Peter Criss #3

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E/C = Eye color

H/C = Hair color

"Hi kitten," Peter greeted, entering the dressing room. You mumbled a hello, flipping the next page of the magazine you had.

"Are you ready to go?" he asked. "Everyone is waiting."

"Yeah, in a minute. Where are we going?"

"Back to the hotel but I thought maybe you and I could have dinner somewhere."

Your face grew hot. You and Peter? Having dinner? That sounded wonderful!

But you denied it.

"No. I can't. I have to repair one of Ace's outfits. Did you know that he somehow tore it? Now I have to sew it." You closed your magazine.

"Oh." Peter blinked. "Well can't you do it later, Y/N? You don't have to do it now. I mean, we don't have another concert until--"

"We should get going." You stood up, heading out of the room. However, Peter remained in his spot, staring after you. He was confused by how you were acting. Why were you acting this way?

He really thought you would accept his invitation to dinner. But you didn't and that surprised him. He didn't understand.

Sighing, he walked out of the room. On the way back to the hotel, you were silent the whole time, and this captured everyone's attention. But no one brought it up nor did they try to get you to speak. They decided to give you some space.

"I think something is bothering Y/N," Paul spoke up when you left. You were the first one to go into the hotel.

"You don't say," Ace said.

"She rejected my invitation to dinner," Peter told them.

His bandmates stared at him.

"Wouldn't she have said yes?" Gene questioned.

"Yeah. I thought she would." Peter shrugged. "But I guess not."

The band was puzzled by this. You didn't usually act like this and when you did, it was rare. No one understood why.

"Maybe I should talk to her," Peter said, hoping that you would willing to talk. If you didn't, that was okay, but he wanted to know what was going on.

Your door was closed and your room was quiet when the drummer reached it. He raised his fist and gently knocked.

"Who is it?" A muffled voice came from the room. Yours.

"Y/N? It's me."

Silence. Then there was a sound of footsteps followed by a lock,. You peeked through the small door opening, your (e/c) eyes meeting Peter's brown ones. "Peter?"

He attempted a small smile. "Hi kitten."

As usual his nickname for you made you go weak at the knees. You bit your lip. "Is anyone else with you?"

"No. Just me."

You pondered his words for a moment, then widened the door. "Come in."

Peter did. He closed the door behind him. "Y/N, what's wrong? You've been acting strange all day."

It was true. Not only did you act strange after the concert, but also throughout the entire day. You tried your very best to hide what you were feeling, though unbeknownst to you, everyone noticed.

Especially Peter.

You didn't think anyone would notice but they did. So that meant you coudl only do one thing: to reveal the secret you've been keeping for so long.

"I'm pregnant," you said flatly.

The drummer blinked. "What?"

"I'm pregnant," you repeated. "And do you want to know who the father is? Take a guess."

Peter went into thought. His eyes widened. "No. Not--"

"My ex-boyfriend who left before I found out? Yeah. He's the father." You shrugged. "Now I'm by myself. I don't know what to do. I really don't."

By this time you were sitting on your bed glumly. Peter sat down next to you.

"Well we can always say that the baby is mine," he said.

"But that would be a lie," you told him.

"Who needs to know?"

You let out a sigh. "I don't know, Peter. Here I am working as a wardrobe assistant for you guys and pretty soon a baby bump will show and I'll be fixing your costumes when that happens. We'll be moving constantly, Peter. We're always on the road."

The drummer looked at you, moving a few strands of your (h/c) hair away from your face. "Y/N, don't worry. This tour will be over soon. You'll be able to rest. You don't have to be on your feet all the time."

He was right.

"And whatever decision you make, I'll stand by you. If you plan on having the baby and keeping it, I'll be the father." Peter caressed your cheek. "Whatever you want to do, kitten. It'll be okay."

You smiled at him. "Thanks, Peter."

The corners of his mouth turned upward. "Of course, Y/N."

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