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HARU groaned as her eyes fluttered open. the side of her head throbbed, she rubbed it in agony. her ears rang with the splitting pain inside her head.

"what happened." she mumbled, trying to recollect the past events.

everything that happened was fuzzy. she couldn't rewind to the past.

haru rubbed her neck. there was a slight tingling sensation combined with a burn, almost like someone had pricked her with a needle.

she stumbled as she rose from the ground. her eyes blinked to readjust her focus. she turned her head, looking around the new area she was in.

it was dimly lit. it reeked of a light musky odor. haru's heart raced. she dashed around the tiny enclosed space.

her hands grasped on to the bars, "let me out you fuckers!"

"there's no point."

haru turned at the sound of the voice.

"of course you're also in here." haru rolled her eyes.

"if i had a choice." namjoon groaned, "i don't think i'd be in here."

haru sighed, before plopping back down onto ground. she glared at namjoon.

"is it just us in here?"

"look around dumbass." namjoon ran his hand through his hair, "do you see anyone?"


"do you at least have any clue where the others are?"

namjoon sat still. he looked up towards the ceiling while his foot tapped against the concrete ground. he analyzed different possibilities to what could have happened.

haru narrowed her eyes, she rubbed her brow turning towards namjoon.

haru crossed her arms, "are you even listening?"

"i'm thinking haru."

"uh huh sure."

namjoon stared downwards, "no clue."

he shrugged. his lips curved upwards as he looked at her expression.

"you're such an ass."

haru's jaw clenched. her eyebrows twitched. it was just her luck. out of six of them she had to end up with him.

"then why don't you tell me where they are." he paused, "if i'm supposed to magically know as i'm knocked out cold."



"man i'm really loving life."

jungkook sighed. his lips pressed tight as he stared at the murky walls.

taehyung muttered, "so much for saving jin hyung."

yoongi went cold with anger. he scowled as he turned towards the others in the cell.

"i told you fuckers to listen to haru."

a vortex of anger swirled inside yoongi. he clenched his fists.

"look at where we ended up!" he howled, "in a fucking cell."

fury tore through jungkook. his stomach dropped. he boiled with anger.

"we would've ended up in the cell anyway hyung!"

jungkook's tone was laced with venom as he screamed at the elder.

"if we weren't caught, maybe namjoon, haru and jin would be here with us!"

yoongi was blind with rage, "but we're in a fucking cell with no way to escape!"

"how do you fucking know there isn't no way to escape." jungkook seethed, "did you fucking try, all your lazy ass does is sleep."

yoongi grabbed jungkook by the collar, "at least i don't go around inviting trouble as i fucking speak."

hoseok came in between the two. his fingers trembled as he pushed them away from one another.

"what the fuck is wrong with you guys?" jimin shrieked.

taehyung pulled at his hair. his eyes showed solemn as he stared at the two.

"at times like these we're supposed to stick together like family." taehyung glanced at the two 

with hurt, "but you two want to gouge each other's eyeballs out."

"do you guys think this is what jin wants?" hoseok whispered, "do you think namjoon and haru want this?"

jin rubbed his head from the splitting headache. the loud commotion wasn't making it any better. he wanted to gouge his eyeballs out. he looked aside him.

suho was sleeping. jin didn't have it in him to disturb the man. suho had gone through a lot.

jin groaned as he got up. his whole body ached in pain. as he took a step forward, needles shot up through his legs.

the voices echoed throughout the cell. jin's footsteps smashed against the concrete as he dashed towards the voices.

his heart slammed against his ribcage. jin froze.


the others turned towards the familiar sound.

"jin hyung?"

they stared at the blonde man for what seemed like minutes.

"hyung." jungkook's voice shook, "what the hell did they do to you?"


namjoon wrinkled his nose at the eerie silence. he had failed. his head was tilted towards the ground, wondering what had gone wrong. his stomach sunk at the thought of jin.

he peeked at the brown haired girl sitting opposite to him. he chuckled as he stared at her furrowed brows in sheer anger.

haru laid against the side of the walls. her lips were pursed as she stared into the ceilings. she couldn't take a minute longer with namjoon. she knew he was trying to piss her off.

"fuck this shit," haru mumbled, "i'm not staying a minute longer in this hellhole."

haru let her hair loose, digging for the bobby pin embedded in her ponytail. she removed the black hair tie in her hair, letting her brown hair flow in luscious waves right above her hips.

her fingers grasped onto the black bobby pin, distorting its shape.

"what the hell are you doing?"

haru rolled her eyes. she glared at namjoon.

"i'm getting the fuck out of here." she waved the bobby pin in front of his eyes, "and this is our key to escape."

"that's a bobby pin."

"are you really estimating the power of this beauty?"

namjoon raised his hands up in defence, "alright alright."

namjoon rose from the ground. he stood behind haru as she made her way towards the lock. he eyes darted left and right while she worked her magic.

haru stuck her hand through the bars. she stuffed the bobby pin inside the keyhole. she used all her force to move the pin around the keyhole, hoping to unlock the door.

"damn. this is seriously much harder than in the movies."

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