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THE group split ways out of the cell. two groups. two tasks.

namjoon entered his father's premises with the three boys and haru behind him. he inched closer towards his father's desk.

"lets talk, appa."

he pointed his gun at hyunsik, resting his finger on the trigger. he walked in towards him ever so slowly. his eyes blazed, full of fire, overflowing in rage

he peered deep into his father's eyes, "game over."

hyunsik chuckled. his deep sinister laugh echoed inside the room. nothing was over, not yet.

"maybe." hyunsik mused.

the gun didn't have an effect on hyunsik. he was the least bothered. he could sit there all day with a gun pointed at his forehead.

"i might just have one more trick up my sleeve."

hyunsik grinned at namjoon, a sly smile made its way. he grabbed namjoon's hand with his right hand, pulling the gun in closer to him.

he slapped his hand onto the gun, smashing it out of namjoon's hand.

the gun clattered with the ground far away from the pair. that was it.

that was all it took for the room to break into a full-fledged fight. the guards stumbled in from the corners attacking each one in the room.

kicks and punches were everywhere. they were all fighting. yoongi, jimin, hoseok, they were all shoving guards with hits.

no one was spared, not even haru.

hyunsik's knuckles collided with namjoon's face. namjoon jolted back from the impact. he balled his fist, ramming it into hyunstik's stomach.

hyunsik's eyes narrowed. he gripped namjoon's collar with his palms.

"i don't need you alive." he stared into namjoon's eyes, "or any of your friends for that matter."

the twinkle in namjoon's eyes was yet to fade. this wasn't over yet. namjoon sent his father a warm smile.

"what makes you think i need you alive." he retorted.

namjoon cut forward. he balled his fist, delivering a swift punch into hyunsik's stomach. hyunsik stumbles backward. his insides burn in pain.

his grip on namjoon lessened. and with that, namjoon broke free. he swung his arm at hyunsik, landing punch after punch.

hyunsik dodged them. he swerved right then left. he ducked, avoiding namjoon's hits.

hyunsik's lips upturned. hyunsik always knew what he was doing. he was tiring namjoon out.

hyunsik didn't attack back till namjoon slipped backward out of breath.

hyunsik gripped namjoon by the shoulder, flinging him against the wall. namjoon winced from the impact. he pursed his lips tight, to avoid showing weakness.

namjoon connected his fist with hyunsik's nose. a loud crack rippled, hyunsik tripped backwards.

hyunsik's face twitched in anger. he jabbed his elbow into namjoon's diaphragm. he sent a blow at namjoon's head.

namjoon staggered from the impact. his head spun from the repeated attacks. namjoon's hand clutched his stomach. he coughed out blood.

hyunsik's eyes bore knives into namjoon's soul as buried more punches into namjoon's gut.

"it's kill or be killed, namjoon."

hyunsik charged at namjoon. he pounded his fist into namjoon's jaw, barely giving him time to breathe.

namjoon's unable to fight back. hyunsik dodged each and every one of his blows. he was much more skilled than namjoon.

"i won't die easily, appa." he spat, with venom lacing his words.

haru can't breathe. she gasped for air to fill her lungs. her back is pressed against the wall, using it as stability.

the guards were coming for her. she hardly has time to stop. she dashed from corner to corner, ducking blow after blow.

in her hazy vision, she saw four boys. four boys fighting for her. each one sent flying fists at their opponent.

they were bruised and beaten, but they fought with all the energy left inside them.

her heart hammered inside her chest. she needed to help, but she couldn't. she was hardly able to outrun the guards.

she turned her head, quickly scanning around the room.

adrenaline rushed through her veins.

she would fight or die trying.

hyunsik shoved namjoon against the wall. his hands closed in on namjoon's neck.

his father snarled, "checkmate."

namjoon's held in a chokehold. he lunged his fist into hyunsik's gut, burying him with punches. namjoon slammed his foot into hyunsik's side. he thrashed wildly in hyunsik's hold.

but, hyunsik didn't budge. he was still, standing tall and straight as a rock.

"you can't get rid of me this easily." namjoon choked out.

namjoon's face burned. he grabbed at his father's hands, pulling them off his throat.

but, it was to no avail.

hyunsik lunged himself back at namjoon, gripping his throat with more force. namjoon clawed at his father's fingers. hyunsik's hands closed in further. they closed in tighter.

haru needed to do something. she didn't want to sit and watch as all of them were willing to give up their lives for her.

no matter how much energy she had left, she'd do something. she'd fight till her last breath.

haru frantically glances around the room, for anything. her head rolled around for something to come into her view. anything she could use to help.

a gun. a black glossy gun, just meters away from her. it was in her reach.

haru took a couple of steps forward. everything hurt, even moving.

before haru's able to inch closer, a set of knuckles collided with her jaw. her head whipped back. blood oozed in tiny cuts from the sides of her jaw.

she was too slow.

she wasn't fast enough.

and as if things couldn't get worse she was tailed. more guards diverted their view towards her. as if they'd noticed the gun.

she had to get to it before them. she dashed across the floor. her hand was on the gun, another hand over hers. a stinging pain shot up her face. she wavered.

there was a metal irony taste on her lips. she wiped it away. her hand held a firm grasp onto the gun.

she wasn't going to let go. not today, not ever.

she pulled backward. her back hits the rear wall with full impact. a stabbing ache hit her. in her hand she felt the cold metal, she has the gun.

haru struggled to stand up. her legs wobbled like jelly.

she saw namjoon. he was gasping for breath. the rest of the boys are almost burnt out, faces sunken and dark.

haru held up the gun, her finger rested on the trigger.

in the corner of her eyes, there was more. more guards were coming.

a fist is lunged into her stomach. her lungs burned, full of fire. haru jabbed her elbow into their face. she didn't spare them a glance.

haru aimed the gun. she aimed it right towards hyunsik's forehead. her lips curved into a slight smirk.

she pulled the trigger.

the whip-like snap ricocheted inside the room. the bullet made an impact with something or someone.

it was silent.

then, there was a thud. and then another.

it was over.

hyunsik's grasp on namjoon's throat lightened. the light in his eyes was gone. his forehead gushed out blood. a bullet wound was etched in the center of his forehead. his eyes went dark and his face was pale, as white as chalk. he was gone, just like that.

namjoon gasped deeply, the oxygen he lost refilled his lungs. he was alive. they made it.

it felt bittersweet, however. the boys met each other's eyes. something didn't settle right. something was off.


she was on the ground. at first glance, she seemed still. but, her chest rose up slowly on an occasion. she couldn't move. everything ached.

namjoon rushed towards her, kneeling beside her. he gently lifted the girl into his arms, cradling her. namjoon intertwined his fingers with hers, squeezing her hands tight.

"don't leave me haru." he nuzzled his head into her chest.

haru smiled softly at him. black clouds were finding its way into her vision. she gasped, swallowing a deep breath of air.

"i'm okay joonie." haru sputtered out blood as she coughed.

"haru." namjoon looked into her faded brown orbs, "you can't leave me."

namjoon repeated like a broken tape recorder. his eyes welled up with tears as he cushioned her in his arms. he brushed away the hair over haru's eyes with a small, faint smile.

"namjoon." she croaked, "i won't leave you."

namjoon locked haru into a hug. he pulled her in close to his chest. haru moved in to hug him back, tangling her arms around him in a soft, sweet embrace.

she doesn't want to leave him, but somewhere in her heart she knew it was all over. haru closed her eyes, shedding tears escaping like a flowing waterfall. maybe, just maybe, she would make it.

"just make sure you take care of jimin, alright." she choked out, "take care of yourself also. for me."

she's hardly able to cling onto him, her arms lost more and more strength as time passed on.

"haru." he caressed her, "you're not going anywhere."

namjoon chanted like a mantra. his eyes glistened with tears as he held her tight, wanting to stay like this forever.

haru broke free from the hug. she looked up at him with a faint smile. she cushioned his face, pressing her blood-stained lips onto his cheeks, leaving behind a mere red kiss.

haru gazed into namjoon's eyes one last time. black stars settled into her vision. with a faint smile, her head lolled back and everything went dark.

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