one." Riyan exclaimed back.

Master Fu was watching with a knowleging eyes and smiling. What is going to happen right now didn't happen in the last three thousand years.

He was really grateful that this was happening to Marinette because she needs that miracle so much because of her suffering. She needs to know that there are people who will never leave her even if it means throwing everything behind their backs for her.

Princess Katrina was a stubborn princess which was always doing what she wants but she always did her duties as a princess.

She had a couple of heart breaks and backstabbing that hurt her so much.

When the miracle happened to her on her 18th birthday she suddenly became the most happiest person alive.

Well, looks like miracles only happens to people who really needs them.

Sorry guys. I was planning on some interesting things but I have to put pictures. Unlucky for me, my internet connection is so bad so I can't install any pictures so please look forward for the next chapter. See you in the next chapter.

Stay miraculous ~

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