Chapter 4: Bandana Waddle Dee

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Why is King Dedede following me? What does that fat penguin want? He is the one who threw Kirby off into the distance. 

"Guys I brought Kirby back!" Meta Knight shouted. He dumped the bundle that he was carrying. Kirby was seen snoring on the ground.

"Wait what?" I muttered. Kirby snorted.

"Also, I found a castle not far from here!" Meta Knight shouts.

"Can you carry us there on your wings?" the lazy Dedede asks. Meta Knight slammed Dedede with his sword. "Fine, we will walk there," Dedede huffed.

We walked along a twisty path that Meta Knight said led to the castle. Suddenly a tree popped out of nowhere and roared. Kirby who was peacefully sleeping on Dedede's hammer woke up. He accidentally swallowed Dedede's hammer and turned into Hammer Kirby.

"KIRBY!" Dedede yells.

"Murp," Kirby says, swinging his hammer. Suddenly, another hammer came to Dedede's hand.

"What just happened?" I ask.

"I made 100 copies of my hammer, and whenever I lose one of them, a new one comes to my hand!" Dedede says.

"Cool," I say.

"What about that weird Whispy Woods thingy?" Kirby asks, rubbing his eyes.

"I took care of it. Now, come on let's go, okay?" Meta Knight says.

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