Chapter fourteenth

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Narrator pov

Paul an Ace were looking for Michelle they then went to her room were they found her studing for her test in health class when Paul put his hand on her back aaaaaaahhhhhhhh whoo calm down Michelle it us what are you two doing in my room we came to see if you are okay yea but i cant help this feeling i having Michelle said us two an it driving us crazy but are you ready for the next step Michelle. hum not really but i guess we can we wont rush you Michelle then they left then Michelle walked out of there room an went to the store for something an when she came back the guys were gone but she found a note dear Michelle we went out for a while so you could study for your test comeing up singed Paul,Ace,Gene an Eric p.s. there is a pizza in the refrigurater for you Paul made for you .

Michelle knows Paul and Ace are going crazy for her virginity but she not ready just yea she then went back to her studing then she fell asleep when the guys came back they went to Michelle room an saw her asleep then she woke up screaming it okay Michelle were here then she looked at Paul an Ace an cryed. it okay sweetheart i had a nightmare she said that i was rapped both Paul an Ace looked at each other an they hugged Michelle it was only a dream Michelle then went to her bathroom lock the door guys so your ready i cant study so might as well get it over with but we dont wont to get you pregnent Michelle look on the nightstand an they saw condoms.

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Michelle came out of her bathroom with a towle on an she saw both paul an Ace were naked you sure Michelle yea them come here we will got slow since this is your first time Michelle layed on the bed an they started to kiss her Ace ripped her towle away an he kissed down her neck while Paul licked her pussy Michelle could not hold back a mone while Ace was sucking on her breast then Paul slid his fingers in her to help with what was to come. she then sucked Ace dick while Paul sild his in her then he saw blood which means Michelle lost her virginity Paul fucked her until he came inside of her but he had a condom on he then sild out of her an Ace fucked her now while she gave Paul a blow job they keep at it until they could go no more.

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once they were rested they got dressed that was great Ace said Michelle blushed an they kissed her Michelle then striped her bed to wash the sheets while she was washing her sheets Eric came to see her Michelle did you,Paul an Ace finnaly yes Eric we did an he smiled your not mad no am to mad they told me. some day i wont to have their kids but not now you are on smart girl Michelle well i gotsome more studing to do once Michelle got done studing she wnet out back to the pool a swamfor a while then it stared to rain but she did not care but Paul,Ace,Gene an Eric did.

Paul pov

Michelle come in side she then got out an went in side are you crazy i asked her but she walked passed me to go change cloths then she came back into the living room an tod was laying on the couch when she walked in an he jumped down an ran to her hey tod she said an then she changed into her fox form an so did Eric for they were going hunting be safe you two. while Michelle an Eric were hunting tod was pawing at the front door no tod you are not going out side Michelle would kill us if anything happen to you i then picked him up an he rubbed agenst my neck i then saton the couch an red a magizen it was an hour or so before Michelle an Eric came back but Michelle was hurt.  

what happed Eric when they changed he said i was about to step on a trap but Michelle pushed me aside an it closed on her leg i then got it off her an we came back here i was her limp over to the couch an tod lick her hand an she smiled at him while Ace got the first aid kit an bandgad her leg thanks she said. me an Eric helped her back to her room an she went to bed tod came running an jumped up on the bed an layed beside her an we walked out of her room sweet dreams Michelle me an Eric said then we went to the living room Gene then came in i thought you an Michelle was hunting he said i then told him Michelle got hurt.

how she pushed me aside so i would not step on a trap but she asleep right now an tod is with her me an Ace was thinking the samething for we went to the out to her truck an saw the paint an fox decal was now dole looking we both smiled i called the people to repainted her truck the colors it is an redo the decal to good thing Michelle is a sleep Paul Ace said to me yea i know they brougth it back an it looked brand new again. when we went back in we saw Michelle on the couch with tod beside her an she had her headphones on an was reading a book on fox's so she did not hear us coming Ace looked at me dont do it Paul but i could not resisted i put my hand on her shoulder but the next thing i know am on the floor oh my god am sorry Paul she said my falt Michelle.

Eric carr pov

i could not help but to laugh Michelle had just throw Paul to the ground then she said oh my god am sorry Paul she said my falt Michellehe said Ace warned me but man that hurts then i said she did not mean to do that Paul i know he said you just scared her Michelle was so embaressed she got up an went to play her guitar . while she was playing i walked inan sat at my drumms we played our little jam then Gene walked in with Ace an Paul an they listened to us play then she stoped but i keep going the she joined back in an we countioned to play then the others joined us. 

while Michelle played she sang

i loved being a good old country girl

with dreams of being a rock star

an now that my dream came

i have found some good  friends

but i some times miss my old life

i still drive a chevy an

proud to be a country girl at heart

an when i look around i see

face i never thought i would

or have meet for i was just a

small town girl

big dream of being a


wow Michelle i said did you just come up with that yea i did she said an Paul,Ace an Gene were shocked that she came up with that on the fly that my cusoin for you guys i

then she countined singing

now my dream come ture

an i have a pet fox

that is all ways by

my side where ever i go

an i know my friends will

be there for me when i need them

for they are like family to me

an now am part of the

hottist rock an roll band

for my cusion plays the drumms for them

we could not believe her we end an i hugged her for she just came up with her own song then we all went out to eat.

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