10. Plus One

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Hyunjae had returned to the labeled, Domestic Life.

Of course, he couldn't have left it for so long without checking in on it.

Especially when mafia life had become so confusing recently.

His first stop had been to clean his penthouse, before walking to Fantasia Designs to give his last opinion on the clothes he had helped design.

That week, they had a large fashion show that would be followed by a gala. It was extremely important for the design company, and he would be attending it to display Fantasia's image.

Now, he was on his way to Dawn Cafe to meet his close friend, and fellow manager.

Lee Jaehyun was rich from birth as a result of his father's business, but since it was mostly illegal sources of money, he needed to find a way to disguise it for his life domestically.

That was why he had these two jobs.

A fashion label in his name, and owning a popular cafe.

It gave him a taste of what he missed whenever he visited his mafia life again, and it was a home.

A real home.

"Jiwoo, are you here?" Jaehyun entered the cafe, hanging his coat on a rack, as he heard a loud scream.

"Jaehyun!" The excited woman ran to the front of the store, immediately engulfing him in a hug. "I missed you! How was your vacation?"

Yeah, it was quite a vacation...

"It was very relaxing, thank you. I missed you too~ how's the store doing?"

"It's doing well as usual~ I even hired the young kids you told me about. They're so cute!" Jiwoo put her hands on her chest dramatically.

Jaehyun had given Jiwoo a list of young orphans that Maverick and Reveal had taken in, that wanted to start a domestic life for themselves. They seemed to be getting on well now.

"I'm glad. I missed this place. I'm just going to work with you for a few days, and then return it to you." He gave her a smile, before his phone started ringing. "Sorry Jiwoo, let me take this." 

He went into the employee lounge, answering the call.

"Hello, it's Lee Jaehyun."

"Jaehyun-ah! It's Seola. Have you been doing well?"

Seola was the host of the fashion event that he would be attending, and knew him well. 

She was a reliable contact of his- only for his domestic life though. 

"I have! Do you need something right now?" 

"Well, I'm required to inform you that everyone attending will need a plus-one. You probably have a special someone in your life, don't you?"


"Well um.."

One, he definitely didn't have anyone.

As much as he wanted a domestic life, his side mafia life prevented him from fully trusting anyone who didn't already know about it.

Two, he couldn't say that he didn't.

Seola was, of course, a reliable person. However, in terms of trusting her not to gossip? Not really.

In the business world, small things like having a partner or not highly affected his reputation.

He was screwed.

"...yes I do! Thank you for telling me, Seola. I'll definitely bring them... have a nice day."

Great. Another thing to worry about.

"Jiwoo~!" Jaehyun whined, walking to the front.

"Oh no, what happened this time?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Can you maybe pretend to be my girlfriend or something at this fashion show I'm going to-"

Jiwoo immediately cut him off. 

"I love you, but no. My girlfriend will probably get jealous and we both know you have no attraction to girls. You won't fool anyone there." She put her hands on her hips.

"You're so true, that I will literally cry." Jaehyun sat down, burying his face in his hands.

"Come on, Jaehyun. You probably have a lot of guys in your life. People would line up for you! You're a confident king, remember that."

"Yeah..." He finally looked up. "I'm a confident king, Jiwoo! I'm gonna snatch someone right away."

He was not a confident king.

"Younghoon, please! I'm too scared to ask someone to not actually pretend, and be a real plus one. It's just one night!" Hyunjae clung onto his best friend's arm, begging.

"I'm busy that night. Changmin's going on a mission and..." Younghoon rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"What happened to fries before guys? I'm a fry right here, Hoon!" The younger cried out.

"What's happening here?"

Younghoon's eyes lit up in either a 'Great idea!' or 'Please save me!'.

"Jae! You could go with Juyeon then!"

Juyeon looked at the two, confused.

"Jaehyun has a fashion show and gala to attend, and he needs someone to pretend to be his boyfriend because he's forever single and sad." Younghoon explained.

The younger 97 liner huffed, before punching Younghoon's shoulder. "Hey! I could get a man if I wanted to!"

"Ow that hurts!" Younghoon tried to pry Hyunjae off of him, as the two engaged in their silly fight.

"I'll do it."

The best friends stopped in their tracks, both looking at Juyeon, Hyunjae having an incredulous expression.


"I said I-I'll do it." Juyeon mimicked the boy's stuttering, shrugging. "I have nothing to do, and as long as there's food, I'm pretty sure it can't be that hard to pretend to be a boyfriend."

"Well then it's settled!" Younghoon clapped his hands together. "Have fun, you two."

Jaehyun gave him a death glare, before turning back to Juyeon.

"You.. don't have to do it if it's an inconvenience, you know. The people there are kind of annoying and hard to deal with-"

The younger cut him off. "I said it's fine. I'll treat it like a mission, yeah?"

"Everything has to do with the mafia for you." Hyunjae groaned.

Juyeon walked towards him, standing right beside him to whisper in his ear. "Well at least I'm not the one going to a fashion show to talk to rich old people."

'Younghoon, I will murder you for this.'


thank you for reading <3

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