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NAMJOON tucked his gun into the hem of his pants. he looked at his old home for a couple seconds, reminiscing about his past. he took a deep breath, hesitant to enter his old home. his gut wrenched at the thought of entering.

"i'm going to go talk to my father," namjoon turned towards the others, "i need you all to find jin and possibly suho."

they exchanged uneasy glances, worry was etched into their chests.

"get the hell out of there as soon as you find them." namjoon's tone was laced with worry, "my fathers a smart man, he'll catch on soon enough."

namjoon sighed. he ran his hand through his hair. if only it wasn't his father, things would have been a lot easier.

"we can't use any devices to communicate. knowing my father there's probably a jammer anyway. i'll buy you guys as much time as i can, see you back at the car."

they nodded but exchanged no words. they watched as namjoon pushed back his hair, walking towards his old home.

"oh my god." jungkook peeked behind the corner, "he just rang the fucking doorbell."

"you're kidding."

"what a fucking scholar, that right there is 148 iq."

taehyung joined jungkook peering at the black haired man entering the house. jungkook held his stomach while he held back his laughs.

one by one the others joined watching namjoon pass away into the confines of the home.

yoongi slapped jungkook's back, "oi. lets get moving."

their footsteps hammered into the ground as they dashed past the house, avoiding any onlookers. their hearts brimmed against their ribcage with every step they took closer to the warehouse.

haru took out her gun, reeling it tight against her shoulder. she gestured to the others to follow her. they trailed behind her, taking out their guns, holding them in front.

the warehouse came closer to sight. haru pressed her back on the walls of the warehouse, crouching to the ground. yoongi crouched alongside her.

"haru. i want you to take out all the cameras. the rest of us will take care of the guards."

yoongi slammed his elbow through the window. it cracked into tiny shards. he weaved his body through the gaping hole. he was careful not to cut himself. it was pitch black. he blinked until his eyes adjusted to the surroundings.

"what the hell," yoongi mumbled.

haru looked around in the darkness, "it's empty."


namjoon's father welcomed namjoon inside. namjoon strolled alongside his father.

"to what do i owe this visit, son?"

hyunsik led namjoon to his workroom. he pulled the chair for namjoon to sit on. hyunsik made his way to the other side of the table, taking a seat across from namjoon.

"i hope you've thought over the deal."

namjoon rested his hands on the table. his lips curved into a faint smile. his only goal was to buy the others time. he would make up as many lies as he could, anything to save jin. he would do whatever it took.

"of course i have," namjoon lied through his gritted teeth.

his father dragged his finger over his lip, staring straight into namjoon's eye.

"then i assume you've picked the smart choice." hyunsik drawled.

namjoon let out a hearty chuckle, "then i assume jin and suho are waiting."

his father looked namjoon up and down. a sinister smile rose across his face.


"are you sure it's not the darkness," jungkook raised his gun.

jungkook chuckled to ease the tightening of his chest. there was no sight of anybody or anything.

"let's split up." taehyung suggested, "groups of two. and we'll meet back here."

taehyung grabbed jimin and went left.

"why the fuck would you take me with you." jimin whispered, "we both are bad shots."

taehyung shrugged, "just stay beside me."

their eyes darted from left to right, looking for a sign of anything in the darkness. they could hardly make out anything. it seemed empty.

jungkook and hoseok went right. they scurried through their area, scanning for a sign of life. their feet pounded against the floor as they ran in synchrony.

hoseok pulled out his phone, turning on the flashlight. he waved it around subtly while speeding through. nothing.

haru and yoongi went to the back end of the warehouse. her fingers trembled onto her gun. in the corner of her eye, she noticed a faint blinking red.

she veered closer while yoongi continued to scavenge for jin. a camera. haru tilted her head downwards, aiming the gun and pulling the trigger.

a bang sounded through the warehouse.

yoongi jumped, "what the hell was that!"

the camera fell into shards, dangling from the roof. the blinking red light dimmed, turning black.

"chill." she giggled, "it was a camera, don't worry."

yoongi took a deep breath, the air had left his lungs at the sound of the gunshot. they returned to the broken window, crouching down.

"there's literally nothing here. it's fucking empty."

the others nodded their heads, agreeing in silence. where was jin?

"is this some kind of fucking joke."

haru paced around the room. she tapped her fist lightly against her chin as she thought for a possible explanation.

"there's something not right." haru rambled, "i'm going to find namjoon."

haru walked a couple steps before stopping. she turned back at the others.

"don't move an inch. i'll be right back."


namjoon eyes darted towards his father. for a moment, they didn't exchange words. there was an icy coldness lacing the atmosphere. it was a still silence. tension was oozing between father and son.

"son." his father looked namjoon in the eye, "what do you take me for?"

namjoon titled his head. he rubbed the nape of his neck. sweat beaded on his forehead with the thumping of his heart.

"i'm not stupid namjoon."

namjoon held his breath. his heart rammed against his chest. he gulped, looking straight at his father. he avoided showing any signs of nervousness.

"do you really expect me to believe you came alone?"

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