The Classroom Caper

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In a quiet and orderly classroom, four friends sat together, their distinct personalities apparent even in their posture and expressions. Sabito, with his serious demeanor, occupied the desk directly in front of Makomo, who exuded patience and kindness. Muichiro, the air-headed and forgetful one of the group, was seated in front of Nezuko, who was known for her caring nature.

The teacher's voice droned on, but Sabito paid rapt attention to the lecture, diligently working on the class assignment. His focused gaze never wavered, as if determined to extract every ounce of knowledge from the lesson.

Makomo, on the other hand, couldn't contain her outgoing spirit. She leaned across the desk, whispering animatedly to Nezuko, who sat behind her. "Nezuko, did you hear about that new cafe that opened up? We should totally check it out after class!"

Nezuko, however, seemed completely zoned out, her head resting on her folded arms, the epitome of exhaustion. Her dreams must have been far more captivating than the lecture.

Muichiro, distracted from the lecture by Nezuko's slumbering form, began to wonder if he should send a message to Nezuko's brother, Tanjiro, to inform him of her current state. He took out his phone, casting furtive glances at Nezuko as he contemplated his decision.

As the teacher droned on about quadratic equations, he suddenly announced, "I'll be stepping out for a moment, students. Don't you dare cause any trouble in my absence."

This was the golden opportunity the four friends had been waiting for. Makomo knew she had to act fast. She leaned over to grab Nezuko's shoulder and whispered urgently, "Nezuko, come on, we need to go!"

Nezuko stirred, her eyes half-lidded, and mumbled incoherently. Makomo sighed and started to physically lift Nezuko out of her chair.

Meanwhile, Muichiro, still contemplating whether to text Tanjiro, looked back at the scene unfolding behind him. He quickly pocketed his phone and decided to help Makomo in her endeavor.

Sabito, ever the responsible one, continued to work on his assignment, not even glancing back at the chaos brewing behind him.

The four friends managed to get Nezuko out of her seat, but she was still half-asleep and uncooperative. Makomo had to practically drag her towards the door, with Muichiro following closely behind.

The other students in the classroom were too engrossed in their studies to notice the sudden commotion. However, their absence did not go unnoticed for long.

The teacher returned to the classroom sooner than expected, only to find an empty desk where Nezuko had been slumped just moments before. Suspicion and irritation crossed his face as he approached his walkie-talkie.

"Alert, alert," he spoke into the device, "for students snuck out of class again. Sanemi, it's your time to shine."

Sanemi, the notoriously aggressive math teacher, needed no further encouragement. He stormed out of his classroom, cursing under his breath as he embarked on his mission to bring the wayward students back.

In the corridor, Makomo continued to half-carry, half-drag Nezuko, who was now blinking sleepily, but still not fully awake. Muichiro was attempting to keep up while also trying to avoid bumping into lockers, his forgetful nature getting the better of him.

Sabito finally looked up from his assignment, his sharp eyes narrowing as he realized what was happening. He pushed his chair back with a sigh and got up, deciding that he couldn't leave his friends to fend for themselves.

As the four friends made their way down the hallway, Sanemi, the furious math teacher, came into view. His face was red with anger, and his voice thundered, "Get your asses back in class right now, you delinquents!"

Makomo, still determined to protect Nezuko from the impending wrath, turned to face Sanemi with a bright smile. "Oh, Sanemi-sensei, we were just taking Nezuko to the nurse's office. She's not feeling well."

Sanemi's expression shifted from rage to skepticism. He scrutinized Nezuko, who was now leaning heavily on Makomo, her eyes barely open. After a moment of tense silence, he grumbled, "Fine, but hurry up! And no more sneaking out of class, or you'll regret it!"

With that warning, Sanemi retreated to his classroom, muttering about troublesome students and the unending headache they caused him.

The four friends continued down the hallway, finally reaching the nurse's office. Nezuko, with Makomo's support, sank into a nearby chair, her eyelids drooping. Muichiro, still somewhat baffled by the turn of events, sighed in relief.

Sabito, now standing watchfully by the door, couldn't help but shake his head. "You guys are a handful," he muttered, but there was a hint of fondness in his voice.

Makomo grinned at Sabito. "But you love us, right?"

Sabito's response was a begrudging smile, confirming that despite their differences, these four friends shared a bond that couldn't be broken.

As the chaos settled down, Muichiro finally remembered his earlier intention and pulled out his phone. With a slight smile, he began typing a message to Tanjiro, "Hey, just so you know, Nezuko got a little tired in class. She's with us now, though. Don't worry too much."

The message sent, Muichiro put his phone away and joined his friends, ready to face whatever adventures the rest of the school day held for them.

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