Chapter 6: Time For Swimming Class

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Kiyotaka's POV

A week has passed since the entrance ceremony had ended, I still keep my morning routine and I had made good amount of friends But I'm still not so good at having a conversation with anyone without getting it awkward I'm still learning about that but mostly I'm starting to get close to my seat mates, I had accompanied Kanzaki, Shibata, And Hamaguchi to the club fair and we became good friends over the days, Shibata applied to the soccer club and if I remember correctly Sudo Joined the Basketball club both of them was well accepted by the seniors their, Shibata also asked the upperclassmen some information about the S-system But..... unfortunately they didn't say anything useful except "Just Be Careful" and the same could be said for the other people who had joined clubs like Ando and Shiranami. I had Them asked the same questions to the upperclassmen in their club and received the same reaction.

Today the class was lively, well our class was always lively but today it was more livelier than usual, you may ask why? Because today we are having swimming classes and everyone in the class was looking forward to it and some of them are even looking for swimsuits well for me I bought a Rash Guard so I can hide my body, I just don't like showing my skin too much.

I Glanced at my neighbor's seat which was surrounded by girls, Usually the girls wouldn't leave their respective seats and would talk, But today was an exception. Apparently the girls was disappointed at wearing school issued swimsuit, well it seems they can't use the swimsuits that they bought, Most of the girls were voicing out their dissatisfaction by complaining to Ichinose, I don't know how she can handle all of that it's pretty amazing but if I had to guess I would say that the swimsuits were exposed more than other ordinary ones,  I mean two days ago Koenji did buy a Speedo.

~Two Days Ago~

I was in the mall looking for a Rash guard I then Coincidentally saw Koenji looking for something in the swimsuit section And saw me and walked towards me with a smile on his face.

"Hey there Koenji" I greeted him

"Hello There to you too Ayanokoji-boy" he greeted back

"You know you can just call me Ayanokoji Right?" I said to him to which he chuckled 

"Ok Ayanokoji What are you doing here?" He asked me

"Oh I was just looking for a guard rash how about you Kouenji?" I asked him

"hmm what a coincident I am also looking for Swim wear but not a rash guard" he said to me

"Then what are you going to buy Koenji?" I asked him once again

"Hmm well since you want to know Follow me" He said and starts walking to the swimsuit section on the male side

"This is what I'm going to use" he said to me while he was presenting The speedo in his hand

"Are you sure that's even allowed?" I asked him

"Hahahaha everything's allowed if you want to show perfection Ayanokoji" he said to me

Next to the Speedo's there were the Rash guards luckily I didn't have to look longer so I pick one of the rash guards

"I guess I'll go with this one" I said to Koenji to which he raised a brow 

"Why are you going to use that Ayanokoji don't you want to show your "Perfect" Body?" he asked me

"I just don't like showing much skin" I said to him

"Very well I won't pry any longer" He said to me to which I am grateful for

"Shall we pay for this now or are you going to buy something?" he asked me

"No I don't anything else I want to buy so I guess we can pay for it now" I said to him

we got to the counter and bought the Swim suits and then we hanged out a bit and went to a cafe

"So Koenji how is your class like?" I asked him

"My Class if filled with trash Mobs" he deadpanned said to me

"Hmm what do you mean by that Koenji?" I asked him

"Well to clarify My class has two Idiotic Perverts, When the class Starts not everyone pays attention they either talk in class or use their phones and lastly they didn't think about the hint that the sensei said in the beginning" He said to me, It seems he knows about the S-system as well, go figure 

"So you already know about the S-system? I asked him to which he smiled upon

"I know some parts of it Don't tell me you don't of it Ayanokoji" he asked me

"No, I already know how the S-system works And I already told my classmates about it" I answer him to which he smiled

"So Koenji are you going to tell your class about the S-system?" I asked him

"HAHAHAhah! No" He deadpanned answered me

"Why should I help them if they can't help themselves" he said to me

"Well it's been nice talking to you Koenji" I said to him

"It's also nice talking to someone perfect as well Ayanokoji" he said to me

I raised my hand so he did and shook are hands and we said our goodbyes.

~Present Time~

If that's the case the one who should be concerned the most has to be Ichinose since her portion you know bigger than anyone else in the class. While the girls are complaining about their complaints to Ichinose I wish you luck Ichinose,  the boys had gathered to around Shibata's desk. If some outsider were to see this they would think they were discussing about something perverted but they were not, were not like those two idiotic perverts that Koenji informed. Usually the girls would stay away from at the boys at situations like these but some girls were also in the group surrounding Shibata's desk, I didn't know what they were discussing but it doesn't look like anything perverted as some girls were also present in the group, that's assuming the girls are not into perverted stuff I hope they aren't into that stuff, While everyone was engrossed with their conversation with their friends, I was staring at the window but I felt like someone was staring at me for some reason. I just ignored it for now.

"Honami-chan, Honami-chan the boys are taking bets on something wanna join them?" Shiranami asks Ichinose

"Betting on what?" Ichinose asks back

"Hmm? I dunno but it looks interesting" Amikura joined in

"Sure if it's interesting I'm in!" Ichinose said

"Shibata-kun Come over here, Honami-chan join too" Shiranami called out Shibata

"Ah Just a sec I'll be there" He said and then approached Ichinose's desk accompanied by Hamaguchi and some other members.

"Kanzaki and Ayanokoji join us It'll be fun!" Shibata called out Kanzaki and me

"I Already paid my points right?, So leave me out of it" Kanzaki said, it seems like he partake in the bet.

"What's this about Shibata?" I asked Shibata

"Ah come on man, Don't you wanna see who's gonna bet on you?" He dragged Kanzaki and me, how did I get myself into this, Kanzaki reluctantly let himself get dragged by Shibata while me i just let myself got dragged.

"What bet are talking about Shibata-kun?" Ichinose asks Shibata and the he took out a tablet from his friends and showed the contents in them to Ichinose with a wide grin in his face. There were names of the boys in our class and the names of the girls in our class too, Apart from that I couldn't see anything else.

"You see we were planning to organize a swimming race in the pool today, so to make it more fun we 're betting on who could win in the race" Shibata explained

"Hmm so is it okay if we join you?" Ichinose asks Shibata

"Of course you can but there's one condition" Shibata said

"hmm what is it?" Ichinose asks once again and then Shibata's grin grew even more wider

"The girls are supposed to bet on the boys and the boys are going to bet on the girls" Shibata explained

"You can bet only 1,000 points, more or less than that is not allowed, Also we decided to have Hamaguchi as the one who'll be taking care of the distribution of the points"

"More or like you kinda force me dude" Hamaguchi groaned 

"C'mon dude you're one of the most trusted right? Shibata explained to which Hamaguchi sighed and ignored Shibata

"Hmm I see, I see, I'm in!" Ichinose yelled out in excitement

"Me too" Amikura joined in

"Count me in too!" Shiranami joined in too and then some of the girls also decided to join in the betting, and also Shibata was at the top spot in the 7 people betting on him, I couldn't see the rest of the list as I didn't have clear vision of the tablet.

"So who are going to place your bet on Ichinose-san?" Shibata asked

"I'm going to bet on the person who Honami-chan will bet on" Shiranami said

"Hmm I'll do the same" Amikura said as she also planned to bet on the person Ichinose's going to bet on, while it might be good to have a good best friend like her but I don't think it's good to follow someone blindly, though if it's Ichinose I don't think she means any harm to them.

"So who is going to be Ichinose-san?" Shibata asks and then everyone was curiously looking at her, While I on the other hand I was just listening at them.

"That's a secret" Ichinose happily said

"Oh C'mon Honami-chan, that's not fair" Mako yelled out

"hmm yeah I want to know" Shiranami exclaimed 

"Mako-chan, Chihiro-chan I think you should choose whom  you want, You can't just choose whoever I choose right?" She explained and I Agree with her on this one

"Shibata-kun, it's okay If I just say it to Hamaguchi-kun right?" Ichinose asks

"C'mon Ichinose-san, I wanna know the name, I promise I won't say to anyone" Shibata said while bringing his ear close to Ichinose's mouth.

"Sorry Shibata-kun, but I'll tell you that it's not you" She said while showing him a smile towards him. Shibata just showed a bitter smile though I could see he was a bit disappointed when she said it was not him, although he was at the top spot with seven bets. Ichinose quickly glance at me and then transferred her points to Hamaguchi and she showed the name to Hamaguchi which she had typed in her phone. And then Hamaguchi mouth shaped into an "O" and then he nodded and the rest of the girls also participated.

"Surprisingly all the girls joined in" Hamaguchi explained

"Hey what do you mean by 'surprisingly' , I knew most would join" Shibata said

"I wasn't really expecting anyone would join this stupid bet well except you that is, how wrong I was" Kanzaki groaned

"What! You too!" Shibata yelled

"Well let's move on to the boys" Shibata said out loud

"Hmm so almost everyone has joined, well except me and Ayanokoji" Hamaguchi said and mentioned me, then Shibata turned to me 

"Oh Yeah! you haven't betted on someone yet Ayanokoji, you wanna join!" Shibata said to me

"Uh sure" I replied I wasn't really expecting to join but might as well

"So who is it gonna be?" Shibata asked me and then Ichinose walked towards us

"Hey Ayanokoji I have an Idea you wanna hear it?" Ichinose said to me

"Sure go ahead" I said to her

"How about bet on every girl in the class, so in that way you'll be guaranteed the win for sure right?" She said to me while everyone was snickering and giggling, Honestly even though there's a lot boys in the class other than me, Ichinose likes teasing me a lot when she gets the chance too now it's my turn!.

"Now that you mention it, it sounds like a good idea" I said at them while staring a them blankly, and all of them were dumbfounded at what I just said

"W-w-wait are you serious?!" Ichinose asked me in shock

"Yes, why?" I asked her

"A-a-ayanokoji-kun I was just joking around" She said to me

"And~ so was I" I said to her to which it got the others to laugh at what I said While Ichinose was glared at me and pouted, heh Cute

"Ayanokoji you can take a look at the list if you want" Shibata said to me while he showed me his tablet that contained the list of the names of all the girls in our class, Ichinose was at the top spot with 7 votes, and Ando on second place with 6 votes and Amikura was in third place with 5 votes.

"So~ who is going to be Ayanokoji" Shibata asked me

"Firstly I would like to hear Hamaguchi's choice" I said, Since there were many people nearby and all eyes were focused on me, I decided to throw Hamaguch under the bus since he was the only one left out sorry man, After he chooses I'll just do what Ichinose did and escape from this troublesome situation. And with that they all turned their attention to Hamaguchi, I kinda felt bad for him but hey man I gotta save myself from this situation.

"W-what not fair man!" Hamaguchi yelled 

"Come on dude what's the big harm in choosing someone?" Shibata said to Hamaguchi

"If your the one being stared at, it would be hard to say!" Hamaguchi said

"C'mon Hamaguchi-kun it's not that of a big deal" Amikura tried cheering up Hamaguchi

"I'll place my vote on Ichinose-san" Hamaguchi said while Shibata was adding it to Ichinose's place 

'Wow who would have guessed' I thought with sarcasm

"See that wasn't hard" Minamikita said to him

"Now what about you Ayanokoji-kun?" Shiranami asks me

"Hmm oh I'll tell Hamaguchi in secret" I said while Hamaguchi looked at me like I betrayed and everyone made a dissatisfied face at my comment, I don't know why they were interested on who I was going to choose.

"WHAT! that's not fair Ayanokoji, after all the suspense you built" Shibata said in frustration

"yeah it's not fair y'know" Ando joined in

"All is fair in love and war, and also didn't Ichinose also did the same?" I said to them and I pinned it to Ichinose.

"eh...umm...hehe well I just didn't want them to just blindly do what I do" She said innocently 

"Don't worry everyone, I'll announce the person he chooses" Hamaguchi announce to them

"Thank you! Hamaguchi-kun, I knew I can could trust you" Ichinose said while giving him a thumbs up, Welp I guess I shouldn't have done that to him, I then transferred 1000 points to Hamaguchi, He nodded in return.

"Hmm I'll go for Kozue Minamikata" I Said while no one had any peculiar reaction but Minamikata gave me a slight surprised expression the same goes to Ichinose although it was hardly noticeable in her case.

"Hmm with this everyone has successfully taken part of this Gamble of AHNS" Shibata replied while forming a pose, if I did that I would honestly embarrassed since everyone would be watching, Hamaguchi and Kanzaki sighed at Shibata's antics while some of the girls giggled in response. And after that everyone just went back to their respective desks except for Minakita and Ando they stood next to Ichinose's desk, we still had a few minutes left for Homeroom so I just returned to my usual Business and just stared outside the window, I could feel three gazes directed towards me every once in a while, I turned my eyes sideways and glanced at them from my peripheral so they quickly averted their gazes.

"Minakita I chose because you looked athletic there's no other reason" I told them my reason 

"Huh?!" The three of them looked confused

"You Guys wanted to know the reason right?" I asked them, the three of them looked at each other I'm pretty they we're thinking if they we're obvious, I mean they we're if kept staring at me 

"Haha well we we're thinking of asking that but you caught on to us Ayanokoji-kun" Ichinose explains everything to me, So I was right they we're wondering why

After that the bell rang signaling the start of the morning classes the rest of the time went as usual and it was now time for lunch break so I just to my same spot but the girl that I saw a couple of days wasn't there again hmm wonder where could she be, I opened my bento and started eating.

After lunch break ended I met up with Shibata, Kanzaki and Hamaguchi and we all went together to the pool and everyone was already their, well aren't they excited?, I could see Shibata grinning seems he's really excited about this match, we all went to their gender specific changing rooms  everyone started to get undressed and they asked why I'm not taking my clothes of yet I just told them they can go ahead I still need to check my rash guard so they all went ahead of me, The rash Guard was the perfect size so I got out of the changing room.

"Woah, this school is something else isn't it guys?" Hamaguchi asked us to which they nodded, He couldn't really hide his surprise after seeing a fifty meter pool with the water crystal clear and beautiful and since it's indoors we wouldn't have to worry about the weather.

"YO this pool is even bigger than a city pool don't ya guy think?" Shibata asked us to which we all nodded

"It's really spacious isn't it? a junior high school pool won't even come close to this" Kanzaki explained

"You might be right Kanzaki, this might cost a lot to maintain it" I said to them and they nodded about my theory 

Then I heard the girls coming out of the changing room they all wore the school given swimsuits some of them looked disappointed

"Wow! it's so big isn't it?" Ichinose gasped and while I was talking to Kanzaki she was behind us, I guess the girls took longer to change While I was looking at Ichinose in her Swimsuit

She really looked beautiful even in the school issued swimwear, it really showed her curvy figure, she was bigger than I had initially thought, Her butt and breast were bigger than I had anticipated, However what really caught my attention was her thighs, They really looked very attractive for some reason.

Thank goodness I have a excellent photographic memory so the image of a beautiful girl will forever will be in my memories.

"We we're just talking about that Ichinose-san" Hamaguchi told her

"This school really is amazing right everyone? we get 100,000 points each month and also thanks to Ayanokoji-kun's hint we might won't have to lose any points each month" Ichinose told everyone to which they all cheered.

"Yeah I'm so happy that I got in this school and I got to meet Honami-chan and also you Ayanokoji-kun we won't lose any points" Amikura said to both us and everyone agreed to her statement

"Again it's just a theory so I'm not sure if we do lose points or not" I told them

"Well it's better than not knowing anything how the S-system works" Kanzaki said to me and Shibata and Hamaguchi agreed to him, Damnit Kanzaki I didn't the attention and Ichinose was been staring at some time now wonder why though.

"Ayanokoji-kun do you workout?" She walked close and asked me to which it got everyone's attention

"You look pretty built" She said as she was poking my chest I guess the rash guard can cover my arms and my body but not my chest and everyone 

"Uhh something like that" I told her to which she keeps poking my chest without a care in the world I Glanced at the girls and they had a smirk on there faces.

"well aren't you too close Honami-chan" Shiranami said to her to which she stopped poking mu chest and looked at my face for a few seconds and got red a bit and she backed away a bit 

"I-it's not what you guys think!" she yelled to them with a red face she really looked cute .

"Sure~ whatever you say Honami-chan" They told her and then I

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