Chapter 18: Twins

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Kion paced outside Priderock. He heard a blood curtling scream from Rani. "Dad, im scared. What if something happens to Rani!" Kion shouted. "This is her second litter, she will be fine," Simba replied.

Kion pinned his ears to his head when he heard Rani scream again. "She's ok Kion," Simba hugged his son.

A few hours later, Kion was let into Priderock. "Rani?" He asked. "She's ok Kion," Nala chuckled. Kion ran to her side. Rani licked his cheek.

She opened her arms. Kion smiled smiled he saw the twin cubs. One male, one female. "The male is the older one," Rani said. "What should we name them?" Kion asked. "I was thinking, Zar for the male," Rani suggested. "I like Zaza for the girl," Kion replied. "I love it. Zar and Zaza," Rani smiled.

(Zar 1 day old, Zara means, "Gold")

(Zaza 1 day old, Zaza mean, "Movement, Light")

Sawa and Raja came tumbling in. "I want to see them!" Raja shouted. "No I do!" Sawa pushed her younger brother away. "Oof," Raja fell the ground. He growled and tackled Sawa. He bit her ear.

"Alright enough," Kion chuckled. Raja got off his sister. Sawa stood up. Raja pushed her. Sawa was about to push him back, but Kion stopped them. "Want to meet your younger brother and sister?" "YES!" Raja and Sawa said in unison.

"Sawa, I thought you didn't want siblings?" Rani asked. "I changed my mind," Sawa shrugged.

Rani chuckled. She opened her arms to show the twins. "Meet Zar and Zaza," Rani smiled. Kion layed next to her.

"Their so small," Sawa said. She nudged Raja, "Why aren't you that small? You're my baby brother. You should be their size." Nala and Simba laughed at the entrance of the den.

"Sawa, that's not how it works," Rani chuckled. Sawa turned her head to the side in confusion. "You and Raja were born a few months before Zar and Zaza. So you got to grow, while they were just born," Rani explained.

"Ok. I'll just pretend I understand," Sawa replied. Kion chuckled. Rani yawned. She let Zar and Zaza nurse while she slept. Kion put his head on her back, and fell asleep as well. Raja and Sawa started joined their parents.

Nala smiled, "A beautiful family." "Definitely," Simba replied. He nuzzled Nala. They walked out.

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