(A/N: outfit visualization is at the end of the chapter. it applies for the next chapter as well.)
[kevin moon's playlist]
now playing:
track 3
Hate by 4Minute
{mood-setter + background music}
"Juyeon! Do you have a hair straightener?" Hyunjae shouted from the guest bathroom, currently trying to "fix" his slightly curled hair.
"No?" Juyeon walked in, standing in the doorway.
"I knew I forgot something at home-"
Just as the brunette was about to ramble, Juyeon took the hair dryer from his hands, quickly styling it without speaking any farther.
"How- how did you do that?" Hyunjae looked in the mirror, touching his now, wavy hair.
"Maybe if you stopped filling your head with things to worry about, you'd see that the current problem isn't that hard to solve." The younger shrugged, checking out his own temporarily-sprayed black hair, styled as well.
"Oh shush. If you color your hair again, you're going to be bald." Jaehyun retorted, still admiring the unique waves in his hair.
"For the record, your hair looks really good curly, but if you truly don't like it like that, I can teach you how to not kill your hair with a straightener." Juyeon gave him an unbothered expression, but his words were genuine.
The older simply nodded, before turning to him. "Let's go then? You still have to teach me the fancy protocol and stuff."
"Very true. Not my fault you take five hours to get ready."
"Hey! I'm trying to make a good impression on your friends. I have to be worthy of my plus one status and steal the show from you. After all, you did have people falling at your feet during the gala." Hyunjae put a hand on his hip, dragging his snickering partner by his leather jacket sleeve.
"We're taking a motorcycle?!"
Jaehyun's loud voice echoed throughout the oversized garage.
"Yeah, of course. I can't let the others outdo me with their sports cars." Juyeon laughs.
"Sounds like you guys still act like teenagers, showing off your vehicles." Hyunjae snorted, getting on the motorcycle, leaving space in front of him for the raven-haired.
Juyeon gave him a questioning look, seeing him easily let the younger drive instead, considering the tantrum he put on last time.
"What? I kind of like riding in the back more." He gave the other a deadpan face, waiting for the younger to get on the bike.
"Look at you trying new things. Is this Lee Jaehyun's healthy lifestyle era?"
"Oh shut up. Start driving or we'll be late. You still haven't even told me what name to use."
Juyeon quickly mounted the motorcycle, revving up the engine and driving it onto the street, already speeding.
"First rule, we use our real names, just like in school. Especially you, because I'd rather not deal with either death threats or someone idolizing you. You're just as famous as me around here." The younger said shamelessly.
"I mean, they can't really recognize us without our masks, so that makes sense." Jaehyun shrugged after formerly hitting Juyeon's head for his words.
Juyeon nodded, dodging a few cars, swerving the motorcycle almost dangerously, jerky movements which lead to Hyunjae holding onto the other tightly.
"Who taught you how to drive?"
All the older got back was a small smirk, before the vehicle sped up even more.
"Woah." Hyunjae looked up at the expanse of the building in front of him. "That's what a club looks like? It looks even sketchier than an actual mafia building. Almost like how it would be if Maverick wasn't underground."
"You've never been to a club before?" Juyeon looks at him in slight shock. "Aren't you like- 24?"
"I've only been to the mafia related ones for missions. I never really went to an actual club..." The bright colors were reflecting in his doe eyes as they walked inside.
"Well then, welcome to a building of head-banging music, sweaty bodies, and alcohol that's actually pretty good." Juyeon held the door open, acting fancy for Jaehyun.
"Is that Juyeon?" A loud voice sounded, somehow, over the loud music.
"Of course it is! You can't find anyone hotter than him at a club like these." Another voice yelled.
The younger smiled sheepishly before holding onto the older's arm, guiding him over to the table of trendily-dressed adults.
"Juyeon! Who's that? I think we've finally found a person better looking than you-" A woman with short hair and bangs asked.
"Sakura!" Juyeon flushed out of the teasing, sitting down at the free side of the round table booth, leaving space for Hyunjae.
"This is Lee Jaehyun." He motioned to the older who was sitting beside him. "Jaehyun, this is the Black Dawn class of '98."
Hyunjae managed to get out a small greeting, but still very nervous at the people eyeing him.
"What are you guys doing? We have better manners than this!" One of them finally spoke up, scolding the others. "Nice to meet you Jaehyun, I'm Soyeon." The woman said, senses of charm and power hovering around her. "Right next to me are Harin and Jiwon."
"I'm Sakura, but you already know that because of someone here who likes to ruin introductions." Sakura stated, before sticking her tongue out at Juyeon, who raised his hands up, laughing while acting guilty.
"I'm Seonghwa, glad to know Juyeon actually has friends apart from us." A taller man teased Juyeon, who widened his eyes.
"This is a targeted attack! What did I even do to all of you?" The Reveal agent complained.
"You didn't tell us that you had a boyfriend!" Jiwon protested back, raising an eyebrow.
"I'm not his boyfriend, just his plus one." Hyunjae, who was bursting into laughter and finally feeling comfortable, said calmly.
"What a shame. You guys look perfect together. I can picture it!" Another woman stated, making a rectangle shape with her fingers, as if trying to put the two men together in a frame.
Before Juyeon and Jaehyun could react, the conversation had already moved on.
"So.. Sakura, Seonghwa, Jiwon, Soyeon, Harin, and..." Hyunjae tried reciting quietly, checking each name off of his mental list before he stopped.
"Dahyun." Juyeon said, completing his list.
"Thanks. Your friends seem pretty cool." Jaehyun commented.
"You are definitely going to regret saying that after a while." The younger spoke, in great timing as Soyeon had just called a staff over.
"Can we get some drinks? Clubbing when you're tipsy is my favorite thing, if you all remember that is." She looked around at the others, grinning.
"Don't remind me..." Harin facepalmed, groaning.
"She can't hold her alcohol for her life, and usually ends up dancing on a pool table, dragging Harin with her everytime." Juyeon whispered to Jaehyun, snickering at the memory.
"But.. no one's going to prevent her from doing it today...?"
At this point, the eldest was the slightest bit concerned for everyone's well-being.
"Never. I need a video of this for payback from when she forced me to tell her crush that she liked him because she was too scared."
Jaehyun simply nodded, fascinated with the high school drama.
A yell from Soyeon was soon heard as multiple shot glasses were set on the table.
"Bottoms up guys!"
She was the first one to down her shot, quickly taking another one.
Jaehyun shivered after drinking his own shot.
"What do they even put in these?"
"Welcome to the world of mystery shots, Jae." Juyeon didn't even flinch as he drank another one.
Shaking his head, the older looked around at the table to the others who had the same tolerance as Juyeon.
"I'm beginning to think they taught you more about drinking and partying than actual mafia work at Black Dawn." Jaehyun joked.
"Can't say that's not true." Jiwon laughed. "But if that's the case, Juyeon was the ace of the class then."
"Now you guys are just making stuff up." Juyeon put his shot glass down on the table, giving Jiwon a glare.
"We can't let you have a clean reputation with your boyfriend! He needs to know the real youuu~" Seonghwa slurred out, before bursting out into laughter.
"I'm not his boyfriend," Jaehyun grinned carefreely before taking another shot. "but I definitely want his reputation to be spoiled."
"I knew we could trust you Jaehyun!" Sakura got up out of her seat and leaned over the table excitedly to high five him.
"This was unprovoked.." Juyeon groaned as stories of his high school days were spilled into the air.
- -
outfit visualization:
(yes this is a screenshot from the tiktok ill link in the next chapter but just imagine all black, a leather jacket, black shirt, and ripped black jeans because im OBSESSED)
clothes + hair!
yes visualization was definitely needed for this because im in love with these jujae looks.
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thank you for reading!
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