5. Hidden Persona

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When the kind-of-expected unexpected happens, the best thing you can do is to quickly get yourself out of a mess and clean it up later.

So when Hyunjae saw Juyeon being pinned to the edge of the roof, the Butterfly agents trying to pull off his mask to expose his identity, he dealt with the pain in his side and the nausea he had, getting up staggeringly with a scary smile.

"Kindly.. get your hands off my partner, Vivi."

The said agent, was one step from taking off Juyeon's mask while the others were holding him down, but stopped to deal with the older male first.

The woman swung her fist at him, but was soon flipped over as Hyunjae caught it. 

"Who's next?"

The two security agents that were holding Juyeon down, left him to the mercy of another one as they got in their formation.

"Oh, not you two again."

The twins, as Hyunjae liked to call them, were Hyunjin and Heejin. 

And yes, he knew all of Butterfly's codenames and positions from a time when he hacked their main files. Sadly, not as far as their real names and occupations, but it was far enough.

The twins always fought together, using tactical formations to get rid of their enemies easily.

However, this was Hyunjae. Everyone in the mafia business knew of his skills, but only a few had seen it. 

Juyeon was about to be added onto that list, as he had already gotten rid of the weaker Butterfly agent holding him back.

The younger definitely could help Hyunjae with this, but who would pass up on a chance to see whether all the rumors about him were true?

"Juyeon, you're in for one hell of a show."

Younghoon was definitely right.

Hyunjae moved fast

It was in a way that an enemy would have no idea where to look at to defend or attack, as he knocked Heejin out, only in order to throw her onto Hyunjin. 

Hyunjin, however, flipped over him as he dived for her gun holster, effectively jabbing him in his injury.

Now, the older male was on his knees, a gun being pointed at him.

"Stay very quiet, Yeon. He knows what he's doing."

"I can't believe I have to deal with you again. Can you believe that Yves didn't expect us to kill you? You think you're so good at this, but look at where we are." Hyunjin said, aiming the gun at Hyunjae's forehead. 

"It's not that Yves didn't expect you to kill me. She just knew that you wouldn't be able to."

The Maverick agent leaned back, kicking the gun out of Hyunjin's hands and pushing her down to keep her in a chokehold, only until she wasn't able to interfere with their escape.

A clapping sound was heard in the distance from the one and only Lee Juyeon, who had one of the other agents Kim Lip on the floor next to him. 

"Thank you, thank you." Hyunjae bowed, playing along.

"You seriously have two different personalities. You were terrified of the speed of the motorcycle, but you took on three agents by yourself." Juyeon said, looking impressed.

"I only did it because you couldn't." The older male took off his mask, grinning.

"Maybe I just wanted to see what the rumors were about." Juyeon huffed, taking off his own mask before leading them to the sling. "Get on my back."


"Only one person can hold the belt. You just have to hold onto me tightly." The younger smirked.

Hyunjae simply groaned, before Juyeon bent down to let him onto his back.

"Hold on, Hyung~" He teased, before looping his arm through the strap, and sliding down the wire.

They quickly made it down to the other building's rooftop, lower than the one they were previously on.

The two agents were currently figuring out the quickest way to escape the area, before Hyunjae started stumbling.

"Wow, Juyeon.. we actually did it-"

"Hyunjae?" Juyeon quickly turned to the other, concerned. "Are you okay? You look pale-"

Before the younger could finish his sentence, Jaehyun's eyes rolled back, his eyelids fluttering closed as he collapsed, Juyeon racing to catch him. 

"Hyunjae hyung? Wake up!"

The injection.

The agent immediately lifted up Hyunjae's clothing, finding a large purple bruise where the chemical had been injected into him.

"What the hell is that- Younghoon, we need a medic!"

"What happened? I can't access the cameras of the building you're on."

"Hyunjae collapsed after they injected that thing into him. There's a gigantic bruise here."

"Okay, hold on. Just make sure he's breathing."

Juyeon breathed in relief when he found that Jaehyun's pulse was somewhat normal, slower than it should be however. 

"We'll send a van to bring you guys back to Reveal HQ, since you can't ride the vehicle with Jae right now. You probably know that.. we don't want to involve Sangyeon into this. Especially with what happened just now."

"Of course. I'll take care of him until the others get here."

The young agent had Hyunjae's head in his lap as aftermath questions raced through his head.

What was going on with his partner and Yves?

Why does he know so much about the other mafia?

And what the hell did they put in him?

Juyeon got up, getting the message that the van arrived. 

Lifting up Hyunjae, he took a good look at his face, curiosity creating flames in him. 

"Lee Jaehyun, who really are you?"

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