Negan had been waiting for this exact moment for weeks but when he saw that ring on the last supply run, he knew it was time to make it official, for you to become his wife. So today, he had left you a note saying he was out on a run, when in reality, he was setting the stage for a perfect night in the place where the two of you magically fell for one another.
"Hey Simon have you and these ass-hats finished setting up the RV yet?" Negan asked Simon as he drove up to the place you two first met.
Simon was finishing up his lunch when he turned to Negan and yelled, "Shit, I knew there was a thing called a bridezilla but I think it is safe to say you have officially turned into a GROOM-zilla!" Simon murmured and the men near by laughed.
"Well she has to fuckin' say yes first Si!" Negan snapped. Everyone froze at the man's tone. After a moment of awkward silence Negan apologized, "Sorry it just needs to be perfect because this is the first time since..."
Just before Negan could show the men any more weakness Simon quickly interrupted Negan and chuckled, "Well shit no need to get all emotional and just to let you know BOSS, of course it is ready what do you think we've been doing all goddamn morning! Here I'll give you the grand tour myself." The others went on about their business as Negan and Simon entered the heavily decorated RV.
Negan's was shocked what these men were able to do. There was a table set for two with twinkling lights displayed along the walls. They even manage to find some roses and placed the petals down the mini hallway and arranged a heart on the bed. Negan was so excited he gave Simon a giant hug.
"I was gonna ask you what'cha think old man? But I think it's safe to say,you think it's fuckin great!" Simon said to Negan while slapping his back.
"This looks fan-fuckin'- tastic Si! Shit,if we hadn't work together at the high school. I would have thought you were a fuckin' wedding planner or some shit!"
"Home economics was my best class." Simon proclaimed then asked,"Where is that girl of yours anyways? Isn't she done teaching?"
Negan smirked at his question, "Well I told her I was going on a supply run. But I should get back to the room soon or she'll start to get suspicious." Negan ran to his truck and headed for the hotel, headed toward you!
It felt like eternity but you had finally arrived back at the hotel. With your mind still continuously playing your recent conversation with Brody , you noticed your reflection in the glass and before entering the lobby you wiped away the last of your tears. "Breathe (y/n) need to freak anyone else out..." You thought to yourself. As you scanned the lobby you finally came across Tiffany, coming down the hall. Even though you didn't care much for her (due to her obsession with Negan) you put on your fakest smile and asked her, "Hey, do you happen to know if Negan is back?"
She looked at you as if you were a servant in her castle when she finally repiled, "Well to be honest sweetie, if I were him and I lived with you I would never come back...but unfortunately nope... haven't seen that fine ass in awhile." She grinned at the thought of Negan.
Now, in your past life you would have just slapped the living shit out of Tiffany for her comment but there were more important things to take care of right now. So you nodded your head sarcastically and replied, "Well shit Tif, I'll make sure to take a picture of Negan's sexy NAKED ass when it is in my bed later tonight. That's what friends are for right?" Then as you slowly turned around to walk away, you heard Tiffany whisper "cunt!"
You turned around and looked at her and sarcastically gasped, "Oh, sorry I didn't get that, what did you say?"
Tiffany stumbled on her words,as if she was never challenged by another female in her life then stated, "Oh nothing... Have a nice day!"
"You too Tiffany, you too!" you grinned.
As you were walking out the door you ran into Mandy and her dad walking in. Almost instantly when Mandy realized it was you she embraced you in a hug and asked, "Did you happen to find Dash?"
"Why don't you see for yourself." You swung off your backpack and inside Mandy saw the sleeping pup. "You fff-oundd him! I knew I...I..I could count on you! Thank you miss (y/n)." Mandy reached for Dash and the puppy welcomed her with sloppy kisses all over her face. Mandy's dad thanked you and you continued on in your hopes of finding Negan before it was too late.
As you entered the room you smiled with relief because you saw Negan half dressed looking for a clean shirt. You snuck up behind him and whispered in his ear, "Hey there handsome." while hugging him and gently kissed the back of his neck.
"Hot damn why, hello to you to princess, if you would have arrived a little earlier we could have saved some water and showered together." Negan proclaimed while grabbing your ass.
"What's the rush, you got a hot date later?" you playfully grinned at the older man.
"Hell yeah and if I'm late..." Negan bent down to give you a real kiss, "She might leave because she "supposedly" doesn't need a tall, handsome, sexy-ass looking man on her ass all the time like me." Negan grinned and wrapped you up in a manly bear hug then continued to say, "but there is still time for her to take a shower." You nudge Negan and quickly ran to the bathroom to freshen up for your date with not only your Knight in shining armor, but also your best friend.
After a few minutes you were done and looking for something to wear, so you stared at Negan trying to guess where this date might be and what you should wear. He was wearing his "nice jeans" and a collared shirt, which you've never seen, "is that a new shirt?" you asked Negan.
"Why yes it is and I found something for you too." Negan grabbed something from the closet and reviled to you a nice lilac colored laced dress. Your mouth dropped in disbelief. "So does this mean you like it?" Negan asked.
"I absolutely love it Negan! Where did you find it?"
"I found it a couple weeks ago on a supply run in what looked like a small boutique and its also where I found my shirt." He boyishly grinned at you. You took the dress and put it on in the bathroom, once you had it on you opened the door waiting for Negan's reaction. "So, how does it look?" You asked the shocked man while spinning around.
" look fuckin' incredible darlin'!" Negan gave you a squeezed and a sweet kiss on the head then asked, "Are you ready to go on this hot date of ours?"
"Yeah, I just need to get something from my bag. I'll meet you by the car. " You told Negan and he started heading out the door. As you rush over to your bag to search for your chap stick all the events from earlier today came rushing back into your mind. You were so caught up in this fantasyland with only you and Negan that you completely forgot that the community was endanger. But, Negan and the saviors were prepared for something like this so you grabbed your chap stick and ran out to Negan's truck praying while you two were gone everyone else will stay safe.
You and Negan finally arrived to your destination which looked like your RV but something was different it was all decorated and fancy looking. So you asked, "Negan what's going on here because this looks like my family's RV but it is heavily decorated with roses and candles."
"Trust me darlin' it's about time I took you on a real ass date." Negan grabbed your hand leading you into the RV. When he opened the door it was as if you were watching one of those prom-posal videos on the internet. There were twinkling lights with rose petals covering the floors the whole bit. You smiled and jokingly asked, "Are you asking me to prom mister because someone forgot to..." before you could finish your smart ass remark Negan was down on one knee with a small velvet box in his hand.
Before you knew it tears started to fill your eyes when Negan started to say, "(y/n) when this world went to shit I felt like nothing good would ever come from this but to my fuckin' surprise it did it was the day I meet you. You are not only my hot ass lover but you are also my best friend... someone I truly admire and want to do life with, well whatever kind of life this is... but even if the world hadn't gone to shit, I honestly believe we would have meet in the old world because what we have here between us is fate and we were simply meant to be. So (y/n) will you marry me?"
You couldn't speak so you nodded yes and Negan slipped the diamond on your finger and kissed you for what felt like forever. "Let me guess you found the ring at the boutique as well?" you chuckled.
"Yep, did I forget to mention this boutique was a wedding boutique?" Negan smirked and continued to say, "Now let's eat so we can make sweet love later!"
As you both sat down and started eating you were happy but your community's safety was still on your mind and Negan must have noticed because he asked you, "Hey (y/n) is everything okay? I promise the spaghetti is fuckin' great I made it myself!"
You smiled at the handsome man's comment debating if this was the right time to tell your soon-to-be husband what happened today, "I know it's just...I have something to tell you and it might ruin our whole night..and I...". Negan grabbed your hand, " What's on your mind darlin' did something happen today? You know you can tell me anything...Did someone do something to you? because I can have them.."
You abruptly kissed Negan to make him shut up you then revealed to him what had happened in woods earlier today. Negan was stunned and started to get angry and said, "How soon (y/n)?"
"I don't know Brody just said soon..." Negan got up from the table and slammed his fist on the wall. "I'm going to kill all those fuckers...ughh!"
You cautiously went to Negan and asked, "Negan, you and the saviors have a plan right? Whatever it is I can help." Negan just shook his head and said, "Yes... but," then suddenly you both heard what sounded like a blast coming from the direction of the hotel. You both ran outside and noticed flames coming from the same direction. You started to panic when Negan demanded you to stay at the RV and wait for him to come back for you. You responded. "Hell no that is my community too Negan I am coming!"
Negan went back to his truck grabbed a radio and then scooped you off your feet going back into the RV. Once Negan placed you on the bed he said, "NO you are safer here... and I can't loose you... you mean everything to me (y/n)!" It was one of the few times you saw Negan get emotional. And you knew he was serious, so you hugged him and said, "Fine... but you need to come back to me too, Negan... even if the community doesn't survive promise me you will come back because I may mean the world to you but you also mean the world to me!" you both kissed one another like it might be your last. Then Negan gave you the radio and instructed you if they start to head this way leave and he would be able to contact you by the radio.
He then hurriedly rushed to his truck gave you one last kiss not realizing that it would be your last, then you watched as your knight in shining armor rode off into the night sky.
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