Chapter 1

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We were just two college men who just so happened to get on the same bus around the same time, to go to the same school where we shared the same math class.

Your name was Ramon Marelli and from the first day that I'd laid my eyes on you, I knew that you were going to be the love of my life. When I saw you, the first thing I noticed was your lips and how bad I wanted to kiss them so that I would never forget your taste. I then noticed your brown eyes that went well with your beautiful brown curls that hung over them. I noticed when you would gently push them out of the way whenever you would look up to see that I had entered the room.

I wanted to touch you. I wanted to feel your soft cheek that was always colored a tad bit red and place my lips gently on them to make them even redder. I wanted to feel you inside of me, whenever you would walk back to your seat and I would notice the print of yourself through your jogging pants.

I wanted to hear your voice, over and over again until you ran out of breath. Your voice was the first thing I wanted to hear when I woke up every morning and the last thing I wanted to hear before bed.

Same went for smell.

I wanted to smell your morning breath when you yawned, even though, it might've made my nose crinkle and turn the other way, I still wanted to smell it because it was apart of you. I wanted to smell your clean body after your night shower and lie on your chest until I fell asleep.

I wanted you to love me just as much as I loved you. I may not have been the first person you loved, but I surely wanted to be the last.

And I didn't think it was possible but I got everything that I dreamed for.

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