The local laundromat is where romance lives

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Who knew washing your clothes could be so full of homosexual romantic feelings?



the laundromat scene.

the song that plays is called "Deep Brown Eyes" by "The Bedside Kites" which i totally recommend, it's a wonderful song!!

Thunder storms and washing clothes, what else could you want?

"Whoop!" Tubbo exclaimed, quickly grabbing onto Ranboo's arm and dragging them both off the plush couch and up to a standing position.

He quickly grabbed their bags and threw Ranboo's into his arms, his eyes still red and slightly puffy from his library-breakdown.

Tubbo grabbed his hoodie and slipped it on, Ranboo soon doing the same.

Out the window, light flashed and seconds later thunder could be heard booming from what seemed like 2 miles away.

Tubbo jumped slightly at the noise, but ultimately started to grab Ranboo's again to pull him towards the door. The taller almost tripped over his feet at the unexpectedness, but was able to regain his balance at the door to turn off the sim lights and lock the door again.

The two walked calmly through the empty halls, footsteps and rain and thunder the only sounds until either of them speak.

"So, how'd you even get into the Library if it was locked? How did you get into the school?" Tubbo said, hand still wrapped around Ranboo's wrist.

"I have a key. But how did you get in?"

"I picked the lock," he replied, all too happy about his deeds.

Ranboo laughed and started walking beside Tubbo, down the stairs and to the door to the parking lot.

"Wait, do you have your car with you?"

Ranboo shook his head, "Nope, I got a ride from someone today. Normally my parents would yell at me for that, but they'll be gone for the weekend so I'm fine."

Tubbo shrugged, and started to walk a bit faster towards the door he entered in. He quickly pushed it open and locked it again, rain starting to splatter against the two's hair and jackets.

"Okay, we are going to have to run to my car," Tubbo starts, pointing ahead towards the only car left in the lot, "it's that one right there."

Without any more warning, Tubbo pulled Ranboo into the pouring rain and started soaking their jackets. Their shoes hit the concrete and the running almost made Tubbo slip multiple times.

Ranboo found that particularly funny.

Once they reached the car, Tubbo immediately opened the doors and let go of Ranboo's hand reluctantly. The loss of contact made Ranboo feel a little more alone, but he was unable to dwell on that as the doors of the vehicule unlocked and the two sat down in the passenger and driver seats.

The car was nice, kind of older and run down. It looked worn in, and Ranboo loved it.

"Nice car." Ranboo says, out of breath.

Tubbo smiles, his eyes crinkling at the compliment, "Thanks, Big Man."

When the doors were closed, the duo sat back for a second and looked over at each other, starting to burst out laughing when they saw how wet the other was. Tubbo's hair was more wet than Ranboo's, as his hood flew off sometime when they were running. Due to this, the shorter one shook his head back and forth like a dog to try and get water out and dry his hair.

Ranboo jumped back and laughed harder at the water spraying everywhere, "Tubbo- You're like a dog!"

Said boy stopped his shaking and looked into Ranboo's eyes, trying to keep a straight face at the eye contact.

Somehow, this turned into a staring contest, which Ranboo won by snapping his fingers right behind Tubbo's ear.

"Fuck! You bitch! I can't believe you, I'm crashing this car now because of you. How do you feel now, Dead Man?"

The shorter punched Ranboo in the shoulder, causing them both to laugh until the sound faded into dull silence that was comfortable. It did not last long though, as Tubbo started to reer the car into action. He pulled out of the parking lot slowly, careful of the dimmer lights caused by the rain and dark clouds and the moon hanging overhead.

It was about 8:50 at this point, Ranboo noted mindlessly as he checked his phone.

"Oh, Ran, do you wanna put music on the AUX?" Tubbo asked, keeping his eyes focused on the blurry road ahead.

"Yeah, sure,"

Ranboo grabbed his phone out of his pocket, tapping his fingers over the light and clicking over to spotify. He grabs the cord hidden in one of the compartments of the car and plugs in his phone, then putting on one of his random playlists.

Of course, one of the worst songs to play comes on.

One that had verses that fit his dilemma, and made him want to scream out his affections. The gentle guitar in the background that starts the song and carries throughout matched the way his gentle affection for Tubbo ran through his veins.


Everything is nicer when you're next to me

And I won't ever be happier in nooneelse's company

The words entered the car and a rose tint rose on the taller's face, which he retaliated by pulling his long legs up to his chest and resting his chin between his knees.


If onlyI could muster up the strengthto say

That I feel this way

Get it off my chest and I might feel okay

I can't even look you in your eyes

Without averting mine

I try to express the reason why

But I'm paralyzed

Tubbo eventually starts to hum to the tune as the car drives on the wet road. Rain pitters against the window as it did in the library, and every once in a while a flash of light will appear, followed by loud booms.

But even as a similar cherry-color appears on Tubbo's face, the song continues.


Everything is better when you hold my hand

But you don't understand

I don't want to be your friend

I wanna be your man


Words cannot express the way I feel for you

But you don't have a clue

And I'd let you know but I don't have the courage to

Tubbo, in his own mind, is thinking. His hands are sturdy on the wheel as he drives Ranboo and himself to the laundromat, but he is pondering. Wondering.

This song? The lyrics? It fits Tubbo all too well at the moment.

The once silenced part of his brain that screamed at how pretty the boy was from the beginning was uncovered ever since he found Ranboo in the library. He always seemed so confident, so dominant over him that seeing him in a vulnerable state was extra worrying. So, he ran over.

And while they were sitting there, all he could think about was how cute Ranboo looked. How much he wanted to pepper his lips all over the boy's face to clear his tears over his shitty parents.

But, as the song currently playing expresses, he wants to let this boy know how he feels but he doesn't have the courage to.

Back in Ranboo's mind, he's dying. Properly dying.

He just basically confessed to Tubbo that he was gay, and now this sing plays?! What is his luck.

His hair is still dyed black and his fake fangs are pressing into his cheeks as he bites them. His extra hoodie covering his upper half is the only warmth he has, as the car is still trying to heat itself up.

He looks over to Tubbo's brown eyes, that fit this song all to perfectly.

I can't even look you in your eyes

Without averting mine

I try to express the reason why

I freeze up inside

Tubbo continues to softly mutter the lyrics, as they both are thinking the same thoughts about each other. But neither know, and both are too scared still to make a first move.

They both think what they are thinking is gross. That they are just friends, and it's weird to think such dirty and romantic thoughts about the other.

It's like a wall between them, and they can only look over the top on the tips of their toes to peer over, not getting the full view.

They both admire from afar, while only being a foot away in the reality which is too hazy to see the truth of each other.

Tell me, do you see a future where you're by my side

And I don't have to hide my face when you look at me with your deep brown eyes

Cause I can't seem to find an ounce of good

I'm in front of you

I might be too young to know what's what

But I'm in love with you

The song fades, and another fades in. More of his softer hopeless-romantic type songs that are in his liked songs.

Tubbo continues to drive for about 5 more minutes before they arrive at their, admittedly kind of weird, destination.

The weather still pours down outside as they park in the empty lot in front of the laundromat, which was lit in yellow-white light from the discoloration from the overhead lights.

Tubbo turns the car off and turns around towards the backseat, grabbing a trash bag full of clothes and bringing it to his lap.

"So, we gotta kind of run inside, to- well, not get as wet?" Tubbo says, unlocking the doors.

"Wow, thanks Tubs. I wouldn't have thought of that," Ranboo replies in an amused sarcastic tone.

"I will go back to bragging in your face about getting better grades if you aren't careful, young man."

Ranboo laughs, and grabs his and Tubbo's backpack, "Let's just get into the building and then we can fight, if that's what you desire."

Tubbo rolls his eyes and opens his door, immediately sprinting in the rain towards the shelter. The taller follows after him almost immediately,

As he runs over to the entrance he sees Tubbo waiting inside the glass doors, smirking at him smugly as Ranboo pushes them open.

Once inside, a loud boom is heard from behind them.

They make eye contact for a second, and start to laugh.


Everything always seems to end in them laughing.

Even at the littlest things, like the sound thunder makes as it hits the ground.

It's always laughing.

The laundromat is vacant, no one occupying any of the machines or seats.

"Yeah, there's like- no one here. Like ever." Tubbo says, chuckling and grabbing Ranboo's hand to pull him over to one of the back washing machines.

A TV mounted on the wall plays at a low volume, portraying some news station that Ranboo doesn't quite recognize.

He sets down his and Tubbo's stuff on the chairs. and sits back, watching the shorter struggle to money in his bag.

Eventually, though, he does find the change he needs with some teasing from Ranboo and extra struggle along the way. The coins were hidden in creases of pockets no one would ever check, it's not his fault!

Ranboo pulls his legs to a criss-cross position and watches Tubbo methodically throw all his clothes into the large machines, keeping various colors away from each other to prevent bleeding of the colors.

A smile tugs at his lips as he gazes over at this guy, who is so pretty under the light of the building and the pounding of rain and thunder outside. His hair is still dyed pink faintly, but has been incredibly faded and turned into a brown-pink color that was adorable. Tubbo finishes loading up his clothes and looks over to Ranboo, meeting his eyes and smiling as they both are covered in sweet strawberry color across their cheeks. Warmth rises to Ranboo's neck as he gets himself flustered under the gaze of the burnette.

Said boy sits right next to Ranboo in one of the empty seats, and leans his head on his hand as his arms rested on the armrest of the metal and fabric chairs.

These weren't as comfortable as the ones in the library, the cushions were hard but the two were still able to joke and have fun in the other's presence for about an hour before Ranboo sees something.

"Wait, are those shopping carts?" Ranboo says, looking over at one of the more hidden corners of the laundromat which, lo and behold, housed three shopping carts. He hadn't noticed them until this moment.

"Yeah, they're just always there for some reason," Tubbo chuckles, and his face turns into the look of someone with devious intention as he thinks of an idea, "wait wait wait, I have something I wanna do."

The boys stands up and runs over the tiled floor to the carts, pulling two over to the large aisle where the clothes were washing.

"Tubbo- what are you doing?"

He doesn't get another word out before Tubbo is jumping in one of the carts, smiling happily at Ranboo and motioning for him to come over.

And he does.

He throws his long limbs into the shopping cart that sat right next to Tubbo's in the middle of one of the aisles of the laundromat. Light flashes and Tubbo jumps back in his cart, making it roll slightly closer to Ranboo's.

A few minutes of silence pass as they sit the shopping carts listening to the storm as if it was music. The soft hum of washing machines and talking on the TV filled their ears as they basked in each other's presence.

Every once in a while they'll glance at each other and their eyes will meet, mismatched blue and green meeting beautiful brown. Deep brown eyes, Ranboo says in his mind, recalling back to the song that played earlier in the car.

Ranboo's stomach twisted whenever he saw Tubbo looking at him, his eyes soft and his features rounded. He was so goddamn pretty that Ranboo thought he was going to die.

"So, Ran, you're parents are... homophobic?"

Ranboo gulps, and sinks back into the cart a bit more, "Yeah, they are just- uh, complete assholes. I guess."

Tubbo's brown eyes looked into Ranboo's, "So that means your gay? Sorry- that's kind of invasive-"

"No no it's fine, I uh, I think so. Well," he lets out a soft laugh, "I shouldn't say 'think so', what I think is not very straight."

Tubbo smiles at him, and pulls his cart to hit Ranboo's so they were touching, "You wanna talk about those oh so erotic homosexual thoughts of yours, big man?" He laughs.

Ranboo sits up, leaning closer over to Tubbo's cart, "Now why would you want to know, Tubs?"

"I don't know. Tell me about your gay-ass thoughts."

Tubbo, in his mind, is hoping. Hoping to god that those "oh so erotic homosexual thoughts" might be about him.

It's such a slim chance, but Tubbo was feeling brave tonight. He also didn't know how much longer he could wait to be able to think about Ranboo in a romantic way without any guilt.

He doesn't remember ever being so open about liking Ranboo until this night, but he doesn't have time to dwell on that. What he can dwell on, however, is how goddamn pretty Ranboo looks right now in his pink blush that Tubbo inflicted onto him.

Ranboo himself is also feeling pretty bold.

This can only end well.

"I don't know, this boy is really pretty. He has soft brown hair, and is an absolute dork about everything," He looks into Tubbo's eyes, smiling, "and he has a pretty nice car."

Tubbo's mouth opened in a huge smile, eyebrows quirking up at his words and having to take a pause before responding, "Is that so? What's this guy's name? He sounds pretty cool, not gonna lie."

"Huh, I don't know." Ranboo says, leaning a bit closer to Tubbo, a smile still quirking both of their faces, "I'm not sure if he likes me back."

Tubbo smiles and leans forward as well, "Hm, I think he is just too worried to make the first move."

"Oh yeah?"


"So, hypothetically, if this guy who I have been having 'erotic homosexual thoughts' about was here, I should just go for it and kiss him?"

At this point, Tubbo is breathless. His cheeks are dazed in pink and heat and he is looking straight into the eyes of the prettiest man he has seen. A man who, just two weeks ago, he had hated with a passion. Low lit passion that is, but still passion. That he was fighting about who got a better grade (which was totally Tubbo, by the way,) and thinking about how it was totally only slightly hot how Ranboo would tower over him and smirk down when he did get a higher grade.


Ranboo gulped, and the confidence he had had withered away a bit.

He had a chance. This is what he had been wanting for every time Tubbo would look so happy and confident throughout their rivalry, and Ranboo wanted to kiss that fucking confidence off his face.

He rested his forehead on Tubbo's, breathing hot breath over his lips.

All Tubbo would think about how he was so close, yet so far.

After a few seconds of gaining scraps of confidence, Ranboo gently cradles the side of Tubbo's cheeks. They leaned closer over the cart's wall dividing them, and Tubbo was getting impatient. He was needy. Just as he was about to do something, Ranboo, a bit more violently while still being gentle on Tubbo's soft skin, grabbed Tubbo's chin and pulled their chapped lips together.

They both were immediately in heaven.

It was messy, at first, but god was it fucking perfect. Their lips only moved slightly against each other, as butterflies flew around both of their stomachs and choked up their throats. Tubbo's lips were soft, and eager against Ranboo's, but they pulled away for a moment to breathe and catch their breath. Their heads still rested on each other, and the beautiful butterflies and flowers that were in their stomachs from before flew around them and rested on the shopping carts.

Light flashes outside, and they both look over towards the glass walls, waiting for thunder to be heard. It only took a few seconds to arrive.

Tubbo and Ranboo pulled away, and looked into each other's eyes.

Once more, as they always did, they laughed.

They laughed at how adorable the other looked. How their lips had gotten slightly redder.

They laughed. And they laughed. And they laughed.

And then Tubbo climbed over to Ranboo's cart, and wrapped himself closely into Ranboo before guiding his lips down to his. Tubbo's arms wrapped around Ranboo's neck and played with his hair, and the taller had his arms around the burnett's torso and a hand tangled in his hair.

This kiss was a bit more passionate, and full of love as the other one was. Ranboo led the two, controlling the kiss. After a moment, his fake fangs he had on for his costume bit lightly onto Tubbo's soft lips, causing him to whine into the olders mouth.

That's what the two did until Tubbo's laundry was done.

Kiss and lightly bite each other's mouth, making them a bit more needy for each other as kisses would trail across Tubbo's neckline.

By the time everything was done and dried, it was about 11 PM at night and their lips were swollen, along with hair tangled.

The storm still raged outside, and they decided to run back to Tubbo's car to get back home before it got too late.

As they ran in the rain, their hands were linked.

Ultimately, Ranboo ended up in the driver's seat and pressed one more kiss to Tubbo's red mouth while they decided to spend the night at Ranboo's house.

Ranboo's hand rested on Tubbo's thigh as he drove down to his house, as one of Tubbo's songs played over the AUX.

They just couldn't get enough of this moment.

The rain and thunder, the swollen lips and a small bruise forms behind Tubbo's ear, and Ranboo's fingers lightly gripping at the shorter's thigh and its soft flesh.

"So, Boo, screw your fucking parents."

They laughed, and continued to drive in the storm.

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