A Dream

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     As Kizumi walked down the endless hallways, she felt like someone was following her. She took her time to analyse the hallways, in front and behind her. Every moving second, she took her time looking for the person that is following her. She can't see it, but she can feel it. It's bothering her that, what every that is following her has a powerful aura radiating from it. Kizumi wasn't afraid, she kept on moving forward looking for the exit out of the mansion.

     She kept on walking, observing the many rooms and multiple hallways, and when she thought that she had found an exit, she was pulled by a powerful force, into a bright room. 

    She turned around and screamed, "PELKO!... Wait, you're not Pelko. Y- you're me..."

     To her surprise, the very being that has been following her around is, herself?

     "HAHAHA! I am you, but different... Want to guess again?" Said the unknown being.

     Before Kizumi wanted to take another guess, the unknown being fired a laser beam towards Kizumi. Kizumi looked at the beam and she felt as if time was moving in slow motion. She wanted to block the attack but she had nothing with her, thus instead, she effortlessly dodged the incoming attack. The unknown being smirked at her action and then fired another laser beam after another. Kizumi continued to dodge one laser beam after another. The unknown being then slowly getting frustrated over Kizumi's choice of not fighting back. It then tied Kizumi in bright, glowing chains. Kizumi then struggled to free herself. Kizumi looked back at the unknown entity seeing it shooting another laser beam directly at her. 

     She then closed her eyes, bracing for impact, but then, she saw herself again, in her mind summoning a golden staff and parrying an attack from a giant icy beast. 

    In that moment, the laser beam hits Kizumi directly and the unknown being sighed, feeling upset. Then suddenly, the debris started to whirl around where Kizumi was chained. A beam of light blasted from the swirling debris towards the being. The being dodged the attack and smiled again, it turned around and saw a horrific scene, Kizumi was hovering and emitted a bright and powerful aura around her, The being started to laugh maniacally and readied to blast another attack.

     "IT Stop!" 

     A familiar chain that captured Kizumi, caught the unknown being, but it dissipated from being the same as Kizumi to a girl with black hair and a red dress. 

     "Awh! I wanted to play with her more!"

     "I know you wanted to know her more, but not in this way..."

     "Fine... can you, um, let me go now? Please?" 

     While they were talking, Kizumi found a way to calm down and set her staff aside.

    "Pelko, mind explaining?" Asked Kizumi.

     "Well, this is IT, one of my, partners. She is just excited to see the powers of The Last Kizumi." Explained Pelko.

     "IT as in, it or I T ... or..." Wondered Kizumi.

    "Well, is IT, like, the clown, you know?" Explained IT.

     "The clown? What clown?" Asked Kizumi confused.

     "Oh yeah, your memories are wiped... Never mind that at least the readers know." Said IT.

     "Readers?" Asked Kizumi again.

     "Don't mind that, it's too expedient for you to know about that..." Said Pelko.

     Before Kizumi gets to ask another question, Pelko sends her back to the moment where she was at the entrance of the Mansion. She has even more questions, but she shrugs as if it was nothing. And walked away from the mansion towards whatever that lies in this world.

"Well readers, you are also part of us, you all, Pelko and me, yes, I am IT." ;)

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